
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 22

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 22
The accumulation of thousands of years accelerated, allowing the world to enter the feudal era and also began to enter the extraordinary era.

Before opening the millennium acceleration, Xu Wen used the ice jade material of the cold ice jade bed to improve, carved it into a dragon shape, sent it under the snow mountains in the northern snowfield, and invested 40 world origin points to evolve it into the original spiritual vein.

This spiritual vein evolved and expanded in the process of time acceleration, and it took three hundred years to grow into a relatively advanced spiritual vein.

In the third hundredth year, Xu Wen divided it, dividing it protectively with the origin of the world, splitting it into countless very small ultra-miniature spiritual veins.

He also imprinted the rules of reincarnation into these spiritual veins, so that the spiritual veins themselves, as well as the heaven and earth spiritual energy it produced, also reflected and interacted with the core of the world's reincarnation rules.

After these spiritual veins were differentiated, Xu Wen threw them into the mountains, great rivers, and heavenly abysses of the Central Continent, allowing them to evolve into the world's first countless spiritual vein branches.

Almost important mountains, big rivers, and heavenly abysses will have an ultra-miniature spiritual vein in the gestation.

These spiritual veins have been bred for the next seven hundred years!

Jiang Ziliu paid great attention to them, and with his continuous investment in the origin of the world, these spiritual veins began to grow little by little, and finally a thousand years later, when the feudal civilization was fully opened, they were successfully conceived, so that a complete spiritual vein system appeared in the entire world.

Even different spiritual veins were vaguely linked together, forming the most primitive heaven and earth spiritual vein array.

The spiritual veins of the world have become a complete and subtle network of systematization.

It's still small and weak, but it's complete.

The spiritual veins of the Central Continent formed a network of spiritual veins with each other and interacted with the core rules of reincarnation, and the world underwent a special evolution, and an extremely weak spiritual energy appeared.

There is very little Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy, but it really exists!

It breaks through to the great difficulty of going from zero to one, officially marking the beginning of the extraordinary stage of the entire world.

The southern continent, the northern continent, the western continent, and the deep sea region also began to give birth to branching spiritual veins.

The emergence of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the arrival of the feudal era mean the emergence of a great development opportunity for a truly extraordinary civilization.

The emergence of heaven and earth spiritual energy has made the animals and plants of the entire world have certain extraordinary characteristics, and the life that originally had extraordinary characteristics has undergone greater evolution, and even formed some extraordinary power bloodlines.

At this time, Xu Wen began to unseal some of the characters sealed in the divine tomb.

The first to be released by him were Xunzi of Confucianism, Beiluzi of Taoism, Ban Master of Mojia, and Nianduan of the Medical Family.

They were born first!

After releasing them, Xu Wen met them in person, and he let the four keep their memories, but he also gave them a task.

This task, the four people did not hesitate, and began to perform it after being put into the corresponding position by Xu Wen.

Xunzi established a new Confucian Little Sage Village in Linxia Mountain in the east, which Xu Wen helped him build, and the layout of the village was exactly the same as Xunzi's former Little Sage Zhuang, and even expanded several times.

Moreover, Xu Wen also copied a copy of the various books he collected and made a bamboo book and placed it in the Little Sage Zhuang.

Bei Yuzi established the Daomen Daoist Tianzong on the Qiuli Mountain outside the central forest in the west, and Xu Wen also built a library for him and put the same number of bamboo scrolls, but these scrolls were the same as those of the Little Sage Zhuang, and Xu Fang eliminated some things.

There is no bamboo scroll about Taoist knowledge in the Little Sage Zhuang, and there is no bamboo scroll about Confucianism in the Taoist house.

Master Ban established the Momen Gate in the Yin Mountain Mountains in the north, which is the most special and faces the invasion of the barbarians of the northern steppe all year round.

The concept of Mojia and the mechanics of Mojia are most suitable here.

The northern grassland race of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World is very powerful, if it were not for a heavenly abyss that happened to be here, and there were mountains blocking it, the development of the Seven Kingdoms in the East would be very difficult.

