
Global power: I control all elements - Chapter 81

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Global power: I control all elements

Global power: I control all elements - Chapter 81
Seeing the confident look on Lin Jianhao's face, Shangguan Yunyang and others were confused.

Is it possible that the beast tide in Ice Moon City really has nothing to do with the Lin family?

Shangguan Yunyang and Wei Qing looked at each other

"Lin Jianhao, put aside the beast tide issue for now. What about the secret deal between your Lin family and Zhou Changtong?"

It is a felony to create a swarm of beasts and attack human cities. It is also a felony to secretly trade with wanted criminals.

In the video, Lin Zhongyue and Zhou Changtong traded the Ice God Fruit, which was played clearly.

This evidence has been confirmed.

Lin Jianhao I want to deny it, but I’m afraid no one will believe it.

"City Lord, this transaction has nothing to do with me or my Lin family. It has something to do with it." Lin Jianhao completely denied it.

Shangguan Yunyang frowned:"Lin Jianhao, are you insulting the IQ of this city lord?"

"The subordinates dare not!" Lin Jianhao looked calm and said,"City Lord, the Ice God Fruit is not in the hands of our Lin family. It is in the hands of another person. And that person is the real mastermind behind the scenes."

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Yunyang and others were shocked.

"how to prove?" Shangguan Yunyang asked.

Lin Jianhao smiled slightly:"I can find the whereabouts of the Ice God Fruit!"

The Ice God Fruit can only be refined by ice cultivators. If it is swallowed by other elemental masters, it is no different from poison.

Qin Feng is a fire elemental master and cannot swallow it.

He believes that the Ice God Fruit is still in Qin Feng's possession. inside the ring

"Can you find the whereabouts of the Ice God Fruit?" Shangguan Yunyang and others were surprised.

If they can help the alliance find the Ice God Fruit, it will be a great achievement!

In fact, even if it is true that the Lin family and Zhou Changtong secretly traded, as long as the Lin family hands over Ice God Fruit can also escape death penalty and receive a lighter punishment

"Where is the Ice God Fruit?" Shangguan Yunyang said eagerly

"City Lord, after dawn, people from our Lin family will send news, and everything will be revealed." Lin Jianhao kept it secret.

"good!" Shangguan Yunyang turned to look at the other two congressmen,"Zhou Tong, Li Yu, you two will have a good chat with Councilor Lin tonight."

"yes! City Lord!"

This is tantamount to putting Lin Jianhao under house arrest.

"Lin Jianhao, I hope your Lin family can send you good news early tomorrow morning.", Shangguan Yunyang stood up and left.

Wei Qing hurriedly followed.

After leaving the meeting hall, Shangguan Yunyang frowned.

He was still a little irritable.

Such a big thing happened to the Lin family, and as the city lord, he could not escape the blame..

If this matter is not resolved, his application for promotion to the third-level base city this year will be in vain.

"City Lord, are you worried about advancing to the base city?", Wei Qing handed over a luxury cigarette made by Zhuque Alliance.

"yes!", Shangguan Yunyang took the cigarette and sighed.

"In fact, the city lord does not need to worry about this matter.", Wei Qing lit a cigarette for Shangguan Yunyang,"Even if the Lin family's matter is not resolved. Yunyang City can still be promoted to the third level base city"

"Deputy City Lord Wei, are you kidding?"

Shangguan Yunyang smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

Even if this guy is flattering, he can't open his eyes and tell lies.

Speaking of which, Wei Qingnian is older than him, but the two are close friends who have fought together and have a very good relationship.

That's okay. Said that Wei Qing was his confidant

"City Lord, I am telling the truth."

Wei Qing looked serious, and there was joy deep in his eyes.

"oh?" Shangguan Yunyang was curious.

From the look on this guy's face, it didn't look like he was flattering.

But even if there was no such thing as the Lin family, Yunyang City still needs 70 performance points to upgrade to a third-level base city!

"Say it! what is going on? Wei

Qing's face was full of joy and he said:"City Lord, I have a great news to tell you." We have a super genius in Yunyang City. That man was only 17 years old, and he had already cultivated to one-star perfection."

"What?!" Shangguan Yunyang was so excited that his hands shook and he almost dropped his cigarette.

Then, he asked with surprise on his face:"Is this true? At the age of 17, he cultivated to the level of One-Star Dzogchen."

