
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 19

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 19
In the hundredth year, the world reached the size of an earth in its previous life!

At this time, the Xuanhuang reincarnation world has grown to the height of the high-level dimensional world.

The growth of the world makes the whole world more barbaric.

The range of activities of those primitive people only occupies less than one-thousandth of the entire world area, only a few provinces in size.

Animals, plants are powerful, making their survival gradually difficult.

But these intensified their evolution, the original barbaric martial arts gradually took shape, the use of tools became more and more skilled, masterful, new wooden and stone tools constantly appeared.

But at this time, the original cycle of the four seasons gradually evolved under Xu Wen's control.

Winter gradually became extremely difficult to survive, and life began to further adapt to the environment.

Under such circumstances, the survival of primitive people became more and more difficult.

The threat of survival makes them constantly change, seek change, in order to survive in this world.

Among the primitive people in the north-eastern region, the first plantation finally appeared.

Human beings no longer directly demand nature, but transform nature and use cultivation to achieve stable access to food.

After all, hunting, gathering this way of survival, too much emphasis on luck.

The harvest of planting is relatively stable, and it is more able for them to live stably, without having to face the terrible primitive beasts, fierce beasts, poisonous insects, and poisonous plants.

The northern snowy strip, the western highland zone, the original way of grazing life, also appeared.

Similarly, grazing can be more efficient, more stable, and safer than hunting.

The combination of herding and hunting gradually became the mainstream of their way of survival.

Primitive people in the swampy areas of the southern river system were more adapted to manipulating animals and insects, and also began the first way of living in pond fish.

Only primitive people in the forest, the way of life has not changed.

But they also learned to hide food in winter, learned more advanced jungle fighting, and the use of more advanced tools, such as throwing stones and throwing spears, gradually appeared.

At this time, the development of the whole world reached a new height.

Xu Wen also decided to go to the new world and continue to collect resources useful to his own world.

This time, the collection object is still some of the worlds he has opened.

But before Xu Wen could make a move, his face changed drastically.

There was a huge movement in the chaos!

Normal life cannot perceive changes in chaos at all, and even because its vision cannot see through chaos itself, it is completely blind in chaos.

But Xu Wen is different, he is a heavenly Dao and has special world eyes.

Therefore, he can see some changes in chaos through the fog of the power of chaos itself.

Chaos itself is a very quiet existence.

Chaotic matter and energy have some fluidity, but they are not fast.

At least in the area where Xu Wen's Xuanhuang Reincarnation World is located, it is not so fast when measured from the perspective of the world.

Of course, from the perspective of ordinary people, this chaotic surging speed is still faster than the river.

In the endless chaos, the wind and waves were originally calm, but in this one it has changed.

A terrifying tremor was transmitted from the extreme depths of chaos, directly shaking the chaotic world near the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

Xu Wen's world is very unfortunate, just in the midst of this shock.

The entire earth and sky of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World appeared one after another dark folds, the ocean was shattering, the earth was experiencing terrible earthquakes, the mountains were shaking, ten thousand beasts were running wildly, ten thousand birds were flying together, and all life was frightened in this shock.

It was as if a natural catastrophe was about to come.

In fact, if this situation continues, it may be a real natural disaster.

This hit the whole world hard by two percent.

The second chaotic shock came, but this time the aura in the shock was completely different from the previous one, and it was extremely different.

Xu Wen couldn't tell the difference, but he felt that these two shocks did not seem to be naturally formed, but more like two terrifying beings fighting in the chaos.

And what his world has endured is only an infinitely weakened version of the aftermath of people's power.

"What to do? Is my world about to be destroyed just on the right track? Facing the end of the Great Collapse? For

the first time, Xu Wen felt so powerless.

At this time, the entire chaos was turbulent, and even if he wanted to escape to other worlds with the World Gate, he couldn't do it.

Because the level of the World Gate is still very low, it cannot be opened in this turbulent chaotic environment!

He knew that it might be an accident, an accident caused by the battle of the strong.

But such an accident may be a terrible catastrophe for many weak worlds in chaos.

The second shock, the heavy damage of the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World reached six percent!

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the third shock that was exactly the same as the first layer of shock aura, and it was impossible to judge the essence of its power.

This time, the earth of the whole world cracked a large rift valley, and the sun and moon in the sky were hit hard to varying degrees.

The world of Xuanhuang reincarnation will fall fire from the sky for a while, scorching like a hot hell, and then frost in the sky, as if endless eternal night has fallen.

The cycle and operation of the sun and moon in the world almost went wrong.

Now Xu Wen is completely aware that the world itself is not so safe in chaos.

Maybe an accident arrives and the whole world is gone!

He has to think of a way to save himself or the whole world.

Now in this case, it is useless to repair the world itself.

It was at this moment that Xu Wen noticed that a huge object in the chaos was floating over.

It was a pothole, a black chaotic rock!

The memory of the world's predecessor, the world's fragments, has partial information about the Chaos Rock.

Chaos rocks are chaotic sediments and are relatively rare substances in the boundless chaos except for the world.

It is hard to the extreme, and no force can destroy it.

It can be said that whatever it has formed, it has always been, even the strongest flame in the top world, it is ineffective against it.

It can be said that this is a fairy-grade material that can hardly be processed and utilized.

It does not penetrate any energy, but it accumulates a rich chaotic power.

The moment he saw it, Xu Wen had a bold idea after thinking about the nature of the Chaos Rock.

He immediately took action, using all the world origin accumulated before, controlling the entire world towards this huge chaotic rock.


The Xuanhuang Reincarnation World collided with the Chaos Rock, and the heavy damage of the entire world reached twenty-three percent.

But Xu Wen didn't care, he let the world stick to the chaos rock like a armyworm, and then began to wriggle on it, moving to a small stone cave in the middle of a chaotic rock.

When he was observing this chaotic rock just now, he saw a small hole in this chaotic rock.

The space inside the cave is still relatively large.

Then Xu Wen let the Xuanhuang reincarnation world squirm into a hole and clinging to it.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

The shock in the chaos continues, but this shock cannot pass through the protection of the chaos rock, and it hurts the Xuanhuang reincarnation world in the stone cave.

Moreover, the Chaos Rock's characteristics of isolating all non-chaotic forces can also be very good at insulating other worlds and strong people to notice the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, and the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World is safer.

The existence of this cave can extend Xu Wen's power.

It can be said that this chaotic rock has become an excellent hiding place and protection place for the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World!

Although the world has been hit hard, if Xu Wen does not do this, the whole world will be destroyed under such turmoil.

His ingenuity and bold action saved himself and his world.

The entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World can only be considered completely safe until now!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 19

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