
Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 128

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 128
"To say that we are small in number is to let us rescue more of our compatriots and strengthen the organization. "

And where are you going to rescue your compatriots?" the

corners of Jets' mouth rose slightly.

The next sentence of the master will tell us the answer.

Speaking of this, all the vampires silently recited what Li Xiuman had just said based on their memories.

"It's best not to be too conspicuous in White Bear City...... "

What does the master mean...... It's for me to rescue my fellow citizens in other cities and strengthen the organization!"

A vampire followed Jettes's brainstorming.

Jetters snapped her fingers.

"That's right. "

It's better not to be in White Bear City. "

Not in White Bear City, isn't that another city?" "The

master saw at a glance our shortcomings.

"That is, the number of people is too small, it is not a climate, and it is a small family.

"That's why the master sneered when he heard the White Death just now. "

This name, our organization doesn't deserve it!" Jets

pulled out a map, opened it, and pasted it on the wall.

"The location of White Bear City, located in the middle of the kingdom, has a large number of cities in the east, west, south, and north.

"These cities are home to countless of our compatriots who have been imprisoned and tortured

!" "The path that the master has shown us is on this map!" "

The master has not only seen at a glance our shortcomings, but also our strengths. "

There's another sentence in front of 'It's better not to be in White Bear'. "

The identity is also special.

Rorona replied from the sidelines.

"That's right, that's it.

"We are vampires, and in this world, we are destined to be excluded and incomprehensible.

"But we are also the most united!"

"Because, no one will accept us, except our compatriots, and our masters."

"Just save our fellow citizens and gather them together.

"In this world, there is no one who can stir up our relationship. "

This is the path that the master has shown us!" said

Jetters, after a pause.

"This is the path that the host showed us.

"And where the master is merciful, these roads are hidden.

"Because this road is destined to be a road full of thorns that can only be soaked in blood. "

This was also the choice given to us by the hosts.

"It's for us to pretend that we don't find anything, and only act according to the master's superficial will, and live under the master's wings.

"Or step out of the master's wings, grow, and become the master's wings and help. "

These hosts left us to choose. "


" "That's what I interpreted, but I'm afraid it only partially meant.

Jets' words made Rorona a little ashamed.

Obviously, he was the first to know his master, and he was given his real name by his master.

Now thinking about what Li Xiuman said to him before, I feel that every sentence seems to have some deep meaning.

And he didn't even notice anything, only understood the superficial meaning.

Presumably the owner was a little disappointed in him.

It would be nice to have half the wisdom of Sister Jets.

"If my master hadn't saved me, I'd have been in prison right now, enduring the torture of those vile humans.

"So I will definitely follow the path of the master. "

Me too!"

"The master's back is too lonely.

"Just gambling with my life, then I am willing to be the shadow of the master, and always silently support the master behind my back

!" "I am the same!" "

The master's path is already ahead."

"In that case, what reason do I have not to follow, thorns, blood, where did the master pick us up? "

Me too!" said

Jetters, looking at the bright red eyes and words of the night.

She said to herself.

Master, my compatriot did not disappoint you.

And I will desperately use these still bright eyes to find the path you are treading on.

Then lead them to follow.

No matter what's ahead, we'll follow you like a shadow.

"Isn't anyone going to quit?"


Jetters didn't say anything.

She just turned around and drew a circle on the map, and the location of the circle was the Iron River City that Li Xiuman had gone to before.

"The host had already paved the way for us.

"Working with the RUBI Chamber of Commerce seems to be a choice I made, but I'm afraid the owner expected it. "

The first step in organizing is money. "

The RUBI Chamber of Commerce is the channel.

"And Iron River City, the best city of blacksmiths around, has countless sophisticated weapons.

"That's our first step. "

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 128

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