
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 12

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 12
"Then you have to hand over Ah Yan to me from the bottom of your heart!"

Xu Wen said.

Ah Yan is a small link in the torrent of future destiny, without her, the world instinctively may have moves.

But as Ayan's mother, she changed her mind and handed the salamander to Xu Wen, which would not trigger the instinctive counterattack of this not advanced world.

The salamander hesitated for a short while, and then gave Xu Wen the swaddling Ah Yan.

When this little guy arrived in Xu Wen's hands, not only did he not cry or make trouble, but he also laughed happily.

With a wave of Xu Wen's hand, Ah Yan fell into a deep sleep, and then a small ice coffin appeared, freezing Ah Yan in it.

The salamander was startled at first, and almost drew his sword to face each other.

However, the bloodline under the mother-daughter connection made her feel that Ah Yan's state was not bad. She sensed more carefully, confirmed the exuberant vitality of her daughter Ayan, and knew that she was fine.

Evil? Ghost?

At this moment, the salamander was frightened, because this is an alternative frozen immortality.

The salamander then saw Xu Wen wave his big hand, and the Xiaoice coffin containing Ah Yan disappeared, and it was the kind of disappearance that she couldn't perceive at all.

Then Xu Wen waved his hand again, and Ah Yan's frozen coffin appeared again.

In the perception of the shocked salamander, Ah Yan's vitality was not damaged at all!

This was clearly perceived by the salamander as a Grandmaster powerhouse.

At this time, where did she not understand, this was Xu Wen reassuring her that no matter how amazing the situation was, her daughter was fine.

"If you want to see her in the future, say, I will summon her and let you see her." As long as she is in such a state, no matter how many hundred years and thousands of years pass, she will always be one month old, and her life expectancy will not have any impact.

Xu Wen explained, trying to reassure the salamander as much as possible.

At this time, in the heart of the shocked salamander, Xu Wen had become a ghost-like existence.

"Obey the order, the salamander will definitely complete all the things that the adults have explained!"

The salamander half-knelt in salute, and she completely surrendered to such a powerful and mysterious, and very kind Xu Wen.

"Are we going to run errands? Where do we go next? The salamander asked.

Xu Wen looked at the West and said a goal, and the most important goal for him to come to this world was there!

"Let's go to Korea!"

He then bought a carriage from the city and took the salamander to South Korea, without concealing to the world, including the net, that the salamander was by his side.

Xu Wen came to this world, in addition to the goal, is to play the world!

He wants to see this world, this river and lake, the variety of people in this era, and the long song of life.

The two walked extremely slowly, watching the scenery all the way, and only arrived in the capital of South Korea two months later.

The world of the Seven Kingdoms is chaotic and full of bandits, and you can never tell whether it is a mountain thief who robs you on the side of the road, or a small rural clan force that puts down its hoe.

But this way the salamander did not make a move, but Xu Wen solved everyone with a wave of his hand.

A murderous and evil bandit, Xu Wen could naturally observe it, and all of them gave their lives in Xu Wen's hands.

Those hungry people who are really forced by life and have no food, he will also give some food, money.

Anyway, for him, wealth is just some metal underground.

Not letting the salamander strike is because Xu Wen has fun fighting.

This is the fun of his travels in the rivers and lakes, the game of the world, and it is not interesting to shoot the salamander.

Along the way, Xu Wen did not hide the existence of the salamander, Luo Net assassinated them seventeen times, the sky was killed, the eight levels of killers appeared, but none of them could go back.

Even one of Luowang's Tianzi-level killers came, and was severely injured by Xu Wen and fled.

If he didn't want to change the story line too much, he might not have spared the life of this Tianzi killer holding a sun-covering sword.

From then on, Luo Wang no longer sent people to send people to die.

They say they will not spare every betrayer, just because the betrayer did not give them a heavy blow.

Luo Net's loss in Xu Wen's hands was too great, so big that they were about to break their bones!

Because in Xu Wen's hands, they have already lost two hundred and seventy killers, accounting for more than one-tenth of the total number of killers in the entire Luowang Wang.

After arriving in Xinzheng, Xu Wen and the two bought a yard not far from Xinzheng's Zilanxuan.

The time he came was also very good, at this time Han Fei had returned to South Korea and solved the ghost soldier case with Wei Zhuang Zinu.

On the second night of Xinzheng, Xu Wen appeared in Zilanxuan with a shocked salamander.

It was a rare thing to bring a beautiful guard to Zilanxuan to play, and the two immediately attracted the attention of many people with intentions.

The shocked salamander did not hide his shocking salamander sword, which had already attracted the attention of large and small forces in Xinzheng City.

After all, the sword of the Luo Net Tianzi killer is too famous!

Violet Orchid Xuan is magnificent, more gorgeous, spectacular and majestic than the royal palace of the ordinary world.

This is a martial arts world, and there are unreasonable forces such as mechanical arts, and the strength of ordinary people will not be too weak even if they do not practice martial arts.

All this, even if it does not directly affect the people's livelihood, has also caused the productivity of this world under indirect influence, and in the time of the Seven Kingdoms, it has exceeded the productivity level of the ordinary world in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The entire Zilanxuan is as gorgeous as a high-class royal palace, but in the architecture of the entire world, even the building of Xinzheng looks very ordinary.

It can be said that among the seven countries of this world, only South Korea's financial strength, in the ordinary world can be compared to the complete period of Daming.

In the world of high martial arts, everything will not be simple.

