
Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 63

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Fairy Tail: One is God

Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 63
Lucy's jaw almost fell to the ground, holding her head and saying in shock: "It's so big!"

"What kind of star spirit is this?!"

Ank raised the key in his hand and said, "This is the key to the zodiac belonging to the thirteenth house that should not exist, Ophiuchus!" "

Ophiuchus?" Lucy was stunned for a moment.

This star spirit, Lucy still heard about it from her mother.

The hidden 13th house of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, has the power above the zodiac, and is also a cursed forbidden star spirit.

Lucy originally thought that what her mother said many years ago was just a legend, after all, Ophiuchus has not been alive for a long time....

Unexpectedly, today, Lucy saw this terrifying star spirit so truly.

Bora and his men looked at the mechanical giant snake covering the sky in amazement, and almost fainted on the spot!

"Over! Don't let any of them go, throw them all ashore!

Anker shouted at the giant snake in the air.

Overukus's snake pupils contracted slightly, and his huge tail struck towards the ship, rolled up the cruise ship, and threw it out stunned!

Above the cruise ship, there was a group of terrified shouts and roars.

Naz: Ahh

The huge waves lifted Anke, Lucy and Harpy like faithful servants, and returned them peacefully to shore.

The explosion of the cruise ship produced a huge area of flames, and in an instant, the ground on the shore was charred black.

The gray-faced Bora struggled to crawl out of the fragments of the hull, looking at the snakes in the distant sky in fear, and could not regenerate the slightest resistance in his heart.

At this moment, Lucy suddenly slammed her head and said, "It's broken, Natsu is still in the fire, he won't be burned to death, right?!" Hearing

this, Anke and Harpy turned their heads in tacit agreement and looked at Lucy with neurotic eyes.

"You're so humorous." Harpy couldn't help it for a while, and said quietly.


Normal people fall into that fierce sea of fire, it is difficult not to die, but what is your reaction?

Lucy was puzzled.

Anker patted Lucy's shoulder in understanding and explained, "Don't worry, Natsu is quite a strong wizard, and he can't fill his stomach with this ignition." "

Lucy scratching her head and filling her stomach? What is this adjective?

It didn't take long for Lucy's doubts to be answered.

I saw the sea of fire that was burning more and more, as if he suddenly found a catharsis, desperately rushing towards an opening...

No, it seems that those raging flames are more like a last resort, directly attracted to the past!

"You say, you're a wizard of Fairy Tail, aren't you?"

In the monstrous firelight, a tall figure was faintly reflected in the orange-red flame light, like a fierce beast walking in flames.

Pola's calf snorted, as if he had seen a ghost, pointing at the person in the flames and yelling: "Who is it!" How could you still be alive?!

Before Bora finished speaking, the flames that had been raging on the shore had been sucked clean in just a few seconds!


Natsu opened his mouth wide, his mouth was steaming, his eyes stared at Pola sharply, and said in a deep voice:

"Raise your head and let me see your face!"

The momentum on Natsu's body became more and more furious, he stretched out his hand, pulled off the long-sleeved coat, his eyes seemed to burn with fire, and roared:

"I am Natsu of Fairy Tail!" I've never heard of you as one! This

roar was like a bell that struck everyone present.

In the bright white moonlight, Natsu's exposed shoulders and fiery red goblin patterns seemed to dance in the night.

"Natsu... Is it the Magi of Fairy Tail?!

Lucy was frightened by Natsu's words again, and the guild members who were in her heart were already around!

Anker lifted the clothes on his forearm, revealing the black goblin, and whispered: "Me and Natsu, as well as Harpy, are all wizards of Fairy Tail.

"And the reason why the fire just now is ineffective against Natsu is because he is a user of dragon killing magic."

Before the words fell, Natsu had already raised his hands to his mouth, rolled into a tube, and the scarlet magic array suddenly erupted, and a strong flame shot out from Natsu's mouth!

Roar of the fire dragon!

The overwhelming heat hit, and Bora quickly jumped out of her despair mood, and then harnessed the purple flames and flew into the air.

And his subordinates were not so lucky, just a roar and breath, those strong men were burned and shouted....

However, Natsu had no intention of stopping, his fists slammed into his chest, and then his arms burned with Chiyan, and he caught up with Bora with great momentum, and there was another one-sided beating.

Lucy was stunned, unable to believe her eyes: "One moment to breathe fire, the next to fight with fire, what I see now, is it really magic?"

Anker nodded, simply acting as an interpreter, and a magnetic voice sounded: "The dragon's lungs will blow flames, the dragon's scales will dissolve the flames, and the dragon's claws will catch the flames..." "

Dragon killing magic is an ancient mysterious magic that transforms your body into the physique of a dragon, that is, primeval magic!"

Lucy blinked, and said in a cold sweat: "I haven't heard of it at all..."

Anker turned his back on his hand, leisurely watched Natsu and Bora fighting, and said: "Actually, it is a kind of magic used by the previous Magi to meet dragons."

"This magic was taught to Natsu by Natsu's adoptive father, that is, Ignier."

Lucy finally recognized the horror of Fairy Tail and muttered, "This is the real fire dragon... Real Fairy Tail

..." "But..." "It's

going too far!"

Lucy looked at Pola, who was knocked unconscious by Natsu, and the street that was blown apart alive, and her soul was almost frightened.

Natsu threw the half-dead Bora aside, spewing a cloud of fire from his nose, and croaked and laughed: "It's comfortable now."

Anke looked up into the distance, and sure enough, there were already groups of soldiers from the town surrounding him.

Lucy had never seen such a scene, and suddenly panicked, but Natsu was not surprised, looking very experienced.

Natsu greeted Harpy and said excitedly: "Okay Harpy, let's go!"

Lucy was hesitating when Natsu suddenly rushed over and took her hand.

"Hey?" Lucy was startled and quickly looked at Natsu.

Natsu's smile was warm like sunshine, and he said enthusiastically: "'We are miserable, run away!'"

"But why should I run too?!"

Natsu smiled brightly and said of course, "Aren't you going to join Fairy Tail?"

Lucy was stunned.

Then, as if she had guessed something, she unconsciously held her breath, and a moment later, she heard the teenager in front of her, who was as hot as summer

, grinning brightly and saying, "Let's go together!"

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Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 63

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