
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 14

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 14
After Qin unified the world, Xu Wen left the prosperous hinterland of the Seven Kingdoms and wandered in the mountains and wilderness with the salamander.

The exotic animals, trees, flowers and seeds of this world, he will collect some.

Because of them, they can make Xu Wen's Xuanhuang Reincarnation Great World biological species richer.

The two have been haunting the scorching desert, wild forest, dangerous rivers, icy snowfields, raging seas and other areas for many years, collecting exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals in these places.

Xu Wen collected these lives together and sealed them into the small world in his body together with those special people who were useful for the development of his world.

He opened up his dantian into a small world of spatial nature, which was used to store the many characters, lives, and treasures he collected.

Moreover, these things were collected by the salamander and then transferred to him.

So that the instinctive reaction of the whole world is not triggered.

It's just that after doing a lot of such things, it gradually raises a problem, that is, the world instinctively dislikes the salamander.

This caused the salamander's luck to become very bad, stepping on dog poop when they went out, being coveted for no reason, and encountering flash floods on the road became the norm on their road.

Xu Wen knew that letting the salamander be her own surrogate to collect all things had reached her limit, so he sealed the salamander and prepared to find a second "helper".

After thinking carefully, Xu Wen stared at a person.

Not long after the unification of Qin, a young stranger appeared in the Taiyi Mountain Realm and the Taoist Heavenly Sect Realm.

"Stop! This place is the Tianzong Mountain Gate, where are the friends from, please report it! "

The disciple of the Heavenly Sect guarding the mountain stopped Xu Wen who was going up the mountain.

But Xu Wen didn't care about him, his figure flashed lightly, passed him, and walked towards the mountain as if there was nothing to block.

Step by step, Xu Wen seemed to move extremely slowly, but his speed was extremely fast.

Those Heavenly Sect disciples who guarded the mountain moved their swords, but no matter how they drew their swords, they could only cut a phantom of Xu Wen.

At this time, these mountain guarding disciples did not know that the person who came was a strong person that he could not fight against at all, and he was a strong man who did not care about the reputation of the Heavenly Sect's forces.


They quickly made a special long song, very ordinary, as if it were the chirping of a male bird in the mountains.

But this is the unique sound of alarm from the Heavenly Sect!

"What man! Dare to offend the Taoist Heavenly Sect! One

by one, the figures with a powerful breath and an ethereal demeanor flashed on the spot in the same way as the heart method and light and dust.

When they appeared, Xu Wen had already walked to the true mountain gate of the Heavenly Sect.

It was the Taoist Tianzong's master Bei Xizi, who also felt something in his heart and appeared in front of the mountain gate of the Tianzong Sect.


When Bei Yuzi saw Xu Wen, there was no wave in the ancient well on weekdays, and he was not moved by foreign objects, and he instantly exclaimed.

His sentence of Tianren, falling into the ears of others, is a Tianren-level martial arts powerhouse.

But in fact, it was not, Bei Yuzi saw Xu Wen's moment, and felt as if he saw another heaven and earth.

Bei Yuzi's cultivation is extremely strong, his realm is extremely high, his state of mind is extremely deep, and he has been comprehending the Heavenly Dao for many years.

The moment he saw Xu Wen, what he saw was a piece of heaven and earth, as if he was an immortal with the world.

But his words shocked the entire Heavenly Sect.

At this moment, an elder in charge of the external information of the Daoist Heavenly Sect seemed to remember something, and he was also instantly shocked.

"Your Excellency is Xiaoyao Immortal! I can't imagine that after so many years, Your Excellency's appearance is still the same, could it be that Your Excellency has attained the magic of immortality?

This elder thought of the word immortal in his heart, and couldn't help but ask with fiery eyes.

Xiaoyao Immortal is the world's name for Xu Wen, because he appeared in many major events, but he never took sides or helped anyone.

He will only take away someone who is about to die in his original destiny.

No one in the world could control him, and he didn't know his name, so he was given the title of Xiaoyao Immortal.

The salamander has been following Xiaoyaoxian for decades, but there is no change in appearance and breath, and there is no trace of aging.

The world thought he was an immortal on earth.

Many people hope that Xiaoyao Xian can take them away.

But Xiaoyaoxian takes away a certain person, there are never rules, and there is no look at the strength or weakness, and some people later have summed up a rule, that is, special, people who have strong skills in a certain aspect are what Xiaoyaoxian values.

