
Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1469

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1469

Under the starry sky, all races have their own strengths.

It's like the Titans are physically strong and invincible.

It is also like a family of angels, with outstanding speed and extreme holiness.

And the Dragon Xeon, it seems... Some are unsolvable.

And the reason why this is said is because the dragon family is divided into three major veins, the dragon has both spiritual power and physical cultivation, the true dragon vein is amazing, and the ancient dragon vein is invincible in the flesh.

Of course, this is also the reason why the dragon race calls it the 'Xeon Race'.

Near perfect:

The three major veins are each the king in cultivation.

There is a reason why the Xeon race is called the 'Xeon Race'.

In the past, the Terrans were also able to be called the supreme race.

The innate Tao body, with all kinds of mysterious Dao methods, is also the best in the same realm.

If you cultivate the flesh, the flesh is sanctified.

If you cultivate the Divine Channel Law, it is the Law to become Venerable...

All are all ethnic groups.

This is the Xeon race.

Unfortunately, since the last era, the Terrans were abandoned by the sky and sealed, the Terrans have also declined a little, but they cannot be called 'the strongest race'.

That doesn't matter, though.

The point is that all races have their own strengths...

Among them, there is a race that is good at deducing heavenly machines and makes a living from this.

"Tianji Clan..."

In the midst of the whisper, a look of anticipation also appeared in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

The Tianji family, the upper knows astronomy, the lower knows geography.

Even, in this clan, there is such a method.

That is, the more you know, the more terrifying Vaillant becomes.

Yes, simple and straightforward.

But it shows the essence of the Tianji family to the fullest.

It is rumored that the Tianji tribe once walked out of an omniscient great existence.

He has insight into cause and effect, and even fate...

However, on the day he was almost omniscient and omnipotent... He disappeared into heaven and earth.

I don't know if it touched the taboo and was erased, or it transcended heaven and earth.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the Tianji clan is extremely terrifying.

Even Yu Ziyu is a little jealous.

Just, it's fine.

He had already confirmed with the Imperial Wing... Unless the Tianji clan has the masters of the five heavens of the Heavenly Gate and above, it is impossible to understand everything about him.

Moreover, the imperial wing also mentioned it to him... His destiny line is extremely chaotic, and it seems that someone has cut it off... Now that the broken lines of fate have become entangled, it makes it even more difficult for him to calculate.

So, theoretically, there is no possibility that he can be extrapolated.

Of course, one more thing worth mentioning... Having reached his level of existence, he would have sensed any reckoning about him.

If anyone really dared to calculate him, he looked for an opportunity in the underworld to cut him down.

And this is the so-called backlash.

In this way...

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care much about this calculation machine.

And now... Yu Zixun is the Tianji family.

If under the starry sky, who else can find the most suitable spirit beast for the Immortal Laurel, it is none other than the Tianji family.

"Excellent talent, no less than the Qilin family, excellent appearance, to please the undead laurel... I also want to cultivate the power of Taiyin..."

In the midst of muttering, Yu Ziyu also had some headaches.

This one, satisfaction is difficult.

Not to mention three.

Now, he also pinned his hopes on the Tianji family.

If the Tianji clan could find it for him, he wouldn't mind owing the Tianji clan a favor.

However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, the corners of Yu Ziyu's eyes also twitched.

"If the Tianji clan knew that I killed their former Great Elder..."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu's face was also strange.

Should he admire his thick skin?

Or should you admire your cheekiness?

Not long ago, the Great Elder who killed the Tianji clan even shattered the imperial soldiers of the Tianji clan.

This comes from the Tianji family.

Also offered to sell a favor.

Fortunately, the Tianji clan did not know that he was the identity of the Void Master.

Otherwise... Don't talk about helping to find spirit beasts.. It's not bad if they don't attack en masse ...

So... At this time, Ziyu couldn't help but think that one day in the future, what would happen if the Tianji family learned his true identity?

The Great Elder who killed their clan was another emperor soldier who smashed them... And then came to them...

Isn't this completely playing them like monkeys?

If this Yu Ziyu himself were a Tianji clan, and then knew everything, it was estimated that he would spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Forget it, though.

Just think about it.

It is impossible for the Tianji clan to gain insight into his identity.

If you really have insight, let alone spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Just wait for Yu Ziyu to exterminate the clan.

With Yu Ziyu's character... But all threats will be erased in advance.


While his thoughts were flying, Yu Ziyu was also walking in the starry space.

Fortunately, the Tianji family has forces rooted in the starry sky, but there is no need for Yu Ziyu to run too far.

Just like the first floor of the world, it is the external power of the shadow clan.

Tianji Pavilion is the external power of the Tianji clan.

For example, the sect recruits ten thousand races, thus making up for the vacancy of the power of the Tianji clan.

And now, Yu Ziyu has come to the Western Star Domain, the largest branch of the Tianji Pavilion - Tianyun Star.


A sudden roar, resounding in the starry sky.

Looking up, the entire starry sky ushered in a golden ripple.

Accompanied by a mighty coercion, sweeping the entire starry sky.

The stars trembled, and everything crept.

At this moment, all life felt the tremor from the soul.

"I am the Demon Emperor, come here to visit the Tianji clan, please also spread the word.."

With a chuckle, a voice had already sounded in the hearts of countless living beings.

"What? Demon Emperor?"

"My God, it's really the Demon Emperor."


One exclamation after another, but seeing the Heavenly Fortune Star, countless strong people were excited.

Demon Emperor, the first person in the starry sky.

The universe is honored, and the starry sky is starry.

Who doesn't know?

And now, he actually came to the Heavenly Fortune Star.

In the midst of increasing excitement, countless strong people raised their eyes.

However, what imprinted into their eyes for a moment was endless golden ripples.

Even if it is as powerful as the sixth order, it is impossible to understand Yu Ziyu's current silhouette.

And this is him, Yu Ziyu.

Contemporary demon emperors, terrifying.

ps: --------------- ask for custom ---------------

Ancient dragon, the flesh is honored, dinosaurs are a kind of ancient dragon, do not cultivate spiritual power, only cultivate the flesh, some are like the witch race... Has physical powers..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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Evolution from the Big Tree

Evolution from the Big Tree - Chapter 1469

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