
Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 56

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 56
When the "master ......"

was about to walk out of the dungeon, Luo Luona grabbed the hem of Li Xiuman's clothes behind her back.

She hung her head timidly.

"Don't worry, no one will find out about you. "

Vantes won't take you back either. "

I haven't been found to be a skeleton until now, have I

?" said Li Xiuman, rubbing Rolona's head.

"This cloak will cover your face and no one will see you, I promise.

Li Xiuman saw that Luo Luo Na was still trembling, so he took out a spare cloak from his arms and put it on Luo Luona's head.

Rorona, whose face was already covered by a layer of fire-winged animal skin, was covered even more tightly.

Rorona grabbed the cloak on her head and nodded.

"Just follow me.

Li Xiuman turned around and walked out of the dungeon.

Rorona hurriedly followed and walked out of the dungeon together.

Feeling the natural wind blowing on his face, Li Xiuman's heart became extremely comfortable.

"Let's go, go to the Adventurers' Guild first, and finish the mission.

Li Xiuman identified the position and walked in the direction of the Adventurers' Association.

The adventurers who came and went around the city tower all looked at Li Xiuman in amazement.

Mainly looked at the domineering salamander king horns behind him.

"That'...... Skeleton

?" "He came out of the dungeon?"

"The one he was carrying was the Lizardman King's horns!?"


It's perverted enough to really defeat the Salamander King alone." "

The body is also covered with more than twenty layers of fire crocodile skin. "

Worthy of a skeleton boss. "


Li Xiuman didn't pay any attention to the discussion next to him, and walked straight to the adventurer's association not far from the city beacon tower.

Rorona, who was next to her, looked around in some disbelief.

"Master, are you so famous?" Rorona

looked up with some admiration.

It's obviously a skeleton, but it's really amazing that it's so popular in a human city.

"That's it, and don't call me master. "

Yes, master. "

Close to the Adventurers' Guild and push open the gates.

Li Xiuman walked in, the thick smell of blood on his body accompanied by the wind of opening the door, and rushed towards the Adventurers' Association.


For a moment, several adventurers who were drinking and eating meat couldn't hold back and vomited.

"Who the blew ......up the septic tank"

The person who spit out was about to scold, but when he saw Li Xiuman's sweeping eyes, he hurriedly swallowed the second half of the sentence.

What is deterrence?

As Li Xiuman,

who killed the nobles and a large number of guards in White Bear City on the street, none of the adventurers in the entire White Bear City now dare to provoke.

But at the same time, in addition to fear, these adventurers are also deeply in awe of Li Xiuman.

After all, when the street exploits adventurers, it is a threat to make the nobles who have been hated by adventurers for a long time be killed.

"Is it really so stinky......"

Li Xiuman muttered in his heart, retracting his gaze a little embarrassed and walking to the counter.

And seeing Li Xiuman retract his gaze, the adventurer exhaled.

That look just now, I felt like I was going to be killed.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the rumors, and being looked at by a skeleton was like facing a monster.

I really don't know how to achieve a terrifying temperament like a monster.

It's a humanoid monster.

He's pretty close to the truth.

"You...... Hey, hello, what's the need?" asked

the cabinet lady with a pale face, barely squeezing a smile out of her pretty face.

It was as direct as a monster's temperament, plus the smell of blood that went straight to the heavenly spirit cover.

The cabinet lady couldn't help but spit it out, and you can see how high her professionalism is.

It seems that in the wizarding world, no career is easy.

"Closing the task.

Li Xiuman, who was a little embarrassed, decided to speed over the task and then go back to take a bath.

"It is worthy of the legendary skeleton, it does not delay time at all, and it is decisive and decisive!"

This is very much in line with her inner vision of skeletons, but it tastes a little ...... Vomit.

And the smell of blood that went straight to the heavenly spirit cover of this old age can set off the skull adult's vomiting ...... Masculine.

It's disgusting...... It's a rampaging monster.

Li Xiuman removed the strip of cloth and removed the horns of the Salamander King from behind, and smashed it on the trading table with a bang.

"The character of the Hunter Salamander King.

"This is my testimonial of adventurers.

Li Xiuman then slapped the card aside.

"I'll take care of it for you. The

cupboard lady carefully picked up the card-shaped adventurer certificate, and then checked the horns of the Fire Lizardman King.

Li Xiuman watched quietly, but his heart had already flown back to the bathtub at home.

Go back and soak the fuck for an hour.

I don't know if there are soaps and soaps in the wizarding world, etc., but it seems like a business opportunity.

How to make soap, go back and discuss it with Tetria, maybe you can make a lot of money.

Oils, alkalis, ......

"It's worthy of Lord Skeleton, standing there quietly, not impatient at all, so nauseated...... Temperament.

"I'm afraid even if he's standing here, he's thinking about how to vomit...... Let's fight. While

inspecting the horns of the Salamander King, the cabinet lady looked at Li Xiuman with her peripheral vision.

"You've completed the Advanced Quest and you've adjusted your level to Intermediate Adventurer. The

cabinet lady handed back the adventurer certificate with both hands.

Li Xiuman took the card and re-picked up the lizardman king's horns.

"Are you willing to sell this material to the Adventurers' Guild?" "The Adventurers'

Guild is willing to offer you a satisfactory price.


Li Xiuman tied the horns to his back again, and left the Adventurers' Association without looking back.

Just as he was about to close the door again, there was an exclamation from inside.

"Skull...... Lord Skeleton, the door doesn't have to be closed. "

If you close the door at this time, there will be a risk of suffocation.

“...... Good. "

Walking on the way home.

Li Xiuman turned his head to look at Luo Luona next to him and asked suspiciously.

"Do I really stink that much?"

"No, the master is always nauseous...... "

It seems that there is something wrong with their noses.

Li Xiuman decided to believe in his own people.

Excellent judgment has always been his pride.

Back to their little home.

Push open the door.

After leaving for half a month, the small home has been covered with a thin layer of dust.

"Master, you go to the bath first, and leave the house to me to clean up.

"Okay, excuse me.

Li Xiuman dismantled the fire crocodile skin and armor on his body.

I could faintly see that silk was drawn between the armor and leather armor, and the innermost layer of underwear attached to the bones was even more glued to the bones.

"These masters can leave it to me to clean up.

Rorona hurriedly took the armor and crocodile leather armor he had taken off.

"It doesn't have to be too hard. "

Don't worry, master. "

I still have some strength!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Li Xiuman entered the bathroom.

After a while, the fierce sound of ping-pong came from outside.


Soak in the bathtub, grab the wire brush next to you, and brush the bones.

This wire brush is very good and can clean the corners of the bones.

Skeletons are highly recommended.

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 56

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