
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 18

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 18
After the great power of fate appeared in the whole world, Xu Wen branded other things one by one with the imprint of this world.

However, he did not immediately put the plants from the Daqin world into the current ecology, and still kept them in the botanical garden.

This botanical garden is completely isolated from the outside ecology.

Xu Wen analyzed that the entire ecological system of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, plant competitiveness is still relatively fragile, and the diversification of organisms is not very sufficient.

After careful analysis, he found that if he put in these plants with extraordinary properties now, it would have a devastating blow to the original plants in this world.

Although the plant bloodline of this world has the bloodline component from Haotian's higher world lifeline, this bloodline is too shallow and weak.

After this devastating blow, the ecology will be restored, but it will directly affect the survival of existing animals, as well as the development of budding hominid societies.

The most important thing is that the current Xuanhuang reincarnation world is still an ordinary world, and there is no extraordinary energy such as aura.

Those animals and plants are best suited to grow in environments with extraordinary energies such as Reiki.

Xu Wen has obtained a lot of animal and plant resources, but it is not yet time to invest in them.

In the following time, Xu Wen devoted his work to fine-tuning the rules of the world and controlling the development of the entire world.

This is the same as the management company, it will have such and such problems, drawbacks, or possible defects in the future, which require you to constantly observe, pay attention to, and adjust.

The ecological environment of the nascent world of Xuanhuang reincarnation is still very fragile, a careless, ecological environment itself evolves a special species, too strong competitiveness may cause ecological disasters, the development of the whole world has a slow effect.

Xu Wen had to be careful.

When he went to the Daqin World, although he was over there, he still left a will to pay attention to the situation in this world.

With the emergence of destiny and the advancement of rules, the whole world continues to draw chaotic power from chaos, transform it into matter, energy, and maintain the growth and evolution of the entire world.

In this process, Xu Wen also made an action.

That is to further enhance the sun and moon of the whole world.

He intercepted a section of the Fusang Divine Tree obtained from the Daqin World, sent it to the sun in the sky, and fused with the Zhiyang Peach Tree in the core space of the sun, forming a Zhiyang Divine Tree with a more Yang Yan nature!

This divine tree, Xu Wen simply called Haoyang Divine Peach.

Its bloodline is still dominated by the Haotian peach tree bloodline, supplemented by the Fuso Shenmu bloodline.

At this time, a miniature subspace has been formed in the sun, which is called the Haoyang Source Realm!

Haoyang Shenpeach lives in this subspace of the sun, and it continuously transforms the chaotic power drawn from the wall of the world into the great power of the sun burning.

At the same time, because this Haoyang Divine Peach is a plant and a life, the sun and sunlight of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World inevitably bring a trace of natural life force.

This life force is the life force born in the world.

This power promotes the bloodline of plants, animals and other lives in the whole world to improve and strengthen the foundation of life.

It also contributes to the evolution of the entire ecosystem, the evolution of the entire world, and the acceleration of the development of the entire world.

Xu Wen originally chose the peach tree of Haotian World, and it was precisely this that he was looking for.

He needs the rapid development of the world, and the best way in this process is to let the sun that nourishes all things naturally have the breath of life, naturally promote the prosperity and strength of the life of the whole world, and further promote the growth of the whole world.

There is a Haoyang divine peach in the sun, and the moon cannot be lacking.

Xu Wen invested twenty points of world origin this time, and also opened up a subspace in the core of the moon, called the Moon Yin Source Realm.

When he was in the Great Qin World, he deliberately found a special cold ice laurel tree in the northern region.

Now, he took a branch of this cold ice laurel tree and put it in the plant group to cultivate, and the original plant was strengthened by adding 2 World Origins.

Subsequently, this strengthened cold ice laurel tree was placed by him in the Moon Yin Source Realm and became the original pillar of the entire moon.

After this Cold Ice Laurel Tree had grown adaptively in the Moon Yin Source Realm for twenty-three years, Xu Wen fused three plant samples of the Yin attribute into the Cold Ice Laurel Tree, allowing it to evolve into a divine plant at the same level as the Haoyang Divine Peach and equally powerful.

It is also the source of the power of the moon, responsible for transforming the power drawn from the wall of the world into the cold power of the world, and balancing the hot and yang power of the world.

This divine tree, like the Haoyang Divine Peach, is the highest level of life in the entire world, and is called the Moon Yin Cold Gui by Xu Wen!

Its complete formation makes the moon of the Xuanhuang world, in addition to giving the world moonlight and cold power, it can also give all life under the moonlight a special cold vitality.

