
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 10

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 10
The emergence of luck opened Xu Wen's new perspective, and he knew how to further supplement other rules in the world and further improve the whole world.

He found his way.

But now, he can't act.

Because the origin of the whole world is less than 20 points.

This part of the world origin cannot be moved lightly, and it must be left to guard against some unexpected situations.

Continuous actions have consumed the World Origin, so Xu Wen can only evolve the world with peace of mind, waiting for the World Origin to fully accumulate and support his next wave of actions.

This time, he began his boring artistic life again.

Early in the morning, after waking up, he summoned a fruit to eat, followed by sword refining, linking Yue Nu A Qing's swordsmanship, Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship, and a wisp of sword intent that he inadvertently captured.

Among them, Yue Nu A Qing's swordsmanship he can do, but it is the most difficult to master.

Because Yue Nu Aqing's swordsmanship has reached a point that is almost at the peak of swordsmanship!

This is the ultimate in art!

From noon to the next afternoon, he carefully observed every detail and corner of the whole world, analyzed the problems in the operation of the whole world, recorded, analyzed, and sorted out, so that in the future the continuous growth of the world, fine adjustments.

There are always imperfections in everything, and Xu Wen can only try to let the world develop with the deepest foundation and the best state.

Just do it with all your heart.

In the evening until the night rises, he continues to practice the piano, improve his piano skills, and express all things and feelings in the sound of the piano.

And just like that, ten years passed.

In the third year, he succeeded in giving birth to the rules of the piano on its own, and if you continue to expand on them, you can also sublimate it into the rules of the music, but this will take some time.

Ten years later, the whole world has expanded to the size of a province!

Moreover, the whole world has been further sublimated and transformed, upgrading from the miniature dimensional world level to a higher dimensional world!

In the core space of the world, that is, in the origin space of the world, the original qi luck micro spring was sublimated into a small qi luck fountain.

The luck of all things in the whole world has been further improved.

As the world expands, the world produces more and more world origins, and it is like a piece of land that has begun to make a profit after careful management.

In the past decade, the number of World Origin Points accumulated by the world has continued to increase, reaching the scale of 100 points again.

And a provincial-sized world, the sun and the moon run, and the rain and snow weather are becoming more and more regular.

The whole world is becoming more and more prosperous, and the mountains are getting higher and higher in the western part of the world, gradually turning into a plateau.

Glaciers appear on the top of the large mountains of the plateau, small rivers, small lakes, and forests appear on the valley floor of the plateau, and deserts, Gobi, and sparse grasslands appear in the central wilderness of the plateau.

Deer, rats, eagles, sheep, foxes and other creatures thrive here.

Deep in the plateau, the highest peak is a huge snow-covered volcano that sleeps for years and then erupts once, throwing a large amount of magma and ash, constantly raising the height of the entire plateau area.

The snowfields in the north of the world are also getting bigger and bigger, but some hardy plants and animals, such as snow rats and snow foxes, have brought more interesting life to this snowy land.

Forests have appeared in the swamps south of the world, and large rivers have appeared flowing to the South China Sea.

Wetland birds and other life here are very vigorous.

High mountains, hills also appeared in the south.

The east of the world is still dominated by large forests, but there are also more mountains and grasslands.

The whole world is no longer a single terrain, but a pattern of mixed and intertwined various terrains and ecology together.

Such a change is good for the whole world.

The competition between animals and plants has also become more and more intense, and the life of the entire world has begun to evolve forcefully, and some life unique to the Xuanhuang reincarnation world has begun to breed.

And the emergence of these lives accelerates the perfection and expansion of the world.

At this time, fish, shrimp, crabs and other life occupy the mainstream, octopus, jellyfish, sea snakes, starfish, seahorses and other exotic marine life is also rapidly growing.

There are even giant fish up to ten meters long in the ocean, both carnivorous and microbial-feeding.

But they are only fish life, not viviparous cetaceans.

The ocean already occupies half of the world's area, and the ratio of land and sea is more coordinated.

But Xu Wen intervened in this, allowing a large number of peninsula terrain to penetrate deep into the oceans in the form of slender mountains, and also caused a large number of pearl-like island chains to appear in the oceans.

In this way, the life activities between land and sea will not be so relatively isolated.

Going deep into the ocean peninsula will allow land and sea life to contact, communicate and fight with each other to form a more unique life evolution and enrich the life system of the entire world.

The whole world presents a general pattern of continents in the center, oceans around it, low in the east and high in the west, cold in the north and hot in the south.

The initial climate change is also gradually bred in the expansion of the world's topography.

The world expanded to this point, Xu Wen began a new action, he took a bowl of his own blood, and then divided it into countless bloodshots, and merged into a group of monkeys where the eastern forest of the world and the snowfield on the back converged, so that they had a trace of their own bloodline.

This is a trace of human blood.

From the tenth year, under the influence of this bloodline, those monkeys became tall and soul-sized, but they became less and less adapted to life in the trees.

Finally, under the influence of survival, they continue to expand their time on the ground and gradually adapt to the surface life at the junction of forests and grasslands.

Steppe wolves are dangerous for them, and dense forests can provide them with some security.

But resources such as grass seeds, rabbits, rats, insects, grass seeds and other resources on the grassland are more readily available, allowing them to get more on food.

In contrast, the competition for food in the forest is much greater and more dangerous.

Grasslands are dangerous, but food is more abundant for them.

This group of slowly growing monkeys gradually adapted to life in the area where grassland and forest meet, and gradually grew.

They were also adapted to walk upright, and some of them had human characteristics thirty years later.

The most primitive wild man was born under Xu Wen's intervention and covert support.

He influenced this group of monkeys, so that those of them who could live upright survived, those who were not adapted to upright died in diseases, wolf attacks, and natural disasters, and after this semi-natural screening and evolution, they quickly evolved into primary wild men.

This process took nearly 70 years.

In more than a hundred years in this world, the most primitive wild man appeared, and the whole world became more perfect in this instant, and the world further expanded.

Because this is the beginning of the emergence of the first intelligent life, it is another important opportunity for the whole world to improve.

By this time, the world origin accumulated by Xu Wen had reached ten wisps, that is, 1,000 points!

He can start a new foreign seeking action!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 10

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