
Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 84

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 84
"It's an earthquake!?" said

the villagers in disbelief as the ground shook violently in a remote village.

They all ran to the open area.

The earthquake did not slow down, but intensified.

A huge stone tower burst out of the earth in the distance and towered into the clouds, with no top in sight.

Even these uninformed villagers recognized what this tower was.

"Castle Tower

!" "There's a new dungeon here!?"


"Is the countdown over?" Li

Xiuman looked at the countdown on the panel and turned to zero, vigilant.

It's going to be raided.

Li Xiuman took out the core of the dungeon and looked at the reflection in the crystal ball.

For the time being, there are no adventurer raiders coming in.

It seems that my dungeon has just opened, and it will take some time to attract customers.

That's a good thing.

Li Xiuman didn't want his dungeon to be very popular as soon as it opened.

It's going to be fatal when this happens.

"A little later to be discovered, a later ......,"

Li Xiuman prayed in his heart.

At the same time, he also seized the time to learn the magic knowledge in the memory crystal, hoping to raise the [Magic Analysis] to lv3 as soon as possible, and then learn to teleport magic and leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

At this moment, he had almost learned all the knowledge related to second-order magic in the sixth-order mage's engram.

It seems that as the [spirit] points increase, not only the magic power in his body, but also the magic strength will increase.

The hidden magical talent also seems to be improving with the spiritual ascension.

Therefore, Li Xiuman is learning the third-order magic in the engram.

Although he doesn't have the ability to cast third-order magic now, it is also beneficial for him to learn the theory of third-order magic in advance.

It's just hard to learn.

Just when Li Xiuman learned the critical moment, a bright light flashed in the memory crystal.

Li Xiuman was immediately attracted to the projection of the first layer of the engram.

At this moment, this dungeon ushered in its first time.

Two sturdy adventurers enter this dungeon.

The level is not high, only the level of lv8.

"With this level of trash fish, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Li Xiuman breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that the kind of big guy who was dozens of levels would suddenly penetrate the dungeon and sacrifice him with his teeth.

However, from the perspective of the dungeon boss, observe the ...... the invaders raid their own dungeon

Once you get used to this setting, it's really emotional.

Under Li Xiuman's observation, the two adventurers took out the map and began to explore while depicting it.

Soon, the two adventurers encountered the first-tier mobs, the low-level skeletons of lv1.

It was easily solved.

Li Xiuman watched the two guys explore while chopping melons and vegetables to solve the low-level skeletons, and lost interest for a while.

An opponent of this magnitude, it is not worth wasting time to observe.

If you have this time, you might as well continue to learn magic and hurry up and leave.

Li Xiuman clearly knew that this dungeon was only twenty-three floors.

In front of the real high-level adventurers and adventurer squads, it won't be long before they will be attacked.

At that time, with his current weak state, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Hurry up and develop.


"Is this new dungeon mainly skeleton-based monsters......" "

It seems that it is more advantageous to explore this dungeon and equip it with blunt weapons. "

The Raiders boss needs to bring light sacrifices. In

the dungeon, two strong men are exploring and recording their experiences.

As we all know, the skeleton species is most afraid of beating injuries and holy light caused by blunt objects.

Li Xiuman, who was secretly observing: It

seems that I can't let you go now.

Although Li Xiuman had relied on his super high physique before, he made up for the weakness of blunt weapon critical hits.

But the Light was something he had always feared.

There is no way, as a skeleton species, the weak holy light is destined to be unavoidable.

Besides, his current pitiful 2-point physique has little resistance to blunt weapons.

However, the skeleton species also has the advantages of the skeleton species, such as the high resistance of arrows through sharp weapons, and it is difficult to seriously injure.

Hearing that this group of guys wanted to bring in the light sacrifice that he was most afraid of, Li Xiuman couldn't bear it.

"Wait. "

If these two guys who came in the first batch die here, wouldn't it be passed on to the outside world, isn't it dangerous here......"

Li Xiuman didn't want to wake up full of big men tomorrow morning because he attracted the attention of the big guy.

So, these two guys, they can be killed but they can't be killed.

It's so tangled.

Li Xiuman finally decided to give up his careful thinking.

The light sacrifice is the light sacrifice, find a way to play with the yin, and kill the light sacrifice first.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuman buried himself in the ocean of knowledge with some self-defeat.

The knowledge of third-order magic, if it is an ordinary second-order magician, there is no possibility of understanding it at all.

However, with the spiritual points far beyond the same level, coupled with the blessings of [Magic Analysis Lv2] and [Gorem Lv2], Li Xiuman has mastered several third-order magic during this time.

It's just that due to the restriction of the level, he can't use the third-order magic.

This is a hardware substandard.

However, the few third-order magic techniques that he understood greatly improved Li Xiuman's magical attainments.

He could feel that he was not far from [Magic Analysis Lv3].


It's been a week since the dungeon opened.

With more and more adventurers, the dungeon has also been raided to the eighth floor.

Li Xiuman also knew that his dungeon had been given a nice name through the secret peeping screen of the dungeon.

It's called the "Tomb of Bones".

"Please slow down, one layer a day, there is no liver like you.

"This dungeon is only 23 floors, so I can't stand your hoops.

Li Xiuman looked at the layers of dungeons that had been attacked.

It's in the eyes, and it's in the heart.

If this continues, it won't take more than a month for this group of Liver Emperors to push open their doors and knock off their heads.

"We have to find a way to get them in the way.

Li Xiuman took out the core of the dungeon and disrupted the eight-story labyrinth that had been attacked.

It will also slow down their exploration a bit.

But that's not enough.

Li Xiuman looked at the core of the dungeon in his hand, and explored the front few at the moment.

It's this group of guys, who sleep less than six hours a day.

In addition to sleeping, attack the dungeon.

And the level is not low, the highest one, has a level of lv20.

Fortunately, the monsters in this dungeon are all skeletons, so there is no way to hunt them for food.

This forced them to bring their own dry food, and regular transportation of dry food also slowed down their exploration.

Therefore, this group of model workers must be arrested and brutally abused.

Li Xiuman held the dungeon core in one hand and a magic wand in the other.


teleported precisely behind the Raider's criminal guy on the 8th floor.


"Your grandfather!" flicked

the wand up with precision.

Just a bright sacrifice, the crispy skin in the crispy, eat me a stick.

...... It didn't work.

it, forget about Power 2!

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Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton

Evolution, starting from becoming a skeleton - Chapter 84

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