
Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 64

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Fairy Tail: One is God

Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 64
Looking at the two people fleeing for their lives, Anke, as an audience, watched quite realistically from the sidelines.

Natsu's invitation to Lucy to join the guild is the beginning of the story of this world, and it is also the prelude to the touching and painful future goblins.

So in the original book, it seems that Natsu is quite dashing, but in reality... Nazna is quite embarrassing.

The king's soldiers eventually surrounded the fleeing Natsu and Lucy, and in the end, it was Anker who secretly brushed his face to get rid of those people...

Of course, the main thing is that he promised to guarantee that the damaged streets and buildings will bear the compensation ....

No way, in this regard, it is indeed Natsu who does not do it authentically.

Over the years, Makarov has deliberately been exercising Anke's ability to deal with the affairs of the guild, so he knows very well what to do about these things....

But Anker didn't blame Natsu.

According to Makarov's teachings, when the sky falls with him on top, children only need to relax their minds, maintain their character, and walk the path they think.

According to Anke's idea... It's not that it hurts people, the street will blow up, anyway... The president also has to write a letter of repentance to apologize for the compensation.

In short, he and the guild president were not blind, they saw it very thoroughly, and the demon tail was targeted, but not only because of these so-called troubles, damage to public property and other broken things....

After dealing with Harugion's follow-up, Anke and Natsu led the newcomer Lucy and finally embarked on the road back to the guild.

On the way, Natsu was visibly puffy.

Lucy, who was walking beside Natsu, saw this and asked Anke with some unease: "What's wrong with him?"

Anker shook his head, and Harpy, who was floating in mid-air, raised his small paws and said positively: "Natsu didn't find Ignir, and now he is angry!"

Lucy sweated violently, "How thick is this reflex nerve, only now I'm starting to get angry..."

This is Natsu! Harpy laughed deservedly.

Lucy looked at Anke, who covered her face, hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help but be curious and said: "Mr. Anke, are you also a Star Spirit Wizard?"

Anker heard Lucy's somewhat rusty greeting, and converged the terrifying pressure on his body by half a point, and said:

"Call me Anke, I can only be regarded as a half-way out of the house Star Spirit Magic Guide, because I only have one Star Spirit."

Seeing that Anker said such a long word, Lucy was relieved in her heart, and said with some joy:

"Mr. Anke's star spirit, is it really the legendary thirteenth house of the ecliptic, Ophiuchus?"

"I heard that Ophiuchus is a super powerful star spirit that surpasses the zodiac, which is rarer than the twelve golden keys!"

Talking about the topic she was good at, Lucy's words suddenly became more, and she asked endlessly.

Anke took out the black gold key of Ophiuchus and explained:

"It is not realistic to be above the zodiac, this star spirit is different from the other zodiac, and her combat power is related to the master's magic."

Seeing Lucy's look of understanding, Anker wanted to find a topic, so he asked: "What about you, how many star spirits have you signed?"

Lucy thought for a moment, wrenched her finger and said, "There are three star spirits in the zodiac, and there are four ordinary star spirits... If you add the keys you sold me earlier, there are five.

Anker nodded and couldn't help but sigh.

This is perhaps the biggest difference between him and Lucy.

Lucy calls the star spirits "bits", and she genuinely treats these star spirits as friends.

And Anker treats Over... It's good though.

But...... Every time you summon, it's a bit like summoning a tool man.

Although Lucy is not strong in battle, as a Star Spirit Magic Guide, she is definitely qualified.

There is also the super magic "Star Map History" of the Star Spirit System, this kind of magic that ordinary Star Spirit Magi cannot master in this life, and only Lucy has used it.

In terms of the profession of Star Spirit Wizard alone, Lucy in the Celestial Wolf Island period was already the peak of Star Spirit Wizard.

Along the way, several people passed the time with talk and laughter, and the distance between each other became closer.

And Natsu's attitude towards Lucy seems to be very special, obviously not long after the first meeting, his attitude towards Lucy is much more amicable than to Lisana....

Anker scratched his head curiously.

It is clear that Lisanna and Natsu are childhood sweethearts, but why can Lucy be so compatible with Natsu, who is five big and three thick...

Is it really a childhood sweetheart who can't withstand the sky?

Anke was thinking about it all the way, until the three of them and a cat got on the return train, and the atmosphere suddenly stopped a lot.

Mainly because, some indisputable vomited again and fainted ....

After getting out of the car, Anker led Lucy to the gate of the Demon Tail Guild with his arms pulled and listless.

"Wow!! It's so beautiful!

Lucy carried her luggage and looked happily at the guild in front of her for some years.

This guild is located in the very center of the town of Magnolia, which shows what kind of role this guild plays in the city.

In the wizarding world and guilds, the first famous and the most powerful, this is Fairy Tail, the strongest guild in Fiore today!!

Lucy's eyes were red, and she said to herself with emotion: "I can actually join

the fairy tail..." Anker saw the excited Lucy, and looked up at the fairy pattern in front of the guild gate, and suddenly remembered the feeling in his heart when he first joined the guild.

Anker couldn't help but mutter,

"Goblin... Is there a tail, continue to chase, does the goblin itself really exist?

"These are all mysteries, they are all forever unknown, and we, as members of this name, will always have adventures waiting for us."

"This passage must be the origin of the name of our guild."

Lucy sighed with emotion and said with a smile: "So it is, I like this name..."

In fact, the meaning of the name of the guild, Anker also guessed by himself.

However, that's probably what it means....

Lucy took a deep breath and was about to step forward and knock on the door, when suddenly a small pink whirlwind hit, followed by a loud bang!


"We're back!"

Natsu kicked the heavy door to smash and roared with excitement, and Harpy flew around him without hesitation.

Lucy's hand that was about to knock froze in the air....


could it be that you don't understand the rules?

This door... So you have to kick?

The people in the house saw that the gate took off inexplicably, and they looked calm and calm, but instead smiled and said hello to Natsu.

Lucy, who was messy in the wind, widened her eyes and stood in place.

Everyone, did you have no reaction to the murder of the gate?

Natsu rushed into the guild and ran towards a place, and Lucy thought he was going to hug a friend when there was another loud bang!


Natsu punched out violently, and the buddy who was greeting him was beaten on his back, and even the person with the table flew out on the spot!

"Abominable! Blame you for saying that Ignir is in Harugion and letting me run for nothing!

Natsu jumped up angrily and shouted cursingly.

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Fairy Tail: One is God

Fairy Tail: One is God - Chapter 64

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