
Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 152

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 152
No longer look at the White Feather Chamber of Commerce.

It's more uncomfortable to watch others make money than to lose money yourself.

"Hmph, the Chamber of Commerce that has been turned upside down like this will go out of business sooner or later!" Li

Xiuman, who was unbalanced in his heart, muttered so and left the scene of the White Feather Chamber of Commerce.

And Jetsie, who was dangling a red wine glass on the top floor of the White Feather Chamber of Commerce, saw Li Xiuman's figure with sharp eyes!



the master!" "Is the master here again?"

"Sure enough, in the master's heart, we are always a group of children." "

I've been silently observing in the shadows and escorting us!" Exclamation


The new vampire next to her, Kirette hurriedly asked excitedly.

"Lord Jets, do you want to invite the master in!" Jets

looked moved, but then shook her head firmly.

"The master is already leaving, so there is no need to bother the master. "

Moreover, the host wants us to grow up.

"This chamber of commerce must also be a test given to us by the master.

"The master has shown us the way, and today it has been proven that the direction he has shown is incomparably successful!" said

Jetters, putting down her glass and sitting back in her leather chair.

"How embarrassed am I to ask my master for more advice.

"I hope that in the eyes of my master, I can be his arm, not a child under his wing.

Jets glanced out the window, then quickly withdrew her gaze.

"The master's sublime wisdom, what step has he seen.

"I can't see through it.

"But as long as I can desperately decipher the master's next layout, and then follow the master's footsteps, it will be considered a success." "

Lord Jets is a visionary.

Kirette exclaimed.

As a new vampire, she was glad to be assigned an internship with Master Jets.

It would be very satisfying to learn the wisdom of Lord Jets and the ability to read the words of the master full of deep meaning and wisdom.

"Go check if there's anything wrong with the warehouse scheduling. "

By the way, count the adventurer team that came to talk about cooperation today, and leave it to me.

Jets had already recovered from Li Xiuman's "inspection" at this time and quickly returned to work.

After all, today's opening is a bit more popular than Jets expected, which makes her a little busy.

But Jets' ability is indeed outstanding, and it quickly and methodically got the newly opened White Feather Chamber of Commerce back on track and adapted to the large number of customers.

All this was also expected by the owner. "

I came to inspect just to see if I had made a mess

!" "I left thinking I could handle the situation!"


Jets, who was busy, suddenly reacted.

Is this the case?

It is worthy of the master, when the master has already seen this step.

Could it be that this time, Viscount Fantes's plan from beginning to end was not expected and calculated by the master.

After all, the owner did know about the monster incident in advance and let us make arrangements.

Viscount Fantes, who planned to destroy White Bear City, is probably just a marionette in the eyes of his master, and he ...... at will Fiddling with ......

This kind of control and foresight is simply terrifying.

"Master, it's really unfathomable...... "

Jets has begun to break out in a cold sweat behind her back.

I only saw a little bit of the master's arrangement with my shallow wisdom, and it was already so unbearable ......

And the owner who laid it all out ......

It's really reassuring to have such a master to guide the way forward.


"Twenty catties of beef

!" "Don't, that piece is too fat, and there are many tendons, you can't chew it

!" "This piece, just this piece, cut from here!" Here!"


unfathomable owner Li Xiuman was cutting beef in the vegetable market.

The bulletin board was sent out, and Li Xiuman didn't have to go to the nobles to be investigated by the ghosts.

Therefore, Li Xiuman, who was completely free, planned to cut twenty catties of beef and go back to celebrate.

Although he can't eat.

But make up for the vampires, and in the evening Rorona and Jets should come back for dinner.

Today, I will cook by myself and fry the steak! The master will cook by

himself, tsk, how can there be such a good master in the world!

Then go buy some spices and red wine.

Li Xiuman bought two barrels of expensive red wine and various spices for frying steak.

Back home.

There is no one at home, and it seems that Jets and Rorona are still working hard to make money in the dungeon.

It's really a good boy, Li Xiuman likes this kind of good child.

Jets and Rorona have evolved to the point of shouting on the moon, "One small step for me, one giant leap for my master."

And Li Xiuman's intelligence is still in the primitive stage.

Use magic to heat an iron pot to create a thick sauce and serve it in a glass bottle.

After that, the beef is chopped, the butter is melted, the spices are added, and the steak is fried.

Fry on both sides until browned, serve on a plate, pour the sauce over it, and cut the cherry tomatoes and arrange them on a plate.

Then fry the next piece.

Look at the plates of fried beef.

