
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 20

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 20
After it is safe, Xu Wen's world will follow the flow along with this chaotic rock that moves in chaos.

The "dwelling" of this world is suitable.

Moreover, the chaos rock itself has more chaotic forces attached to it, which is relatively peaceful, and it is easier to be absorbed by the world itself, which is transformed into a boost for the development and growth of the world.

Until the world grows to a certain extent, the advantages of staying here in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World outweigh the disadvantages.

The development of the world, one can choose the infinite growth of the size of the world itself.

The other is that the world is stable on the outside, but infinitely expands internally.

The world generally chooses the former path, because doing so will make the world need fewer resources to develop.

If the external body size is stable and the internal time and space expand infinitely, the resources consumed are more.

After Xu Wen decided to live in this chaotic rock cave now, he decided to go to the back path.

Just do this, and the consumption will be ten times that of the normal world.

But one advantage of this is that the world itself is protected by Chaos Rocks and can always grow safely.

Like before, it may be a world disaster created by the battle of the strong, and it will not hurt him. Even if other worlds want to invade his world, they can't find the location of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, and the security level of the entire world can score 90 points!

This time the change in the chaos scared Xu Wen a little.

He did not directly control the restoration world, but let the world recover on its own first, and the remaining 30 world origin points in his hand were all used by him to do one thing.

That's some tiny rocky rocks that pull chaos, like sand-sized chaotic rocks.

Xu Wen dragged them over and attached them to the hole in the chaotic rock.

He was like an ant building a nest, little by little using these tiny chaotic substances to block the only outward hole.

He used the 27 points of light of the World Origin to completely block this hole, leaving only a very small, unnoticeable gap.

After doing this, the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World was completely under the protection of Chaos Rock.

Moreover, world artifacts such as the World Gate can also play a role through this gap when they descend to other realms.

He hid the world, defended and attacked, and occupied a real chaotic geographical advantage.

After doing all this, nearly twenty years had passed since Xuanhuang reincarnated the inside of the world, and he only now had the energy to observe the situation inside the world.

Although the world was hit hard, the reincarnation rule system that was the core of the entire world was intact, and the real core of the world was not hit hard.

Even the Qi Luck Microspring and the Fate Micro Flow have only been affected somewhat, and they have now recovered.

The cycle of the sun and the moon has an effect, but in twenty years it has recovered part of itself, and the rest can also recover on its own.

The original scorching sun and fire and frost and cold disasters gradually faded.

Due to Xu Wen's original arrangement, the breath of life contained in sunlight and moonlight gives all life a strong vitality.

Therefore, although the natural disaster at the beginning caused the death of some lives and most of them were severely damaged, those who were severely damaged gradually recovered.

Even the terrible crisis of natural disasters has promoted the evolution of certain life, and some special life forms with more extraordinary characteristics have emerged.

The biggest impact at the beginning was the emergence of countless great rifts throughout the world.

Whether it is the eastern, southern, northern, or oceanic regions of the Central Continent, countless terrifying abysses have appeared.

These abysses are the rifts in the earth caused by the world's shocks.

One of the most influential parts is that nearly one-third of the plateau and mountains in the west have broken away from the western plateau and drifted towards the western sea, gradually becoming a small land isolated from the central main continent.

Other narrow peninsulas that originally extended into the ocean also broke up, forming countless island chains in the ocean.

And the most severely injured are the original primitive people.

They suffered the most, losing nearly four-fifths of the population and splintering into more small tribes.

Moreover, the worship of god totems by these tribes is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In their hearts, they thought that the natural disaster twenty years ago was a terrible divine punishment.

The legend of the Flood Wasteland splitting the sky began to form different legends in different tribes, and it will continue forever.

To some extent, this world catastrophe has also intensified the sense of crisis of primitive people, and the strong survival instinct will make them accelerate their evolutionary growth towards advanced primitives, which Xu Wen is willing to see.

The emergence of intelligent civilization will have a great effect on the whole world.

In twenty years, the entire world's "injuries" have recovered to nearly half, and less than ten percent of the heavy injuries have been made.

Xu Wen looked at it, and after thinking for a moment, decided to keep those heavenly abysses on land.

Leave it alone in the ocean.

Maybe these special abysses can play a huge role in the evolution of the future world.

With the existence of these heavenly abysses, the isolation on land will be greater, the gap between different civilizations will be greater, and the civilizations of the entire world will be diversified, which will be enriched by the existence of these special heavenly abysses.

The change in the land pattern caused by this great change in the world is not necessarily a bad thing.

The divine tombs and plant clusters that he focused on were all good, and these two places had been strengthened by him with a large number of world origin reinforcements, and there was no accident in this heavenly change.

Xu Wen used 2 world origins to repair the sun and moon itself, and then retained 1 world origin to deal with accidents.

Next, he focused on the world's self-restoration.

With him personally presiding over it, the whole world will recover itself faster.

It took nearly two hundred years for the entire world to recover, during which the world itself would also produce the origin of the world.

But these world origins were all used by him to restore the world itself.

Until the world's "injury" recovers, the whole world has no ability to continue to grow and expand.

At the moment of restoration of the whole world, the sky was clear and the sky was full of colorful light, and all life was strengthened and improved to a certain extent.

This is Xu Wen put into 5 world origins to celebrate the restoration of the world.

At this time, primitive people also really evolved to the advanced stage of primitive tribal civilization, and the first bronze metal artifacts began to appear.

Among primitive people, the first special techniques also began to appear.

This kind of martial arts that uses good strength has begun to become the foundation of every tribe in the way of power inheritance.

Human civilization is about to enter a new era of slavery.

In the fiftieth year after the world was restored, Xu Wencai once again set his sights on the heavens and realms, finding ways to seek things from other realms and strengthen the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World itself.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 20

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