
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 1

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 1
"Whew! Finally got it! I don't have to go hungry! It's a pity, I have to be hungry for a while! Now, give me a bowl of white rice, it's all delicious! "

A dark space, very tiny, less than 10 square meters in size.

The dark space is 10 meters high, and the ground is a layered ground composed of black debris.

Above the black layer of broken rock, sat a young man with a shawl, his clothes tattered into strips, and his face black and gray, like a mud monkey.

His body exuded a faint shimmer, bringing a faint light to this black space.

In front of the young man, there were three things.

These three things are purely handmade, very rough, quite at the level of primitive handicrafts.

The first is a small, thin web made of rotten strips of cloth.

Obviously, this net was made by young people who tore into strips from their own clothes.

The second thing was a stone gate made of black rock, and the material obviously came from the black rock belt under the young man's feet.

The stone gate is small, only a foot high.

There is not a trace of decorative patterns on it, and it is not a work of art no matter how you look at it.

It is a stone door squeezed out by young people with their bare hands, reaching the degree of basic functional use, completely unartistic, ornamental, practical, and can only barely open and close the two doors.

The third is a stone mirror made of flaky black rock!

In the same rough style, the surface of the stone mirror is ground out, barely reaching a smooth level, and the mirror surface is completely unable to reflect the figure.

Even on the edge of it, there are fingerprint marks produced when pinched by hand.

The three things are all made by young people with their bare hands in such a small environment, and the characteristics are extremely obvious.

Rough! Raw!

But these three things are necessary things for youth, life-saving things that he has pondered for a long time under the crisis.

The young man's name is Xu Wen, a true body traverser!

This dark space is a fragment of the world wandering in the chaos, it is also the core fragment of a super world, and it is now constantly dying.

The chaotic chaotic and super mighty chaotic power is constantly eroding this world fragment, making it eventually lead to the end of the world.

The current world fragment has degenerated into a room less than a house, belonging to the dimensional fragment level.

It's just that the essence of its original super world core fragment still has certain world attributes.

This world fragment is lucky, when it wanders disorderly in chaos, it is inadvertently involved in a chaotic vortex turbulence and comes to the turbulent core.

Here, it successfully fuses the three strands of Chaos Origin.

Each ray of Chaos Origin is very special, it is a super treasure that collides with each other and interacts with each other for hundreds of millions of years, and is more advanced than Chaos itself.

The fusion of the Chaos Origin and the World Fragment activated a trace of the spirituality of the World Fragment.

But that still won't save it from its imminent demise.

Thus, the spiritual instinct of the fragmentation of the world found a last resort.

Chaos Origin is almost omnipotent, but only if you use it.

This point of the spirituality of the world fragment is precisely in the memory of the world fragment, to find a way to save itself, a very partial method.

It stabilized itself with the first ray of Chaos Origin, transformed an equally advanced World Origin with the first ray of Chaos Origin, and randomly summoned a traverser with the last ray of World Origin.

Xu Wen, who was only twenty-three years old, became the lucky one who was summoned randomly.

Although Xu Wen is a real body crossing, he is integrated with the world, he is the lord of the world, controls everything in the world, and is the highest person in this world!

But the difference is that Xu Wen came in real person.

He is still mortal, with a life of his own, a body.

He and the world are two sides of the same body.

Although Xu Wen was fortunate to become the master of a world fragment, the Heavenly Dao, he may be the worst Heavenly Dao in the entire Heavenly Realms, the Boundless Chaos, the Lord of the World!

There is no more miserable world lord than him!

What world lord have you ever seen such a Beagle existence that would face hunger to the point of collapse.

And he Xu Wen is that he is still facing the plight of hunger, much worse than those beggars.

At the very least, beggars can also ask for food, but stuttering is not.

Not only did he not eat, he did not drink a drop of water.

Because Xu Wen's real body is still a mortal body, he cannot avoid the two fundamental needs of life such as food and water.

Even if he used 1 point of world origin to improve his physique and strength, he couldn't!

His strength is strong enough to easily crush rocks, and he can pinch them out of stone gates and mirrors with his hands, but this still does not solve his survival problem.

1 point of world origin is not enough for him to evolve to a level of life that does not consume food and water at all, and is not plagued by hunger and thirst.

Even if the life level is raised, ordinary food and water may not be used, but it will make him at a higher life level need more advanced resources to maintain himself.

