
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 11

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 11
After the world origin was sufficient, Xu Wen began to seek the outside world, using the resources and things of other realms to strengthen his Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

Xu Wen opened the door to the world, and first set his eyes on a world with hundreds of sons and families, but also superb martial arts.

But this time, Luo Tian peeked through the mysterious mirror, but gave him a new information.

The rules of this world are more complete.

It's a small world!

And although its world instinct is only instinct, it is very powerful, if Xu Wen directly robs people from this world, then he will face a direct counterattack from the entire Xiaoqian world.

The power of Xiaoqian World is not something that his dimensional-level world can directly confront.

Xu Wen couldn't directly take away the people or things he wanted from this world!

This world is very special, and the heritage is not comparable to a small world. But this is not the case in all worlds.

Haotian World is more advanced, but there is no such mechanism to defend other realms.

But this defense has a loophole, that is, the people of this world personally hand over to him a person or thing, then this rule will not be touched, and he can still take some people or things from this world.

This loophole means that he needs to go to this world in person and ask the people of this world to help him achieve his goals.

Xu Wen is not yet able to create such a thing as an avatar, so he can only go to complete the goal himself.

He thought about it and decided to go into this world to accomplish his goal.

Because he is tired of staying in the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, this world can release his dry and irritable heart, and it can also allow him to observe other worlds from the perspective of what he sees with his own eyes, and improve his own world through learning from other worlds.

Therefore, Xu Wen used the world origin to improve his internal strength, and raised the internal power of his true body to the level of a grandmaster in the martial arts world.

At the same time, he also turned on the mental power of the snow mountain qi sea, and let his mental power reach the realm of knowing fate.

In the internal force system of the martial arts world, the strength is divided into acquired, innate, grandmaster, grandmaster, and heavenly man from low to high.

And the realm of knowing fate is at the level of heaven and man.

With such strength, as long as it is not a thunder and thunder, he is safe in the target world.

After completing the preparation of strength, Xu Wen found a specific place and descended, coming to this world where there are nets and rivers and lakes, there are hundreds of ideas of all sons, and dynasties fighting.

The place where Xu Wen came was wonderful.

The place where he landed was a grove under a rainy night, and bloody killing was taking place inside.

But the killer is not a strong man in black who is in good condition, but a pregnant woman who can be called a cold goddess.

This woman is Luo Net's defector killer, a shocked salamander!

The salamander killed all the net killers who came to hunt her down, but she was also affected in the battle, and the child may be born early.

But the next moment, she sensed a young man approaching her quickly.

The salamander wanted to resist, but at this time, she had been affected by the child in her stomach and had no ability to resist.

The one who came was Xu Wen, who wanted to complete his goal in this world, and the salamander would be his best helper.

Xu Wen appeared in front of the shocked salamander and smashed her shocked salamander sword with a wave of his hand, which startled the shocked salamander.

She is a Tianzi-level killer in the net, and she is also a master of the Grandmaster Realm.

The fact that the other party can knock out her sword so easily can only show that the other party is stronger than her strong.

Grand Master!

This judgment came to the heart of the shocked salamander.

Xu Wen's hand pressed on the stomach of the shocked salamander, and used 1 point of world origin.

Then, the child in the stomach of the salamander who was supposed to be born prematurely immediately settled down, and the situation that was supposed to be born prematurely was quickly restored.

The salamander was also shocked, she did not feel the internal force, but the other party saved her child in an unknown way.

Moreover, she could feel that the child was now in better condition than ever.

Different worlds, the same Chinese language, are also different.

He had already prepared for this, and Xu Wen used the language of this era to communicate with the salamander: "I can provide you with protection, and let your child grow up safely and healthily under your care." "

The salamander is not a small white, the other party has given her so much, and she must also ask for something.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I need you to help me do something after the baby is born and you fully recover on your own. Rest assured, I will solve all dangers in advance, just need to do something safely at the end!

After that, Xu Wen released the breath of his grandmaster-level internal force realm, but the strong sense of oppression did not give the salamander danger, but made her feel at ease.

The stronger this person is to shelter her and her children, the more powerful it is, it is not proof that the other person is capable of sheltering her.

Anyway, in the face of this grandmaster-level strength, she also had no ability to resist.

She could only pray that the man could fulfill the promise he said.

Xu Wen took the shocked salamander, avoided Luo Net's sight money, and came to a small town in the Qi Kingdom to settle her here.

His mental power in the realm of knowing fate can see things thousands of miles away, and his perception of people's thoughts and emotions is even more powerful.

With this ability, Xu Wen easily avoided Luo Net's sight with the shocked salamander.

It's not that he's afraid of the power of Luowang, but there are too many Luowang people, it's very troublesome to deal with, and he doesn't like too much trouble.

After settling the salamander, he and the salamander began a secluded life in this town.

Xu Wen was not short of money, and he exchanged gold for the corresponding currency, which could ensure their consumption.

The salamander was also very strange, she saw that along the way, this grandmaster-level young man seemed to be very curious about everything around him, as if he was enjoying all the beauty in the nature of heaven and earth at all times.

As if, this is a person who came out of prison!

But she didn't ask much, she only cared about whether her child would be born safely.

One day three months later, a little baby girl was safely born in this world, and Ayan, who was originally born prematurely, was born normally this time.

Her mother, still call her Yan!

The salamander was very grateful to Xu Wen, this person was like a free immortal, who didn't care about anything, let alone look down or look up at anyone.

He was even able to chat with the poorest people in town, without a condescending attitude, and even taught them survival tips.

He had a good heart, but he never easily fed the poor, but he taught them something.

For example, how to use some wild vegetables to make food, how to use wild fruits to make wine, how to use some plant fibers to weave burlap, etc.

The salamander didn't know why he was like this, but she felt that what this person did was best for those people.

He would even instruct the town's blacksmiths on how to make metal, as if he had the ability to do anything.

When Ah Yan was half a year old, Xu Wen gave the salamander a choice.

"I can give you two choices now, one is that you raise Ah Yan in this world, and she may face a chaotic tide in the future. The other is to send her to a special place to sleep, and you will go in the future, and you and her will have the opportunity to get eternal life.

After that, he waited for the choice of the salamander.

After thinking for a while, the shocked salamander looked at Xu Wen seriously, and finally gave the answer with intuition instead of calm analysis: "I choose two, I believe you!" "

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 11

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