
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 2

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 2
When the World Origin consumed nearly 7 points, the pitch-black stone door finally opened.

This means that it has successfully searched and located in that world!

The Gate of the World and Luo Tian's Voyeur Mysterious Mirror are essentially linked.

After searching for the world in Xu Wen's memory information at the World Gate, Luo Tian's peeping mysterious mirror also began to collect the spillover information of this world on his own.

Every world is a huge body of destiny information.

The world itself is not able to fully converge its instinct for the information of its destiny, just as it is impossible for an object in reality to avoid infrared radiation.

As long as the world exists, it will radiate its own destiny information into the chaos all the time.

Under their influence, people in other worlds may have some inspirational mysteries, and the fate of such a world is derived from fantasy works.

On the surface, these worlds are just the work of another world, but in reality they are real worlds.

And the real situation of each world is far more complex and special than what is shown in fantasy works.

Xu Wen is using such a world information radiation principle to locate the location of a world.

Without the information in his memory as a basis for comparison, without the high-level understanding of the essence of the world that remained in the fragments of the world, he would not have been able to create the artifact of the World Gate.

His positioning in a strange world seems simple, but it is the result of countless innate conditions.

This world fragment is the core fragment of the once large world, and its residual information is the information of the original super world's understanding of the nature of the world.

And this kind of information, only the heavenly way of that world can have, even if the Great Luo Immortal God finally lives, it is difficult to feel some information about the essence of the world.

The residue of the essential information of this world is also very advanced, and Xu Wen's Heavenly Dao personality allows him to bear and understand this level of information, thus creating the door of the world, Luo Tian's peeping into the Mysterious Breakthrough Realm, a special artifact for the world itself!

Locating the target world, after consuming nearly 3 points of world origin, Luo Tian's peeping mirror successfully parsed the loopholes in this world, obtained some of the information within the world, and let the world gate successfully tear a portal inside this world.

Moreover, this portal successfully opened where Xu Wen wanted.

Fortunately, there is no heavenly way in this world, only some spiritual world instincts.

A world has an instinctive spirituality, and after a world has grown tremendously, the world instinct will to transform into a higher, but still more mechanical, world will.

When a world grows to an extremely high height, the will of the world will transform into a heavenly path.

World instinct, world will, among the three realms, the Heavenly Dao is the highest person in the world!

Every world with a heavenly path is extremely high and terrifying.

Because the Heavenly Dao not only has terrifying wisdom and spirituality, but also can perfectly use all the power of a world.

And Xu Wen is a very special lucky person with a Heavenly Dao personality.

If the World Fragment was not a core fragment of a super-large world, and the advanced essence was still there, Xu Wen would not be able to achieve the Heavenly Dao Personality.

Now, the world that Xu Wen locates has no heavenly way, world will, only world instinct.

In this world, there are masters, observers, and three fools.

There are countless moving stories in this world!

This is Xu Wen's target world, but his goal is not the heavenly book in the Zhishou Guan, not the chessboard of Langke Temple, not Liu Bai's sword, nor the master's small wooden stick.

Xu Wen was sure that the heavens and realms in this chaos might have a world he was familiar with, so he deliberately chose this world.

Because the world has what he needs!

This world has one of the most special, the one god of light and darkness, Haotian!

The moment Xu Wen opened the world, the timing was the most wonderful.

At this time, the madman Ke in the eyes of the world drew his sword and fought the sky, and was killed by Hao Tiantian.

The little junior brother died, so the master went to Momoyama, drank alcohol, and chopped peach blossoms.

Countless Haotian disciples were unable to help.

At this moment, a projection of a one-foot-tall pitch-black stone door suddenly opened in the sky.

Its appearance is extremely abrupt!

Its breath is extremely weird and strange!

The ruler-high black stone gate attracted the attention of the master, the lord, the temple master, the great light priest, the first seat of the Buddhist scriptures, the drunkard, the butcher and other strong people.

Their eyes tried to see through the small stone door and see the secret behind the stone door.

But their gaze could not penetrate, mysterious, strange, but incomparably tenacious power, blocking their attempt to peek into the mysterious sight of this stone gate.

However, the more so, the more interested they became in what was behind the stone gate.

Originally, the grand event of the master cutting down the peach blossoms in the Xiling Tomb was temporarily terminated.

At this moment, a change suddenly appeared, and a cloth net fell from the sky, from under everyone's noses, and fell in the stone gate.

It netted one of the most vigorous peach trees in this peach mountain, netted it along with the soil and turf on the roots, and quickly left.

The master smiled, but did not move.

Because that net is too broken, it is obviously a very powerful thing, but a group of strong people are discerning.

In their eyes, it was clearly a cloth net woven from strips of cloth torn from their clothes.

This craft can no longer be described as a shame, it is simply a display of the lowest meaning of the word net.

It was too broken and so funny, so that the master couldn't help but laugh.

But the master's laughter is also because of its mysteries.

The master could not see through its essence, but he saw some of its fur-like mystery.

Such a strange mystery made the master have a different harvest, and it was also another reason to make the master laugh.

Because the realm of the master is the highest among the strong, he sees the most and gains the most.

This web of craftsmanship is rotten to the extreme, and the mystery is intoxicating, attracting the hearts of the strong who yearn for a higher realm of heaven and earth.

So, the Lord struck!

With great distance, his hand grasped the net, trying to get it back.

He doesn't see as much mystery as Fuzi, but he longs for more, because he can't beat Fuzi, but Fuzi is chopping the peach blossoms of Momoyama, and Fuzi will continue to behead after this incident.

This net may give him some odds.

But he missed, he couldn't grasp the net, and the mystery he understood was not effective at all for this web that was difficult to see.

The viewer could only watch the net, sweep away the best peach tree on Peach Mountain, and return to the stone gate.

Everyone was puzzled, the other party spent so much effort, just for a peach tree on Peach Mountain?

But soon, things came again.

The one reappeared, the peach tree inside was gone, the net was empty, and it seemed to want to take something away.

To the surprise of all the powerhouses, its target turned out to be the master.

But the master did not fight back, because he felt that the target of the net was not actually him.

The net came, "took" two things, and went again!

The watchers, butchers, drunkards, sermons and other strong people watched from afar, stunned.

That net actually took away the two jugs of wine that the master was drinking.

They are puzzled, your goal is not the master, not the strongest person in the world, but the inconspicuous two jugs of wine in his hand?

Such a high-profile appearance, the action of pulling the wind, turned out to be to fish out a peach tree and two jugs of wine?

They feel that their worldview has taken a hit.

The master did not fight back, but felt interesting, and the opposite side of his heart was also an interesting person, a person who loved wine.

The net disappeared behind the stone gate, and the mysterious stone gate also disappeared.

Haotian's world, the distance between the kingdom of God and the world is extremely far, Haotian can't see everything in the world, so at this moment everything changes Haotian feels, but she can't see clearly.

The master smiled, feeling that the one behind the stone gate would come again, and it would bring some different changes to the world.

His master will continue to chop down this mountain of peach blossoms.

The difference is that this time not only the peach blossom did not bloom, but also a peach tree disappeared.

Soon after, the Lord of the Spectator drifts into the South China Sea, and the curtain of the fate of this world is about to open!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 2

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