
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 15

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 15
The education of the Taoist Heavenly Sect is not perfect.

Tianzong also had a deeply hidden spy of the Qin Empire, and the matter of Xu Wen's visit to the Taoist Heavenly Tribulation, taking away Xiaomeng, and mentioning immortality, was quickly passed to the desk of the First Emperor Yingzheng.

The First Emperor was extremely moved at this moment, and the ultimate of imperial power and domineering was the instinct to desire immortality!

This First Emperor still had too much to do, and his ambitions were not yet fully completed, so he needed immortality.

The First Emperor wanted to live forever, and he wanted to use this to do those things he hadn't done yet!

Of course, this does not preclude his ambition to enjoy the ultimate lust for power forever.

He began to explore Xu Wen's tracks, but when Xu Wen didn't want to see him, his people couldn't lock Xu Wen's location at all.

One day after leaving Taiyi Mountain, Xu Wen took Xiaomeng and flashed into the Ying Clan Vault of the Qin Kingdom, and the heavily guarded Royal Vault seemed to be an empty house unguarded for the two of them.

Xiaomeng's talent is really high, and his understanding is the highest limit of those Xu Wen has seen, second only to the masters of Haotian World!

Not long after following Xu Wen, just feeling the unique breath on Xu Wen's body, she successfully saw more scenery, her enlightenment was like water, her realm soared, and she became a martial arts celestial person at the age of fifteen!

Therefore, like Xu Wen, she could quietly sneak into the most heavily guarded royal vault in the Qin Kingdom.

Xu Wen came here to bring a copy of what he wanted.

His most important target was a masterpiece in the treasury.

The volume of "Spring and Autumn of the Lü Clan" written by Lu Buwei himself!

This is a bamboo book written by Lu Buwei himself, which contains the true meaning of this legendary man's life, and is of great help to the development of the humanistic level of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

Xu Wen collected the Spring and Autumn of the Lu family, and then checked the other treasures hidden in the vault.

He was lucky to find something that was not weaker than Lu's Spring and Autumn.

The original Tao Te Ching recorded by Yixi!

and the ancient versions of "Lianshan", "Guizang" and "Zhou Yi"!

This is the oldest version of the Zhou royal family, and although it is not written by the author, its author has a deep understanding and is also a very important cultural treasure for Xu Wen.

He put these things away together and prepared them as part of the basic cultural heritage for the development of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

But just after Xu Wen collected these things, an unexpected person.

Ganie, he actually appeared outside the secret vault.

He did not perceive anything, but came here to help Ying Zheng obtain an important ancient document.

Xu Wen did not mean to meet Gai Nie, and left with Xiaomeng in a flash, so that Gai Nie did not notice it in the slightest.

After the two of them left, Gai Nie entered the treasury and finally discovered that the royal vault of Daqin had lost something extremely important.

The entire Xianyang quickly entered high alert.

At this time, Xu Wen, who has been in this world for decades, is ready to return, but he still wants to see someone, someone who wants to see him, and he suddenly has a mind and wants to meet someone.

The First Emperor wins the government!

This man, perhaps, will have a different brilliance in his world.

Ying Zheng longs for immortality, then he must give something in this world, so Xu Wen decided to take a look at Ying Zheng's attitude and then decide whether to stay for him for a while.

As for Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, these two Ghost Valley disciples who played the world of power into swordsmen rivers and lakes were not in Xu Wen's collection range.

There are too many swordsmen, but there are too few real ghost valleys.

Xu Wen just recently took away from the Ghost Valley a true inheritance belonging to the Ghost Valley, the inheritance of the strategy of the art of war in the world, and took away a copy of the Ghost Valley Martial Dao with it.

Ghost Guzi saw that the unity of the world would be useless, so he trained Wei Zhuang Gai Nie to become a swordsman.

The unified world, in the eyes of this generation of ghost valleys, there is no chance for the ghost valley to survive.

There is indeed nothing wrong with this choice, but the world is destined to be divided for a long time, and it is necessary to divide for a long time.

But this also made the entire Ghost Valley lose the opportunity to pass on forever like Taoism and Confucianism.

It can be said that Ghost Valley has gone astray from the hands of these two and cut off the future!

As for the First Emperor, Xu Wen did not have much ill feelings towards the First Emperor.

He is the emperor, and naturally has to think about many issues from the perspective of the emperor.

But it is undeniable that the first emperor was not a cruel person, and the founding emperor had a cunning rabbit dying, lackeys cooking, flying birds, and good bows hiding, and did not happen to the first emperor.

The brutal manifestation of the King of Qin was controlled by the system of the Qin State and the expression of the strict laws of the Legalists.

The Qin Law of this era is very strict!

It is the result of the efforts of the Qin people to correct it through the ages, and Ying Zheng is only the representative of all this, but not its shaper.

Qin Law contributed to the unification of Qin, but could not contribute to the longevity of Qin.

The formation of an imperial rule, to change, even the first emperor is extremely difficult and difficult to do.

On this day, Ying Zheng was processing the recital in the palace.

But at this moment, two more young people suddenly appeared in front of him, a man and a woman, it was Xu Wen and Xiaomeng.

And inside and outside the palace, no matter who it is, they can't move.

Including Zhao Gao, a Luowang powerhouse guarding outside the palace!

They watched Xu Wen and Xiaomeng appear in front of Ying Zheng, but they couldn't move the slightest.

Evil? Ghost?

In their hearts, this thought came to mind.

The First Emperor looked at the two people in front of him, very calm, and continued to review the recital in his hand, until the matter in hand was completely over, he returned his gaze to the two.

"Easy Immortal?! Taoist Xiaomeng?! It

was obviously a question, but there was a positive tone between Ying Zheng's words.

The first emperor sought immortality, pursued the Xiaoyao Immortal Xu Wen, and had already seen Xu Wen's portrait.

Xu Wen did not answer, knowing each other's identities, then he would not say unnecessary words and make any detours.

Instead, he asked: "In King Qin's heart, Qin, can it be long?"

The First Emperor did not answer, but asked, "Can I have immortality?"

"Your answer determines whether you can get a chance of immortality, a trace of fate to become an immortal." But it also depends on whether you want it or not!

"Qin, it's hard to last!"

The First Emperor answered in the affirmative.

"Then King Qin thinks, who is the biggest enemy of Great Qin? The power within Qin? Remnants of the Six Kingdoms? Or something else? Hearing

Xu Wen's question, the First Emperor, who had experienced too many world events, immediately realized that this answer was crucial.

Xu Wen knew that there were many First Emperors in the heavens and realms, and each world had a different First Emperor, like a zombie story in which the First Emperor turned out to be a love brain!

He wanted to see what the height of this First Emperor's thinking was.

If he is just the first emperor created by the fate of the world, and he does not have too high a level of thought, then this person is not suitable to develop in his world and become a member of the future human race of his world.

"It's Qin Fa!"

After pondering for a moment, the First Emperor Yingzheng gave the answer.

"Good! That's the right answer! You get the chance to live forever, but to really get him, you need to give. "

Xu Wen said that you seized the opportunity, there is no lunch in vain.

"What a pay!"

"Gather the gold of the world, gather the magic of the world, cast the twelve golden people, and the mirage you are about to cast, I will take it away!" When the time comes, they will be in hand, and your chance of immortality will be realized in another world! However, the Great Qin of this piece of heaven and earth is doomed! Whether you can create another Daqin in that world depends on your ability and ambition!

Xu Wen stated his conditions.

"Give me three days to think about it!"

Three days later, Xu Wen appeared again and got an affirmative answer.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 15

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