"of course it's true! I saw it with my own eyes. By the way, Xixi was also present and she saw it too.", Wei Qing's face was full of pride.

Discovering Qin Feng, a genius, made him happy all afternoon, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

"Tsk tsk!! He cultivated to one-star perfection at the age of 17! This talent is better than mine! This is so great!"

Shangguan Yunyang took a deep breath of cigarette excitedly.

As long as such a genius is reported to the alliance, he will be reported for meritorious service and rewarded with high performance points.

In today's era, mankind is threatened by the starry sky beast tribe, and the seven major alliances are fighting against each other. Competition.

Everyone is very thirsty for talents.

Genius-level elemental masters will be the first in every alliance.

Wei Qing said excitedly:"City Lord, that boy is not only amazing in training, but his fighting skills are god-like." The presence"

"He also has good fighting talent?" Shangguan Yunyang was pleasantly surprised again.

Major leagues attach great importance to fighting talent, so they have established a global fighting network to cultivate and collect talents in this area.

After all, no matter how high the talent is, it ultimately depends on actual combat ability.

So, even if The talent is average, but if you have genius-level fighting talent, it will be valued by the alliance and focused on training.

Of course, if the talent is good and the fighting ability is strong, then it will shine brightly, and it will be the treasure of the alliance.

"To what extent does that young man's fighting ability reach?" Shangguan Yunyang asked impatiently.

Wei Qing said with a proud look on his face:"Hehe! You may not believe it. With his fighting skills, he surpassed Lin Fuhai and defeated him!"


Shangguan Yunyang's cigarette butt dropped in shock.

His mouth opened wide.

Oh my God!

One-star Dzogchen defeated the three-star early stage!

This is incredible.

He has never heard of such fighting talent!

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do it at all.

Immediately, Shangguan Yunyang looked ecstatic

"Ha ha!! Brother Wei, Yunyang City’s luck has come. By the way, what's that boy's name?"

"His name is Qin Feng!"Wei Qing smiled all over his face,"By the way, there is a second happy event!"

Fuck! What else?

Shangguan Yunyang felt like he was drifting off

"Brother, say it quickly!"

"She is Qin Feng's sister, and that little girl is also a fighting genius. She is not yet an elemental master, but she defeated a mid-level one-star elemental master and obtained a second-level baron!"

Shangguan Yunyang opened his eyes wide in surprise again.

Oh my god!

This is another fighting genius!

Where did these brothers and sisters come from?

They are simply a blessing to Yunyang City!

"Ha ha! Very good!" Shangguan Yunyang laughed heartily.

This time, even if something happens to the Lin family, it doesn't matter.

After discovering this pair of genius brothers and sisters, why should Yunyang City not be able to advance?

"Brother, why are you telling me now?", Shangguan Yunyang complained a little

"hey-hey! I originally reported to you. No, it just happened to happen with the Lin family, so it was delayed."

"correct! Where do brother and sister Qin Feng live? Take me to meet them!" Shangguan Yunyang couldn't wait.

Wei Qing smiled and shook his head:"City Lord, look at the time, it's almost 12 o'clock in the night. The brother and sister have also gone to bed, so let’s go and see them tomorrow! Shangguan Yunyang slapped his head:"

Look at me, I even forget the time when I'm excited." Okay, let’s go see them tomorrow. By the way, you stay here tonight and don’t let Lin Jianhao escape."

"Don't worry, City Lord, I'll watch, he won't cause any trouble. By the way, the Lin family also had some conflicts with Qin Feng today.….."

Wei Qing recounted what happened during the day.

Shangguan Yunyang frowned:"The Lin family is getting more and more outrageous now. No matter what the outcome of this incident is, it's time to rectify it."

Wei Qing nodded:"My subordinates think so too. By the way, Lin Jianhao said that after dawn Can you know the truth and not know what medicine is sold in the gourd?"

Shangguan Yunyang sneered:"Tomorrow morning, when the Lin family comes, let's see what they say. That's it for today! I'll leave the affairs here to you."

After giving these instructions, Shangguan Yunyang left in a happy mood.

Wei Qing looked at his relaxed back and smiled.

He knew Shangguan Yunyang very well.

I guess this guy will be too excited to sleep again tonight....................................

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Global power: I control all elements

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