Sunlight and moonlight together have vitality, so that the life evolution of the whole world accelerates and perfects, so that the operation and growth of the whole world itself is faster and more efficient!

Fifty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire world has expanded rapidly, approaching the size of a Pacific Ocean and an Atlantic Ocean!

The level of the dimensional world, judged by the size and intensity of the world, can be divided into four levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and peak.

The entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World has grown from the initial primary dimensional world to the current intermediate dimensional world!

The whole world has unprecedented prosperity, in the ocean, on land, large life above ten meters, medium-sized life between one meter and five meters, small life below one meter, have all appeared, and they are all in a kind of development.

The whole world, whether animals or plants, has one thing in common, that is, the vitality is extremely vigorous.

Its life level and environmental adaptability are stronger than the life of the extraordinary Xiaoqian World.

The whole world has been elevated to an extremely high level at the biological base level.

And the prosperity of life also provided sufficient food for the primitive people who could already use polished wooden weapons, stone weapons, and flames, so that their development was more rapid.

The habitat of these primitive people has spread from the north-central part of the world to the far north, east, south, and west of the world.

The strong vitality makes the qi and blood of these primitive people very vigorous, the vitality is strong, and the survivability is rapidly improved.

The progress of these primitive people is also promoting the development of the whole world in reverse, and the rules of the whole world are supplemented in reverse to improve themselves.

These primitive people began to diverge.

The primitive people who marched to the east, because of the eastern plains, the relationship between abundant food and not large.

But there are many animals in the east, which makes them smaller, more flexible and wiser in order to adapt to this fighting environment.

They are the Huaxia bloodline race closest to Xu Wen's life form.

They have higher intelligence, but their strength is not strong, and they are better at using better tools to survive.

They began to use the sun as a totem on their own.

The primitive people who went to the northern snowfields to survive began to gradually evolve their specific nature.

They are larger, more than two meters and five meters tall, and the cold environment makes them gradually give birth to a trace of ice and snow cold on their bodies.

This primitive group instinctively felt that the moon in the sky was very kind.

So he used the moon as a totem and worshipped the moon.

Their character is tough and strong, but the whole group has also become extremely united in the harsh environment of existence.

A group of primitive people to the west began to adapt to the environment of the plateau and mountains, and unconsciously cultivated the power of the earth in their bodies.

Their size is about two meters, a little taller than the primitive in the east and a little lower than the primitive in the north.

But their endurance is stronger, and their character is getting tougher.

They set the totem as a mountain, the earth, so their character gradually affected, becoming very tough, stubborn, and at the same time very aggressive.

A group of primitive people in the middle entered the jungle to survive.

They use the big tree as a totem, gradually return to the big tree for activities, are good at bows and arrows, are as light as flying, and worship primitive ecological nature.

A wisp of natural life breath began to flourish in their bloodline life.

The primitive people who came to the area of the southern swamp river were more adapted to life in the water.

Their group is small and scattered, but they are good at water battles, rich in food, and gradually derived a special power path to control various aquatic creatures, especially bugs.

This primitive man, together with spiritual power, began the initial birth of extraordinary spirits.

There are also some primitive people who develop on peninsulas deep into the sea, or even on small islands in the sea.

In their bodies, the breath of water becomes stronger and stronger, and they are more and more adapted to the life of the sea.

Different branches of primitive people spread throughout the world, and from the bloodline level, the original transcendent aura level began to differentiate.

Only the primitive people of the East formed a line based on the development of wisdom.

The primitive people of other branches began to possess the initial extraordinary aura and began to nurture the extraordinary foundation of life.

These differentiations allow them to be more adapted to the environment where giant beasts and poisonous insects appear, adapt to difficult weather climates, and terrain restrictions.

The whole world, the original civilization differentiation, completely appeared!

But what Xu Wen valued the most was the eastern one, because that one completely stabilized his bloodline and stabilized the Chinese bloodline.

And although they are not extraordinary, they have wisdom.

And wisdom is the real core strength of all intelligent life!

If it weren't for Xu Wen's upgrading of the sun and moon, allowing their core divine trees to take shape, and letting the sunlight and moonlight have the breath of blood and life, these primitive people would not have been able to lay an extraordinary foundation at this stage.

Similarly, primitive people have had an extraordinary opportunity to rise because of sunlight and the vitality in moonlight, and those plants and animals have benefited more in this aspect.

Especially plants that directly enjoy the sun and moonlight.

They evolved faster, and the first plants of extraordinary nature quickly evolved in the earth.

The emergence of extraordinary nature plants also promoted the evolution of extraordinary nature animals and primitive people.

The whole world, without extraordinary energy, formed the first extraordinary bud!

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