
Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this? - Chapter 34

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Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this? - Chapter 34
After saying goodbye to Myrtle, Mo Lin didn't feel like checking the entrance to the secret room.

Of course, the most important point is that he just tried to imagine that there was a snake across from him, but he couldn't speak snake language.

He could only hear himself hissing and exhaling stupidly.

After checking the language proficiency talent again, he found the biggest problem with this talent.

What the hell is it that he can only be proficient in words but not pronunciation?

Can he hear but not speak? Isn't this a mute?

【Because the vocalization structure of some languages is completely different from that of humans, it is easy to get hurt if you are not strong enough. 】

The system pops up an explanation

"All right."

Merlin accepted this reason.

After all, he had read the relevant introduction in the textbook, and it was indeed true.

For example, the high-pitched pronunciation of the mermaid language that seemed to tear the throat could only be understood normally underwater.

If it was on the ground, a few words would make the vocal cords scrapped.

As for the dragon language, it was even more terrifying. Incorrect pronunciation might even damage the internal organs.

It seems that I can only wait until later to upgrade this talent or wait until someday to trick Harry over.

Anyway, the Chamber of Secrets will not be opened here. Even according to the plot, it will have to wait until next school starts for Ginny to open it.

Merlin is not in a hurry to collect it now, it is the same to come another day.

Thinking about things, he subconsciously climbed the stairs

"After a muffled"creak", the staircase separated from the corridor and began to move slowly.

Merlin came to his senses and thought to himself that it was not good.

He made the road sign himself, but he did not look at it. This was too outrageous!

Looking at the direction of the staircase, Merlin suddenly calmed down.

This staircase led to the library.

Very good.

After he knew about Salazar Slytherin's plan, he thought about taking time to go to the library to see if the four giants had left anything.

Now is the perfect time to go and take a look, and there is no need to find another time.

If the restricted book area is included, the library of Hogwarts can be said to be the place with the largest collection of books in the British magic world.

There should be the resources of the four giants. Merlin pushed open the door, and was greeted by the smell of old magic ink and complex magic fluctuations.

But Merlin's face was full of excitement.

He knew he had come to the right place.

This is a feature of ancient and powerful magic books.

The older and more powerful the magic book, the more special the materials used to record it.

Some are even recorded on dragon skin with ancient magic patterns, emitting special magic fluctuations all the time.

Over time, there will be such complex magic fluctuations.

Madam Pince, the librarian of Hogwarts, was busy at the bookshelf not far away.

Merlin went in to look for it himself.

But he searched the entire ordinary area and did not see any useful information.

《"A History of Hogwarts" and"The Biography of the Four Giants" are all things he memorized, and there is no more secret content at all.

"Could it be that Hogwarts doesn't have the information of the Big Four? That shouldn't be the case!"

Merlin always felt that something was not right. He thought about it and came up with a very outrageous answer.

"Dumbledore wouldn't put even these books in the restricted section, would he?"

Merlin hurried to find the librarian, Madam Pince, to confirm.

Madam Pince was cleaning a bookshelf with monster books on it.

She took off her dragon-skin gloves and looked at Merlin suspiciously.

"That’s right, Professor Dumbledore just asked me to move there. What are you looking for those materials for?"


"What a fool!"

Merlin was speechless.

In order to prevent another Voldemort from appearing, Dumbledore was being too cautious.

But he still had to watch.

Merlin could only use the excuse of the Sorting Hat being refurbished.

"Professor Dumbledore is going to refurbish the Sorting Hat and asked me to collect information to ensure that there will be no magic circles or other errors."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Professor Dumbledore."

Anyway, this is a true story, but it's not Gryffindor's information.

Even if Dumbledore asks, there is a reason to explain.

And Merlin believes that Madam Pince will not go to Dumbledore to verify such a thing.

Sure enough.

Madam Pince looked at him for a few times and then asked him to wait there.

After a while, she took out a few books with heavy covers.

《The History of Hogwarts, The Salazar Slytherin Archives, Secret Hogwarts》……

"These are not black magic books, so I can show you"

"But there is no approval slip. You must finish reading it here and return it to me. It takes four hours in total. Good luck."

"But I must remind you that many of these books are unofficial histories and cannot be taken seriously."

"OK, I'll be careful to distinguish them. Thank you, Madam Pince."

Merlin thanked her and found a place to look up the information.

He understood what Madam Pince meant by unofficial history after just a few pages.

It's no exaggeration to say that the best journalists of the Daily Prophet could only make up things at this level.

Merlin even saw the chaotic emotional records of the Big Four in it.

To put it simply, he loved her, but she loved her, she loved him, and he loved him!

Unofficial history, whether it's history or not, I don't know, but it's really wild.

Merlin resisted the urge to tear up the book and flipped through it quickly.

Finally, he found some relatively credible content in the book.

【Salazar Slytherin, master of Legilimency, uses a wand made of snakewood and basilisk horn】

【He is a famous master of the dark arts, a supporter of the pure-blood theory, a natural Parseltongue, and an expert in the breeding of magical animals.】

【After leaving Hogwarts, the wand he left behind was stolen by Isolt Sayre and turned into a snakewood tree at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.】


After that, there were some relatively normal but unclear preferences and famous sayings.

Merlin just glanced at them and treated them as nonsense.

He didn't believe that Salazar Slytherin liked to eat chocolate frogs.

Chocolate seemed to have not yet been introduced to Europe in that era, so where could he eat chocolate frogs?

The book even said that Salazar Slytherin would find a little wizard to test the dark magic every day.

This was even more outrageous.

If Slytherin dared to do this, the other three giants would fight to the death to kill him.

How could he be allowed to stay in the Chamber of Secrets?

Because there was too much content like this, in less than an hour, Merlin had read all the information and went to find Madam Pince to return the book.

"So soon?"

Madam Pince raised her eyebrows.

"Are you really looking for information about the Sorting Hat?"

""Uh, of course! But I have a photographic memory, so I remember it clearly."

Merlin picked up the quill pen beside him and sketched the original design of the Sorting Hat and some magic circle ideas on the blank parchment.

Madam Pince then looked away and smiled.

"Not bad, I haven't seen such a diligent and hardworking little wizard for a long time"

"You can come to me next time you need to find a book."

"But you are not allowed to bring food and water into the library"

"Got it!"

Merlin nodded, said goodbye to Madam Pince and prepared to leave.

Watching her continue to tidy up the bookshelf, he couldn't help but want to recommend the system of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to her.

Maybe he could get another reward.

But he wasn't very familiar with it yet, so he could wait until he was more familiar with it.

When he turned around, a sweet voice suddenly came from his side.

"Hello, can you help me get that book?"

Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this? - Chapter 34

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