
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 24

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 24
Confucianism was the first to go out of the mountain and occupied a head start, but the three families of Mo, Tao, and Medicine who came down later did not develop badly.

Although the Taoist disciples came down late, their influence expanded rapidly.

Because Taoism clearly explained the nature of heaven and earth, explained the secrets of immortals, and understood the principle of immortality, which people most desire.

The changes in heaven and earth have made the faith activities of the human race very vigorous.

But no one can explain some of the truth, and immortality is what everyone desires.

Who wouldn't want to aspire to live longer.

Therefore, the disciples of the Daoist sect went down the mountain and talked about the way of heaven and earth, the truth of internal martial arts, and the secret of the immortal gods who gave birth to one, one life two, two lives three, and three lives of all things.

These naturally attract attention.

After all, everyone is afraid of natural disasters and man-made disasters, one yuan, yin and yang, three talents, four elephants, five elements, six yi, seven stars, gossip, and the mysteries of the nine palaces, as if the secrets of heaven and earth are all in it, attracting the desire of countless people.

Daomen disciples immediately became the guests of countless nobles and even the royal family.

These people also successfully obtained the martial arts given by the Daomen disciples, and these martial arts were all based on the principles of the Daomen.

They get more power, but strength presupposes accepting the idea of the Daomen.

So they had to learn this truth, support the Taoist propaganda, and promote these truths.

When the Daomen began to preach the truth of the seven stars, the Big Dipper, which was originally just a shadow in the sky, completely appeared under the control of Xu Wen under the interference of this concept, turning falsehood into reality, becoming the real Big Dipper that represents the mystery of different forces, and real stars associated with rules such as fate appear in the real starry sky.

At this time, the entire world was completely upgraded from the essential level to the Dongtian World above the dimension!

Dongtian World is more advanced.

The earth did not expand because of this, but other places expanded, and what expanded was the starry sky in the sky, the place of the shadows under the earth.

The starry sky has expanded nearly a hundred times and can accommodate the Big Dipper that is the size of the moon in a previous life.

Other star shadows also began to gradually turn into reality after the Taoist concept spread, and after the knowledge about the stars was touched by people.

The land of the Yin Earth gradually evolved towards the prototype of the Nine Ghosts.

Daomen later came to the fore and gradually became the most influential after Confucianism.

But the influence of Daomen is more at the level of belief, at the level of the state system, or the influence of Confucianism is greater.

There were also Taoist disciples who established Taoist temples, survived in a faithful way, and began their duties as appointers and professors.

The emergence of this Taoist temple has affected ordinary people's cognition of Taoism and given them new beliefs.

It's just that the belief of the Taoist in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World was changed by Xu Wen, and he didn't want the power of Sanqing to directly control the beliefs of ordinary people, forming a special belief world coordinates.

They believe in the Genesis God, the Earth God, and the Reincarnation God, known as the Trinity of All Things.

Among them, the Taoist concept added the principle of soul reincarnation, so that the world can understand that there is soul reincarnation.

The truth that the good will be powerful in the afterlife, and the wicked will be pigs and dogs in the afterlife.

It's just that this standard of good and evil was set by Xu Wen.

The belief in reincarnation will be the core of the belief in the entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world, which Xu Wen will secretly guide and control.

These Taoist temples also began to teach martial arts, and as they developed, they would become the first sects of this world.

The rise of the sect also began from here.

After the Taoist ideas spread, there was a divergence of thought.

Not all people in the world fully agree with the principles of Confucianism.

Some people, after learning Confucian knowledge, thought for themselves, innovated the old, combined with the emerging Taoist knowledge, and even founded other schools.

For example, pure legalists appeared, who advocated the use of real harsh punishment laws to govern the country and stabilize the interests of the rulers.

For example, the new farmers, they advocate that everything is based on agriculture.

Xu Wen also participated in other hands, carving some of the knowledge of the sons and hundreds of families into ancient steles, so that they appeared in some special places in the world.

This hand has led to the opening of the academic dispute in advance.

In this world of seven countries strife, a new scene of sons and hundreds of schools of thought competing is about to appear.

All this is caused by the emergence of different concepts after the emergence of the Daomen.

