
Global power: I control all elements - Chapter 96

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Global power: I control all elements

Global power: I control all elements - Chapter 96
Qin Feng was curious:"My sister hasn't even taken the test yet, how do you know she will achieve extraordinary results in the future?"

"Sir, this is because you do not understand the peculiarities of the unknown system. Let me tell you this, we divide elemental power into regular series, special series, and mysterious series."

"The conventional system is the Five Elements Yuanli, Ice Wind Thunder, etc. These are all conventional and are the most studied by humans."

"Then there are special types, such as shadow, diffraction, magnetization, etc. You should have heard of these"

"Then there is the mystery department, which was formerly called the unknown department. This category is the least understood by us humans and the latest to come into contact with it. But in recent years, human research on them has made breakthrough progress"

"Some organizations have even developed methods to allow people with mystical elements to awaken as mysterious elemental masters, which are terrifyingly powerful. In the future, mysterious elemental masters will rise in the human world and become far more powerful beings than those of the same level."

"No matter how high your sister's mysterious sensitivity is, as long as she has this physique, after human research comes out, there will be a chance for her to become an elemental master, and a powerful mysterious elemental master."

Speaking of this, the guy with glasses looked at Chu Chu with a look of envy.

"So magical?!"

Qin Feng and Chu Chu were surprised and happy.

"By the way, how do you know this?"Qin Feng asked curiously.

The glasses guy pushed up his glasses and said with some pride:"I work at the Alliance Elements Research Institute. This testing center is run by my dad. I come here during the holidays and take care of it for him."

This guy is really a professional.

"I would like to ask, how do people from the mysterious system awaken as elemental masters?", Qin Feng asked.

The guy with glasses smiled mysteriously:"Little brother, seeing that you have a good face, I will tell you directly. The mysterious type is different from the regular type. The regular type needs to absorb elemental energy to improve their cultivation, while the mysterious type needs to increase their sensitivity to advance."

Qin Feng was surprised:"Well...Generally, it is difficult to change the sensitivity, right? The sensitivity of this mysterious system is easy to increase? The guy with glasses said with a smile:"The mysterious system has two special features. One is that it can coexist with other elemental systems without rejecting interference." Another thing is that its sensitivity can be improved through acquired exercise."

"As for how to improve the sensitivity the day after tomorrow, it depends on the individual to find a way. If the opportunity is good, you can still find a way."

"If you have bad luck, you will never find a way in your life. If you don't make any progress, your talent will be wasted. This is also one of the major topics studied by the alliance."

Qin Feng sighed:"The mystery department is really special. So what standard does the sensitivity of the mysterious system reach, even if it is a one-star elementalist?"

The glasses guy said:"When the sensitivity reaches 1 or above, they can explode with strength equivalent to a one-star elemental master, even stronger than most one-star elemental masters."

"To put it simply, most of the mysterious types are control-type, not energy-type, so there is no need to absorb energy, as long as the sensitivity is high."

At this time, the glasses guy debugged the test machine.

"Little brother, the machine is debugged. You guys test it! If you have any questions, just press the call button on the wall and the staff outside will come in to help you solve it."

"OK, thank you!"

"You are welcome! Little sister, come on!"

The glasses guy smiled and gave Chu Chu an encouraging gesture and went out.

The brother and sister couldn't wait to test.

After a few minutes, the test results came out.

The sensitivity number - 0.97 - appeared on the monitor.

"Brother, look! 0.97!", the little girl was pleasantly surprised.

Qin Feng's eyes also lit up, full of excitement.

The little girl's sensitivity has really improved.

A long time ago, her sensitivity to the unknown mysterious system was only 0.9.

If the glasses guy is right, Really, as long as Chu Chu’s sensitivity reaches 1, her mysterious element can be fully awakened.

Then this little girl’s strength will skyrocket!

Qin Feng feels that the glasses guy is not lying, because this little girl’s mysterious elemental power has already began to show

"whee!! Brother, that’s great! If I awaken the power of the mysterious elements, I can help you fight in the future."

Chu Chu looked excited.

Qin Feng touched her little head happily:"Little girl, the improvement of your sensitivity should be related to fighting."

"whee! Yes!", Chu Chu looked happy,"Ever since I started practicing fighting, it has become easier and easier to sense the existence of that kind of elemental power. In other words, if I practice more in the future, I will be able to fully awaken."

Chu Chu feels that she is very lucky.

According to the glasses guy, many people with mysterious elemental physiques have no achievements because they have not found a way to exercise their sensitivity, and they remain ordinary people throughout their lives.

She is also a coincidence. If you find a method that suits you under the circumstances, this is luck

"Brother, when I go back, I will go play fighting. Try to awaken that mysterious power as soon as possible."

The little girl was originally very obsessed with fighting.

Now that she found out that fighting has such great benefits for herself, she became even more obsessed.

Qin Feng patted her little head angrily.

"I just bought you 10 ice elixirs, but you haven’t refined them yet! First, improve your cultivation as a quasi-elemental master of the ice system, and then practice fighting!"


At that moment, the brother and sister cleared the data on the tester and went back with satisfaction.

This time they came out to test, which was an unexpected gain.........................................................

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Global power: I control all elements

Global power: I control all elements - Chapter 96

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