
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 21

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 21
Xu Wen opens the door of the world again.

Different worlds, the speed of time flow is different, Xu Wen's world level is low, and the time flow speed is faster than the world with a strong flow speed.

In an advanced world like Haotian World, time passes much slower.

This time, he set his eyes on a familiar world, and Zhang Sanfeng of this world was taken away by Xu Wen in the year of his birthday.

Since then, people in this world have guessed the existence of immortals and the possibility of immortality.

Martial Dao cultivation to the level of Zhang Sanfeng, if you don't know, you can become an immortal and get true immortality.


These two words have endless magic!

Even the slightest possibility of immortality, it has made countless people do their best and be enchanted.

At this time, the world, whether it is a dignitary or a royal clan relative, will practice martial arts.

Because they understand that Xuewen cannot bring them true immortality, but Xuewu has this possibility.

Martial arts practice to the extreme, even if you can't see immortality, but you can make yourself live longer.

Moreover, the power of martial arts is more able to protect itself, and the charm of power is something that no one can avoid.

If the world does not have martial arts, go and fight! Go grab! Go find a way to create!

Under the devilish efforts of the world, the martial arts of this side of the world are becoming more and more prosperous, and there is a faint trend of martial arts worlds.

Xu Wen didn't pay attention to these, his world door opened above a small valley, and then the Vientiane Qiankun Net quietly fell, scooping away the peaches, monkey groups, and the exercises of the Jiuyang Divine Gong in this valley.

Later, he fished out only a few Bodhisattva snakes that were more than ten meters long in this world.

He also focused on the various exercises in the Ancient Tomb Sect, as well as the special ice jade bed.

At the same time, Xu Wen also took advantage of the trend to scoop up the royal family's arsenal, the Tibetan scripture pavilion of the Shaolin Temple, and the Tibetan scripture rooms of many Daomen, and took away all the martial arts secrets preserved in these places, including the very special "Sunflower Treasure Book" and "Nine Yin True Scripture".

After scooping up these things, he did not pay attention to the world.

Next, Xu Wen successively opened several world doors of the low-martial world, taking away many good things.

For example, Tianxiang cardamom, martial arts collected by Dragon Guarding Villa, and Tianshan Snow Lotus.

For example, the Tai Xuan Jing, and the many martial arts of this world.

For example, Shi Shuige's martial arts, ice silkworm, reckless clam, dragon eighteen palms, etc.

There are also some rare plants, animals, and every world can always give birth to some special plants, animals.

Xu Wen has obtained enough martial arts secrets from multiple martial arts worlds.

In addition to these, Xu Wen's secondary targets are some special characters, such as the elderly Dugu Seeking Defeat, Wang Yuyan, Xiao Feng, Sweeping Monk, Ruthless, Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, Yan Thirteen, Yan Nantian, Invitation, Mercy Xing, Dongfang Undefeated, Xiao Li Feidao, etc.

The reason why these people were chosen is because most of them have the qualifications of seekers, or have special features in terms of heart and ability.

Since the world instinct of these worlds is very mechanical and weak, they are simply unable to stop the movement of the World Gate.

It can be said that by the time the world itself reacted, Xu Wen had completed his "theft work." Originally

, Xu Wen also wanted to go to the Great Tang Double Dragon World and the Fengyun World to make a fortune, but under his observation, he found that the instinct of these worlds was stronger, and if he wanted to act, he had to prepare a little more of the world origin.

But his world, the origin of the world, is not much now.

After completing the salvage of these people and things, Xu Wen was temporarily quiet for nearly a thousand years.

He used nearly a hundred drops of World Origin to accelerate the development of this world in time.

Xu Wen wants the whole world to enter the era of intelligent civilization in advance.

In this millennium, Xu Wen first completed the cleansing of the world imprint he had harvested last time, and re-branded it.

Only then did he make some minor adjustments to the world itself.

The continent that split off from the western part of the world began to accelerate under Xu Wen's intervention, and the growth rate was much faster than that of the central continent.

And this continent is moving rapidly westward with expansion.

This continent, Xu Wen called the Western Continent.

The Western Continent expanded three-fifths the size of the Central Continent over a period of a thousand years, but differed from the nearly circular form of the Central Continent.

The western continent is a north-south, slender structure, and it is larger in the north-central region, and some clouds extend from this part, which looks like a large land structure in the shape of a cross.

Most of the western continent is separated by many mountain ranges, divided into small plains and basins.

Its northernmost point is a plateau.

A super river that runs across the western continent from the northernmost point and enters the sea from a harbor in the southernmost part.

In addition to the western continent, an island in the South China Sea was deliberately expanded by Xu Wen, making it a continent that was one-fifth the area of the central continent.

To the east, there are several larger islands, and an island chain of tens of thousands of small islands.

In the north, a tenth of the snowy plains of the central continent were split into the North Sea.

This continent split from the original northern snowy area, and this continent also took away three primitive tribes to survive on the northern continent.

The whole world gradually formed a world land composition pattern with the central continent as the main body, the western continent, the southern continent, the northern continent, and the eastern island chain group as the structure.

Among them, a certain number of primitive people exist on the central continent, the western continent, and the northern continent.

These three continents are still continents with human civilization as the main activity zone.

On the southern continent is a complete boundless tropical forest!

The southern continent will become the cradle of non-intelligent life in the whole world, a real barbaric place.

After the formation of the southern continent, Xu Wen put some extraordinary beasts suitable for living here, such as the Si Boqu snake.

He let these alien beasts begin to participate in the ecological chain on the southern continent, using the law of natural competition to promote the evolution of all life.

The entire southern continent will be a forbidden place for true intelligent civilizations.

The ultra-high rainfall, perennial floods, fog, and poisonous barriers here will make it difficult for intelligent life to gain a foothold here.

In the Western Continent, Xu Wen is ready to start some special arrangements in the back.

In the northern continent, there are only four months of vigorous life a year, one month of spring, one month of autumn, and two months of summer.

Cold will be the main tone here.

But the life in the ocean here will not be monotonous, but will be very vigorous because of the appearance of ocean currents.

In the archipelago in the eastern sea, there are also a certain number of primitive tribes, and their development will be very special.

At this point, the area of the entire world has reached the size of two earth's surface areas!

Moreover, the primitive period of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world in the central continent of the world was completely over, and due to the development of metal applications, it quickly entered the slave age.

On the eastern plains of the Central Continent, primitive people, who were originally dominated by wisdom, established a dynasty called Yan.

This is the first dynasty of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

The dynasty did not form a surname and lasted for nearly seven hundred years, but the development of seven hundred was very fast, and thanks to Xu Wen's little guidance, iron tools appeared faster, so it quickly entered the end of the slave age.

The Later Dayan Dynasty experienced nearly three hundred years of turmoil and was divided into thirty-seven kingdoms.

The thirty-seven countries fought each other and expanded outward, gradually forming seven major countries: Qingguo, Yeguo, Zhouguo, Xiaguo, Qiuguo, Shuangguo, and Qiguo.

These seven countries were the first to complete the reform of the law, abolish slavery, and enter the feudal era.

Because their systems were more advanced and more adapted to the times, they became the Seven Heroes of the Central Continent.

At this point, the real curtain of the entire world can be opened, and the whole world has developed to the extreme of the dimensional world.

As long as the real stars evolve in the sky, the entire world will enter the level of the Dongtian world above the dimensional world.

There is no starry sky in the dimensional world, but there is a starry sky in the cave world!

The starry sky is the symbol of the emergence of the Dongtian world!

Some of Xu Wen's preparations at the beginning will also be truly implemented!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 21

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