For example, Nian Duan is a master of medical Dao, the exorcist is a strong person who controls corpses, the poison technique of the Hundred Poison King is amazing, and the art of making jade and qin is peerless....

It can be said that people with hearts have investigated all of Xu Wen's past experiences.

Many people speculate that the people who were taken away by Xiaoyao Immortal may have been given the opportunity to live forever!

"I wonder what happened to this master who came to my Daoist Heavenly Sect?"

Bei Yuzi quickly stabilized, he knew Xu Wen as a person, but he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Xu Wen's breath is like heaven and earth, but he is also a human being, and it may not be a good thing to come to their Taoist Heavenly Sect.

"Come and invite someone to be my substitute, and after the deed, he can see the opportunity of immortality, and he can become an immortal!"

Xu Wen directly said what he meant.

The person he came to find was the substitute for the salamander and avoided the defense mechanism of this world for him.

The elder disciples of the Heavenly Sect, when they heard the words of the opportunity of immortality, the fate of becoming immortals, they couldn't suppress the heat in their hearts, longing that that person was themselves.

Bei Yuzi had a bad premonition: "Who?" "


Everyone was shocked, it was not themselves!

It is Xiaomeng, which seems unexpected, but very reasonable.

Xiaomeng is the best person in the entire Heavenly Sect, and it is also the hope of the entire Heavenly Sect inheritance.

Hearing that Xu Wen's goal was Xiaomeng, Bei Yuzi was very surprised, but after thinking about it, it was not so surprising.

The person Xu Wen took away was not a strong person in the world, but a certain aspect was very special, with special abilities, or special talents.

Regarding Xu Wen's information, he also paid attention to it.

But in the fate trajectory of heaven and earth, he never saw a trace of this person's existence.

This is a person who is completely outside of fate.

The Northern Emperor of the Taoist Heavenly Sect, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin-Yang Family, the Ghost Guzi of the Ghost Valley, the Xunzi of the Confucian Sect and others all used their perception of the realm of heaven and man to watch and peep at Xu Wen with the power of the Heavenly Dao, but they found nothing.

They even felt that looking too far at the traces of this person would be a huge crisis.

The chance of becoming an immortal made Bei Hazi's heart move a little.

But in the end, his mood was high, and he soon stabilized his slightly turbulent heart lake and made the most correct choice.

"Can anyone else?" He asked.

Xu Wen glanced at them: "Heart, talent, can't do it!" Give them the opportunity to live forever, and they can't hold it! In the entire Heavenly Sect, only Xiaomeng had this slightest possibility. After

speaking, Xu Wen's mental power descended on Bei Hazi and the others, making them unable to move a little, and then this mental power was instantly withdrawn, and this hand formed a powerful deterrent to Bei Hazi and others.

He was telling these people that he could destroy them all in one thought!

In this world, Xu Wen killing people will not attract the world's backlash, but it is not easy to take people away, and it can only pass through the loopholes of the rule mechanism.

"Let Xiaomeng choose by herself!"

Bei Yuzi made a choice, he also saw Xu Wen's will, the other party only valued Xiaomeng, and everyone else's was not in his eyes.

If someone dares to block it, then the end may not be very good.

He was not able to stop this person.

Soon after, Xiaomeng, who was still in a state of retreat, was called out, and her retreat was not a retreat practice without eating or drinking at all, but a practice in a stable environment that was isolated from external influences.

This world is not yet an immortal world, and it is impossible to eat grains.

At this time, Xiaomeng was only fifteen years old, but her strength was already very high, and her terrifying talent made her already a grandmaster-level master in this world.

After Xiaomeng heard Xu Wen's intentions, there was no panic at all, and her mood was extremely indifferent.

The moment she saw Xu Wen, she was truly moved.

Xu Wen seemed to be a collection of the Dao she was seeking.

"I'm going to follow you! I can do anything for you!

Xiaomeng agreed happily, but there was a taste of impatience.

The moment she saw Xu Wen, she didn't need Xu Wen to say anything about the opportunity of immortality, the fate of becoming an immortal, and her talent told her that Xu Wen had a Dao!

Only by following Xu Wen could she truly step out of the cage of heaven and man and see a higher heaven and earth.

"I have come precisely for you, and you are born near and have attained the way! Beiluzi, you also have a chance, if you can still find me after I leave, you will be a chance of immortality, close to the immortal border! Then

, Xu Wen went down the mountain, and Xiaomeng followed!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 14

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