
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 16

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 16
In the blink of an eye, it was another ten years, and during this period of time, the mainstream of the entire world became the time for Qin Guo to gather the strength of the whole people to complete major projects.

The difference is that the mausoleum of the first emperor of this world is gone.

But the construction of the Great Wall, the Twelve Golden Men, and the Mirage has been going on.

The Yin-Yang family also tried to find the traces of Xu Wen, who traveled the world and collected all things, but could not find him.

Because Xu Wen did not want to meet with the people of the Yin-Yang family, but he collected a copy of the Yin-Yang Technique.

Time came to the year of the first emperor's eastern tour, and at this time, the mirage, the twelve golden men were also completely cast.

Among them, the twelve super mechanical beasts of the twelve golden people were not placed in Xianyang, Qin Country, but in the mountains near Songhai City.

This point was beyond the expectations of the entire Daqin!

Everything about Qin came from the order of the First Emperor, and his prestige made people dare not refute it.

In these decades, Xu Wen has traveled the most to the place of Daqin, but the barbaric land far from Daqin.

It was thousands of miles away, a place where there was no civilization.

He took Xiaomeng to these strange and barbaric places, including the islands of life in the deep sea, the ice and snow of the Arctic, and collected special plants and animals in this world in these places and sealed them.

They will serve as extraordinary biological resources for the life development of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

For decades, he collected 12,513 special species of plants like the jade leaf flower with certain extraordinary attributes, and he collected nearly 467 species of special animals like the white bird of the white phoenix.

It can be said that these things alone, his gains from this trip are enough.

At the same time, Xu Wen also collected the scriptures, exercises and other knowledge resources of the hundreds of families, which can be a good supplement to the entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

One day ten years later, the First Emperor received a summons and secretly passed the position of crown prince to Fusu.

But Xu Wen did not remind him, so this secret edict was held by Zhao Gao and Li Si respectively.

The collapse of the Great Qin of this world is already doomed.

Xu Wen didn't want to attract the world's instinctive attention and counterattack, so he wouldn't remind him.

The first emperor began his eastern tour, and the ultimate goal was Songhai City.

After arriving at Songhai City, he secretly drafted an edict known only to himself, announcing that the twelve golden men and mirages would be given to the Xiaoyao Immortals.

He kept this edict in his personal collection, and only he knew of the existence of this edict.

It's just that after he drafted this edict, the Eastern Emperor of the Yin-Yang Family suddenly felt unstable, because at this time, he suddenly couldn't see the heavenly machine clearly, couldn't see everything in the future of the entire world, and it seemed that the fate of the Yin-Yang Family had changed strangely at this moment.

But this change does not affect the general trend of heaven and earth, but only changes the small trend of the Yin and Yang family.

It's just that such a change is extremely unfavorable for the Yin-Yang family who is now at a critical time!

The First Emperor toured the east and was assassinated countless times.

The nobles of the Six Kingdoms had ruled this land for too long, and their power was also rooted in all aspects of the land east of Qin.

The remaining powerful forces allowed them to retain a large amount of force and wealth at the grassroots level, which could easily drag down part of the power of the Qin Empire and launch the assassination of the First Emperor.

Fortunately, this time, Qin Shi Huang made sufficient preparations, all the assassinations failed, and the First Emperor did not even lose a stand-in.

In the end, the first emperor Huan Zheng successfully came to Songhai City.

At the same time, Xu Wen took Xiaomeng and also came to a high ground outside Songhai City, where he had to wait for three days to see who could find him.

The next day, Kitako appeared, followed by Oniyako.

Xu Wen knew that Bei Yuzi had not discovered his existence, but that people were waiting in Songhai City.

He felt Xiaomeng's breath, and he found it along with the aura of power of the Taoist Heavenly Man on her body.

Ghost Guzi was much more shrewd, and Ghost Guzi knew that Xiaomeng was next to Xiaoyao Immortal Xu Wen, so he quietly eyed Bei Yuzi and followed him to find Xu Wen.

At this time, Ghost Guzi was already very old, and he himself was quite satisfied with the two disciples.

At this time, he wanted to see the legendary immortal, and wanted to ask for a possible opportunity for immortality.

Even if it was a huge trap, he recognized it.

People who are dying dare to do anything.

"You old immortal thing, you actually followed me secretly! Oniyako, Oniyako, you deserve to be the ghost valley of ghosts!

"It's that your old boy is too stupid, and he is also a Taoist heavenly person, and he didn't even find out when I targeted him!"


The two scolded in front of Xu Wen.

But Oniyako knew how Bei Hazi couldn't find him, and people just wanted to find a companion.

On the evening of the third day, Xunzi and Chu Nangong also appeared together.

It's all a bunch of old guys, one smarter than the other.

Only the most special Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, has never appeared.

When the three days came, Xu Wen spoke: "You can find me, which means that you have a chance for eternal life." Please sleep yourselves! Trust me, you have this chance! If you don't believe it, please leave! "

A few old guys are very crisp and directly sleep on their own.

They are all planning to gamble, they are all dying people, there is nothing to lose.

With immortality, they will be able to see more scenery and more ways of heaven and earth.

Seeing a few people so crisp, Xu Wenxin said, it is worthy of being a group of old ancestor-level figures of hundreds of families, all of them are old and spiritual, ghosts and spirits!

He didn't care, and directly froze a few people and let them sleep in their own internal world.

Xu Wen then asked Xiaomeng to go to Songhai City to capture the last special target of his trip, Ding Ding!

The people take food as the sky, and the extremely powerful blisters in food are naturally indispensable for the development of a world.

Next, Xu Wen took Xiaomeng and secretly met with the First Emperor.

"Here you are!"

"Well, you've done my request. As for whether you can establish a new Daqin in that place and whether you can get the opportunity for immortality, it depends on you. The only thing I can tell you is that there is indeed a chance for immortality! But there is one, go there you can establish a country, but you can't rule the world! This point is taboo!


The First Emperor Yingzheng excitedly agreed, and this opportunity for immortality was finally held by him.

Then he handed over that will, and he himself was frozen by Xu Wen and pretended to be away.

At dawn the next day, the people in Songhai City suddenly discovered that Ying Zheng had disappeared, and the Twelve Golden People had inexplicably disappeared that night.

And not only the First Emperor, but also the Twelve Golden People, and even the mirage disappeared.

Everyone in the entire mirage fell into a deep sleep that night, and when they woke up the next day, they found themselves sleeping in the wilderness.

And what made the entire Yin-Yang family feel strange was that the mysterious power took away the mirage, but did not move Gao Yue, nor did it move the Azure Dragon Seven Houses.

This Xu Wen naturally did not dare to move, and moved the Azure Dragon Seven Places, not knowing what kind of fierce counterattack it would attract from the world's instincts.

Received the mirage, the twelve golden men, Xu Wen froze Xiaomeng again, directly ended this otherworld trip, and returned to the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 16

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