In the Nian Duan of the Doctor's Family, the Purple Mist Mountain in the south of the Seven Kingdoms established a medical gate.

The Mo family and the medical family were also built by Xu Wen as a place like a library.

For the safety of Nian Duan, Xu Wen personally combined the hundred martial arts to create a hundred medicine divine skill for her, and raised her strength to the level of heaven and man.

Master Ban was also elevated to the level of heaven and man by Xu Wen, and his martial arts were centered on the art of organs and the concept of Mojia.

Without this concept and without recognizing it, it will be difficult for martial arts to progress.

The strong of heaven and man have a lifespan of five hundred years in the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, and the whole world will continue to develop later.

Whether the four of them can seize the opportunity and get immortality depends on their own.

The four gates of Confucianism, Taoism, Mo, and Medicine lived in the east, west, south, and north border areas of the seven eastern kingdoms of Qingguo, Yeguo, Zhou, Xia, Qiu, Frost, and Qiguo, which just surrounded the current boundary of the Seven Kingdoms.

The mountain gate of the four people was built by Xu Wen himself, and these four places were still in the midst of dangerous mountains, far from the attackable terrain sphere of influence of the armies of the Seven Great Powers.

Moreover, he personally attracted nearly a hundred orphans as disciples for each of them.

There are good fields, orchards, hemp fields in the mountains, there is no shortage of food and drink, and the basic survival is completely enough.

What the four people have to do is to spread the original knowledge and concepts of Confucianism, Taoism, Mojia, and medicine in this world, so that the chaotic cultural level of the Seven Kingdoms can be highly improved, and the extraordinary martial arts power can truly descend.

Their disciples focused on learning the principles of Confucianism and Taoism, the mechanics of Mojia, and the knowledge of medical practitioners.

The secondary learning content is the most basic, only to the innate peak level of martial arts.

High-level martial arts, Xu Wen still did not allow them to teach them.

After everything was arranged, the original Tao, Confucian, Mo, and medical began teaching, and the four of them were also too busy to get their feet on the ground, and only after experiencing the hectic chaos did they adapt and establish the door rules and order of their respective sects.

The first of these students to come out of the mountain were Confucian disciples, who were allowed to go down by Xunzi after ten years of study.

In the end, two-thirds left, and one-third were willing to guard the mountain gate with the teacher.

In the fifteenth year of Taoism, one-half of the disciples were willing to go down the mountain to spread Taoist ideas, but most of the disciples, influenced by the ideas of Tianzong, preferred to practice in the mountains.

The disciples of the Mo family, after studying for twenty years, the class master assessed them and considered them qualified before they were allowed to go down the mountain.

The class master was good, and nearly two-thirds of the disciples were reluctant to go down the mountain and leave him.

The medical family also allowed the disciples to go down the mountain to practice medicine after twenty years, but ninety percent of the disciples were unwilling to leave, and Nian Duan's character was too good, and he accepted the hearts of all the disciples.

But Nian Duan thought that the doctor should treat Cang Sheng and let Jiucheng disciples go down the mountain, leaving only Jiucheng to cultivate her.

The knowledge of Confucianism, Taoism, Mo, and medicine was transmitted to the Seven Kingdoms, and gradually let the people in the Seven Kingdoms know that there were great sages in the mountains.

As a result, countless people with aspirations in the Seven Kingdoms went to the mountains to study through dangers.

Confucian ink medicine ushered in a new batch of disciples, and the whole world quickly began to develop because of the influence of Confucianism, Taoism, ink and medicine.

In Xunzi's philosophy, there is also a certain Legalist thought.

Such ideas spread, promoted the emergence of the legal system, and further made the laws of the seven countries sound, social progress, population growth, productivity improvement, and material abundance.

And martial arts also spread with them, and people's instinctive thirst for power allowed martial arts to spread rapidly throughout the world.

The original extraordinary era has finally appeared!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 22

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