"It seems that my craft has not declined.

Li Xiuman then took out the lids of the plates, covered them with steaks, and then kept them warm with magic.

Then, waiting alone until late at night, Li Xiuman was still alone.

"It's kind of ...... What about loneliness......" "

Damn, why don't you go home one by one!"

Li Xiuman took out a communication magic prop that could communicate over a short distance.

I remember how to use this communication magic prop, and so, and again, barely operated.

"Master, is it the master!" said

the prop from Rorona's voice.

"Ah, it's me. "

Where are you and what are you doing?"

Li Xiuman wanted to ask if he would come back for dinner in the evening, but it seemed very undignified to say it, so he didn't ask.

Li Xiuman wanted to maintain his majesty and said!


fell silent on the other side of the communication.

Well, it's broken

?garbage magic props, they don't work at all!

"Is it still there?


"...... In, in, in, master!" replied


According to the instructions of Sister Jets, she analyzed the deep meaning of the master's words, and forgot to communicate for a while.

What does the master mean, what does it mean!

It would be nice if Sister Jets was here!

"I will complete the layout of the master in the future in Baijing City!" Luo

Luona said a word and directly silenced Li Xiuman.

What kind of city is the water? Where? What is the layout

? I can understand every word, but I can't understand it when it is connected together!

Damn, what the hell are these vampires? Why are they so abstract all of a sudden?

In short, it seems that this guy can't come back for dinner.

So Li Xiuman directly hung

up the communication magic props!"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Is the master there!


Looking at the communication magic props that were hung up directly, Luo Luona began to think.

What is the profound meaning of this act of the master, could it be that my current actions are very bad! I make the master dissatisfied!

I must use a new way of acting?

Yes, this is the Crystal City, which is more developed than the previous cities.

If you are bound to a previous way of action and experience, the situation is afraid to be ......

Tonight's operation is about to be withdrawn!

Rorona quickly informed the vampires of the other operations to end the rescue operation and prepare a new plan of action.

And their actions just helped them avoid tonight's crisis.


"Hey, Jetsie

?" "Where are you, will you come back at night?"


solemnly picked up the communication magic props from his work, and when he heard Li Xiuman's words, he immediately began to run his brain at full speed, frantically solving puzzles!

Why do you add "?

The master is not sure if he has dialed the right person?

How is it possible, it is the master

! There must be a deep meaning!

Yes, remind yourself to be vigilant, once you encounter an accident, this communication magic prop will be picked up by someone else, not yourself.

The master's first sentence was to remind him of this!

The second sentence asked himself

where he was?

How could the White Feather Chamber of Commerce, which the master had just come in the afternoon, not know where he was!

Therefore, there is also a deep meaning ...... here

Is it to remind the White Feather Chamber of Commerce where you are?

Remind yourself to be vigilant in connection with the previous sentence

! The master's meaning is to be careful that someone will attack him in the White Feather Chamber of Commerce! That's right

! The momentary victory makes him too optimistic and blinds his eyes

! The White Feather Chamber of Commerce is

so conspicuous now, it is very likely that it will be retaliated against by the jealous or his peers!

The master once said that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind.

As for the next sentence "Will you come back in the evening?"

The meaning is more obvious, the host personally called, it is impossible to just call back and ask himself to go back to eat, right?

It is to go home and accept the protection of the master and get through the difficulties of the White Feather Chamber of Commerce tonight.

Or stand through alone and face the danger alone.

is worthy of being the master, always so gentle.

Jets' heart warmed.

I will not let my master down, I must give full play to my strengths and become the help of my master!"


"Doodoo Dot ......"

communication magic item was turned off.

It seemed that my own speculation was not wrong, and the master continued to say other things, which also interfered with my judgment.

So I hung up without saying a word.

"Investigate the White Feather Chamber of Commerce immediately, if there are any assassins!" "The food should also be investigated, whether anyone has poisoned

!" "Yes!"

"Late at night, the White Feather Chamber of Commerce

successfully caught the assassin who had infiltrated

, and checked the food for the ingredients in addition to the magic synthetic poison.


"Master, I'm a little busy right now, I can't go back for the time being!


Master, I'm in Black Wolf City..."

, "Master

......" "...... you dialed"

looked at the communication magic item.

I looked at the steak on the table again.

Not a single person can come back, and most of them are not even in White Bear City.

What the hell are they doing?

Why are

they all over the world!

In the end, Li Xiuman cut open a piece of steak and looked at the oozing sauce.

"Busy, busy, busy, busy......


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