
Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 138

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 138
"Well done

, Zero!" "This kind of goods is also worthy of your accosting, so you should cut off your grandchildren!" Through

the core of the dungeon, watching Zero coldly deal with a guy who showed his love, Li Xiuman felt very cool.

"What's going on with this old father's feeling......

" "Forget it, in short, how can I let others take advantage of the zero I worked so hard to pinch."

"But...... What the hell is that guy Fantes trying to do?"

Li Xiuman also tried to get Zero to approach the Labyrinth Sword to transport the human in the name of observing the patient and better preparing the potion.

But it was rejected.

This made Li Xiuman even more curious.

In order not to attract attention and vigilance, Li Xiuman did not let Zero try to approach again.

Zero has also maintained a cold iceberg.

In this way, it took a week to reach the fourteenth level.

The Sword of the Labyrinth plans to dispose of the loot in the shop on the fourteenth floor, then soak in the hot springs and stay in a hotel for a night's rest before setting off.

Naturally, Zero didn't need to go to the hot springs, so he refused the invitation of the members of the Labyrinth Sword.

This frustrated their attempts to take a mixed bath.

That night, through Zero's perspective, Li Xiuman saw the full picture of the human being transported by the Labyrinth Sword.

As he expected, it was a little girl.

The bare skin is densely covered with blood holes, and it looks terrifying.

Then, as if sensing something, she grinned in the direction Zero was looking.

The corners of his mouth were cracked directly to the base of his ears, and blood flowed down the cracks.

The pupils of one pair of eyes were also elongated, turning into demon-like vertical pupils.

"What's that!?"

Li Xiuman was startled.

But it didn't take long for the girl to be resubdued, tied up, and covered with a cloth by the members of the Labyrinth Sword.

Farah and the other members of the Labyrinth Sword also noticed Zero's side, but they didn't say anything, calmly retracting their gaze.


Early the next morning.

It seems that what happened last night has changed the atmosphere of the team a lot.

First of all.

From the time he left the hotel in the morning until now, not a single member of the group had accosted Zero.

Li Xiuman is quite confident in his craft.

Zero is so cute, and he doesn't even talk to her, this must be your problem!

The level before the 14th floor is not a threat to the members of the Labyrinth Sword.

It is also getting closer and closer to the exit of the dungeon.

Farah finally spoke to Zero.

"Miss, after leaving the dungeon, I hope you can come with us to meet Viscount Vantes.

"In the meantime, we hope you don't leave our team. With Farah

finishing, the members of the team vaguely surrounded Zero.

But the expressions were a little nervous.

During this period of time, Zero showed a lot of strength.

They knew better than anyone the incredible power that lay beneath this slender body.


Zero opened coldly.

"I can't thank you enough, miss. "

Leaving the dungeon, the natural sunlight shines down.

As a matter of course, Zero followed the Labyrinth Sword to the Manor of the Count of Vantus.

Li Xiuman followed him out of the dungeon.

If you leave the dungeon, you will naturally not be able to continue to use the dungeon core for remote peeping.

So, in order to prevent accidents, it is up to him to manipulate Zero.

Entered the manor.

The last time I came, I walked the tunnel, but I didn't expect this time to be just bright.

Fate is wonderful.

What a lot of maids

!Evil nobles

!How much gold is this ornament worth?!

This is a magic prop, and it's just used to show the time?Damn

, sooner or later, I'll have to find a day to loot this.

Through the picture transmitted by Zero, Li Xiuman watched it with an itching heart.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come in.

As the two maids pushed open the wooden door left and right, Li Xiuman also saw the real person of Viscount Fantes.

Blonde, bearded.

Youth has passed, middle age is not yet reached.

"I'm really troublesome to you.

Viscount Vantes spoke, then looked at Zero and continued.

"I don't know who this is?"

"Lord Vantus, this is the adventurer we met in the dungeon.

"Not only is she good at martial arts, but she is also good at potion blending, and the special potion she concocts can even cure that. Hearing

this, Viscount Vantes' eyes lit up, and he looked at Zero with an even more fiery gaze.

But then, as if he had discovered something, he seemed to be frightened, and showed a momentary panicked expression.

These eyes are like those of the woman!

" "This beautiful young lady, I wonder if I will be lucky enough to know your name?"


Zero reported the pseudonym that had been prepared for a long time.

If you don't have the surname Mantilde, that's good, that's good.

Vantes regained his confidence.

"Teri, I hope to be able to hire you. "


Vantès looked at Farah.

Farah understood and replied to the previous employment price.

"I'll give you fifteen gold coins a day.

"Yes. "


Successfully blended into the estate of Viscount Vantes.

And got a not small room.

There is no difficulty, and there is no crisis of identity exposure.

Sure enough, is it still too exquisite to pinch people by yourself?

And Zero's mission is to take care of the girl who was transported back by the Labyrinth Sword, and not let her die.

The maiden's name, Zero, was unknown, and both the people of the Labyrinth Sword and the Count of Vantes called her a sacrifice.

Sacrificial dwelling...... Or the place where the sacrifices are held, Li Xiuman is quite familiar.

That's the basement.

Li Xiuman, who was led to the basement by the maid, looked at the familiar scene around him, and felt a little strange in his heart.

He even passed by the place where he had made a hole before.

It has now been repaired, and the reinforcement circle has been inscribed.

Familiar with it again, it will only be easier to dive in again.

Why don't you find some good weather and steal this girl who seems to be important to Fantes too?

Forget it.

Thinking of the strange scene that happened yesterday, Li Xiuman gave up.

You can't bring weird things into the house anymore, this guy is obviously not like a vampire who can just feed him something.

When I saw the girl again, she was sitting motionless on the ground at this time, as if she was really in a daze.


Li Xiuman controlled Zero and tried to talk.

“...... Hello.

She replied with a wince, like a normal girl.

"I'm here to treat your wounds. "

What's your name?" asked

Li Xiuman, wanting to go further.

But the sacrifice fell silent again and did not continue to speak.

At the end of the treatment, I was not able to learn more.

The maid always stood aside and watched Li Xiuman heal.

So Li Xiuman didn't dare to ask too many things.

It seems that the sacrifice is also because of this, so they dare not talk nonsense.

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 138

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