However, this fragment of the world could not support high-level life at all.

There is no water and no food in this space, and even if Xu Wen uses up the origin of the world to improve himself, he will not be able to solve the dilemma of survival.

Fortunately, the air in this space can still be breathed.

He can survive under the problem of hunger and thirst for the time being, but not for a long time, unless he is willing to give up his true body and completely turn into the Dao of Heaven.

True body, Xu Wen is naturally unwilling to give up.

In addition to this trouble, Xu Wen also has to face the dilemma of world fragments.

The fragments of the world are still being consumed by chaos and continue to be destroyed.

What had originally been a problem for the world fragments themselves had now become his problem.

Becoming the master of a fragment of the world is his chance, but it is also his calamity and trouble.

The instinctive spirit of the world fragment summoned him and became one with him, making him the master of the world, that is, to let him solve the problem.

This is also the only life in this world fragment!

The strengthening of the World Origin to him was only an improvement in physique and strength, but it could not make him feel hungry and thirsty.

Fortunately, in the trouble of two days of hunger, Xu Wen finally came up with a way through his understanding of the information stored in the world fragments and the role of the world's origin.

The origin of the world can be called the universal divine treasure!

One point of world origin can give an item the function it wants, and you can also strengthen ordinary things on the basis of the original.

For example, an ordinary strand of hair, after the strengthening of the world origin, even if it is the strengthening of the world origin by 1 point, it can make it tough enough to hang the entire building!

Xu Wen consumed 1 World Origin and let his body shine.

Then in this shimmering environment, he pinched these three items with his bare hands, and he figured out the necessary things in the method.

After completing the manufacture of the three items, Xu Wen gave the three items a certain world origin.

A wisp of World Origin contains 100 points of World Origin, which can be regarded as giving him a basis for solving problems.

The net made of strips of cloth torn from his clothes was still tattered and primitive after being given 5 points of world origin.

But now this net can be called an artifact.

Because it can already ignore the distance of time and space, most of the things in the world can be netized, and the things that are caught in the net will be automatically shrunk, just by it inside.

Subsequently, he strengthened and upgraded it with 3 World Origins to make it more tough and powerful.

The second black stone gate, Xu Wen invested nearly 15 World Origin points to complete the construction of its basic functions.

It can lock a world based on specific information and directly open a portal to that world.

You can also call it the Gate of the World!

After completing the construction of the basic function, Xu Wen used 7 World Origin to super-enhance it.

1 point of world origin can already carry out a small stage of strengthening.

The 7-point world origin plays a strengthening role in three small stages.

As the third item of the Stone Realm, Xu Wen invested 20 World Origin points at one time to make it have the function he wanted.

That is, it can solve the world vulnerabilities of a world through the search of known information.

This is an artifact that finds fault with the world.

If it weren't for the fact that he himself was the world, and the predecessor of this world fragment was a core fragment of a high-level world, Xu Wen had a deep understanding of the nature of the world, and he would not have been able to come up with such a powerful function.

Subsequently, Xu Wen also used 10 World Origin points to strengthen the base.

After completing all this, Xu Wencai named the three treasures.

That net, Xu Wen called its Vientiane Qiankun net!

It means that everything can be fished out, even Qiankun.

The second one is called the Gate of the World, which is simple and easy to remember.

The third stone realm was called Luo Tian's Voyeur Mirror by Xu Wen.

It means that the magic of Da Luo can be obtained, and the secrets of all things can be peeked into, and its fundamental loopholes can be found.

After completing all this preparation, Xu Wen entered a piece of information in his memory into the world gate, and then plunged into the world origin, searching for the world he needed according to the information in his memory.

Some memory information left by the fragments of this world gave him a general judgment about this boundless chaos.

Perhaps, there are countless worlds that he is familiar with in this chaos, the heavens and realms!

He expects his analysis to be right and to find the world he needs, because that world may be the most important opportunity in his current world.

Moreover, it is the kind that is very easy to obtain in his analysis.

1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock....

The world origin is constantly invested and consumed, Xu Wen feels that the world origin is decreasing little by little, and his heart is uneasy.

But there is no turning back from the opening bow.

Just as the world fragments chose him to save himself, he did not have any choice at this time, and could only hope for success.

If he hadn't found the world he had guessed before the world origin had been consumed to a certain extent, then his situation would be very dangerous.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 1

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