As a doctor, after the Mo family entered the WTO, this change had a greater impact.

Doctors are very special, they uphold the concept of peace-loving, life-loving, and cherishing all life.

After they descended the mountain, they began to practice medical consultations, treat diseases and save people.

After the first patient was cured, a second patient appeared, so the healer quickly became a commoner disciple, a guest of the royal family.

After all, in the past, life could only find unreliable witch doctors.

Witch doctors are more superstitious and less stable in their treatment, but disciples can treat most diseases.

No one wants to die, no.

Some medical disciples joined the government to serve the nobility, while others rushed among the common people.

They also began to spread the concept of medical skills, medical families, as medical skills gradually spread, the influence of medical families, can get life-saving, can get practical benefits, but also make countless people willing to learn medicine, practice medicine, and take it as their foundation, the foundation of the family.

The medical family is the latecomer, and the influence is not weaker than that of Confucianism, and the two disciplines of Taoism.

The emergence of new families also affected the medical department.

Some medical disciples who pursued a different kind of medicine actually founded a new poison medicine sect, and the poison path began to appear in this world, becoming a special medical force that was disliked but has always existed stably.

At the same time, some medical disciples who had a special sympathy for all things founded a new veterinary profession and were loved by ordinary people.

After all, people get sick, livestock get sick, and it would be good if they could be treated.

Together with medical martial arts, there has also been a new differentiation, supplemented by medicine, mainly martial arts, and gradually the special industry of pill refining and martial arts has emerged.

As for the Mo family, it is even more special.

The first stop for the Mo family disciples was the defense line against the grassland people in the north. They helped the generals here build new defenses, weapons that allowed them to successfully resist countless steppe invasions.

So the ideas of the Mo family were gradually accepted by the army.

Moreover, the power of the Mojia Technique also allowed the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms to see the power it contained.

The Mo family, who mastered the art of mechanics, was reused, and the Mo family developed rapidly.

Moreover, the Mo family paid more attention to the commoners, which allowed them to have a high reputation among the commoners, and their influence among the commoners was greater than that of the nobles.

The greatest contribution of the Mo family was not that they improved weapons, but that they made better and more efficient farming tools, improved metal smelting and processing methods, upgraded pottery, porcelain, construction and other handicrafts, and let them use new tools.

Looms and other newly produced utensils were also manufactured by the Mo family under Xu Wen's intervention.

The social productive forces expanded rapidly under the influence of Mojia.

The civilization region of the seven countries is more prosperous because of the emergence of the Mo family.

The differentiation and rise of hundreds of schools of thought was also carried out in the Mo family, and some of the disciples of the Mo family engaged in agriculture had new ideas and formed a new farmhouse based on agricultural guidance.

The peasant disciples were secretly guided and supported by Xu Wen, and got some ideas and techniques about the martial arts of the peasant family and about promoting agricultural development that he collected.

New agricultural technologies such as herbal pest control, fermentation of manure to increase crop yield, fallowing, and fish farming have been applied.

Farmers even began to promote new agricultural by-products such as sweet potatoes, corn, cotton, and silk released by Xu Wen.

More efficient livestock farming technology has also been promoted by them.

These techniques even spread to the steppe, the central forests, and the swamp people of the south, and the highlanders of the west, promoting some of their progress and forming new technological applications in them.

It can be said that Taoism, Confucianism changed people's psychological state, Mojia, medical scholars, raised the population and improved technology.

The social productive forces of the entire Seven Kingdoms have grown rapidly in the hundred years since the disciples of the four disciples of Dao, Confucianism, medicine, and Mo descended the mountain, approaching the height of the Seven Heroes of the Qin Dynasty.

The population of the seven countries of the Central Continent alone has risen to about one billion.

In other regions, the number of all human beings combined is less than 200 million.

The development of human civilization has reversely promoted the progress and improvement of the entire world, allowing the entire world to evolve to the level of the intermediate Dongtian world in two hundred years.

The entire area of the world's continents and oceans has expanded to the size of ten Earths.

The three continents of the world, the south, the west and the north, have also reached the size of an African country.

The special southern continent has become a real reckless place where exotic beasts are rampant and hundreds of meters of giant trees are overgrown.

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