Xu Wen asked for the best room in Zilanxuan, and then threw out gold nuggets worth ten gold: "I know that you Zilanxuan has a girl named Liangyu, her piano is very good, I want to listen to her piano, and I only see her!" The

maid collected the gold and left quickly.

In a room on the upper floor of Zilanxuan, Wei Zhuang, Zinu, and Han Fei gathered together, and since the moment Xu Wen came in with the shocked salamander, they had already received the news.

"The salamander seems to have betrayed Luo Net, but now she has become the young man's guard. This person is funny! It's powerful too!

Wei Zhuang said, already raising the will to fight.

"Luo Wang seems to have made a move against them, but Luo Wang has tasted the bitter fruit of failure and has given up!" The purple woman said what she knew.

"This person is in Xinzheng at this time, and he also specially went to Zilanxuan, maybe he has a plan for us and the night?"

Han Fei seemed to be asking, and seemed to get an answer again.

"A woman who brought a salamander to listen to the music seemed not to be beautiful. Then I'll let Ryu go and check out the man! See where he came from! After

Xu Wen waited for nearly ten minutes, Liang Yu appeared.

The salamander sat next to Xu Wen, but he was very patient and did not say a word.

What Xu Wen was going to do, she couldn't see through, but she knew that it was not yet the moment when Xu Wen used her.

Liang Yu appeared, Xu Wen didn't do anything else, just let her play the music with her heart, while Xu Wen was quietly listening to Liang Yu's piano music and feeling the piano art of Liang Yu.

To say that the piano art of this world is high, the jade can definitely be ranked in the forefront, or even the invisible first.

She can play the piano with empty strings, so that the birds can listen to the song of the heartstrings and gather, which is no longer something that ordinary piano art can do, it may be an extremely extraordinary piano heart level, or even a higher piano level.

In Xu Wen's eyes, there are only two people in the entire Xinzheng who deserve his attention.

One is Han Fei, and the other is to get jade.

Nong Yu is the best of the piano art, and Han Fei is the listener of the special long song of fate!

The power of fate is very special in Han Fei.

The other people can be his targets from the Fang World sub-level, but in order to prevent a complete counterattack from the world's instincts, Xu Wen will not take them until the fate of these people is over.

The piano of the jade is really extraordinary, and Xu Wen listened to it with great enjoyment with an appreciative heart.

It is a killer like the shocked salamander who is touched by the sound of the jade, and involuntarily begins to listen and indulge in it.

Because the piano of the jade is emotional, storytelling, and energetic, it can make people hear something, rather than simply at the level of good piano music.

Listening to the beauty piano, eating good dishes, and drinking excellent wine, this is what he came to Zilanxuan to do.

He didn't even say a few more words to Yu Yu, and the idea of letting her inquire about intelligence was in vain.

This made Han Fei a few people scratch their heads and confuse what this person thought.

The power of Nightfall also noticed Xu Wen, but they did not move lightly, because they knew that Luo Wang had suffered a big loss at the hands of Xu Wen and the two.

The level of intelligence of their other countries is above quicksand.

In the following days, Xu Wen will wander around the entire Xinzheng City during the day, and interesting places will be visited.

In the evening, he still came to Zilanxuan with the salamander, and continued to let Liangyu come out to play the piano, listen to music, eat vegetables, and drink.

Xu Wen is generous, and every time he gives gold nuggets.

His spending power made him the highest and most generous of all the guests in the entire Zilanxuan.

But Xu Wen can't look at other beauties, only order jade, only listen to music, eat vegetables, drink, and do nothing else!

This made everyone who paid attention to him feel puzzled.

But campfires set in the dark will always attract all eyes.

Han Fei couldn't sit still, his situation was very bad, and he didn't want to have an unknown powerful chess piece on the English chessboard at this time.

So, he took the initiative to come to Xu Wen's door on this day.

"Ninth Prince Han Fei, please see sir!"


After Han Fei came in, he found that Xu Wen looked at him for a while, but the other party's gaze was not on him, but above his head, as if there was something strange above his head that attracted the other party.

He didn't know that Xu Wen was looking at the traces of his destiny, the power of fate that was inexplicably attached to him.

Then Xu Wen made a gesture to Han Fei to sit down, and he continued to listen to the piano calmly, completely no longer paying attention to Han Fei.

This made Han Fei a little confused, he could be the Ninth Prince, but what was the other party's attitude of complete disregard.

The son of a country still has a very high status in the hearts of nine out of nine people.

Han Fei was puzzled, but he still sat quietly, drank, and waited for the end of this song.

At the end of the song, Han Fei spoke: "Who is Sir?" What are your plans to go to Xinzheng?

But Xu Wen did not answer his question, but said:

"I have no interest in your fight against the night, you can be a spectator." It's just that you and this jade girl are very interesting, and they are both special characters! At the moment when your lives are coming to a natural end, I will take you away! Let you experience a more interesting and wonderful world outside of destiny! That's what I'm coming to Xinzheng for! Don't ask anything else, and I won't tell you if you ask!

After that, Xu Wen got up and left with the salamander.

Whether it was Yu or Han Fei, they were a little surprised.

The other party's meaning is very clear, that is, when they are about to die, they will take the two of them away, and people have no intention of participating in their struggle at all.

It seems that the other party has seen their death!

Mysterious, unknown, these two words were once again pasted on Xu Wen's body by Han Fei and Yu Yu.

Han Fei then discussed with the purple girl, Wei Zhuang, wanting to find out what this person was doing and what fate meant.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 12

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