
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 25

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 25
Soon after the appearance of the Big Dipper, the South Dipper, the East Dipper, the West Dipper, and the Middle Dipper also began to turn fake into real and become the real stars in the sky.

Even the Purple Micro Emperor Star appeared in the following 200th year.

In the first hundred years after the four people went down the mountain, Xu Wen released other characters sealed in the tomb of God, so that those who did not know martial arts also obtained martial arts corresponding to the characteristics of their characters, and let them automatically have the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm.

These people appeared in the border region of the Oriental VII.

Before they were born, they were all implanted with a special concept, that is, to establish a sect and spread their martial arts.

Inviting the moon, Mercy Xing and the two of them jointly created a new Flower Transfer Palace in the Qingfeng Valley of the Ye Country of this world, the two of them are in the early stage of heavenly people, and their martial arts are Mingyugong.

If the two want to progress and break through to a higher realm, they need to improve and sublimate Mingyugong on their own.

The two only recruit hurt women in the world, and do not accept love brains.

The entire Shifting Flower Palace also recruited countless servants, sheltered some merchant houses and landlords, and let them worship the Shifting Flower Palace and maintain the operation of the Shifting Flower Palace.

The Shifting Flower Palace also occupies the mountain range where the Clear Wind Valley is located, taking this place as their area of influence, and the resources here are all theirs.

The four beauties of ancient times, Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Sable Cicada, and Yang Yuhuan, together founded Linglong Mountain Villa in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers in the northern territory of the Frost Country, dominated by female monarchs.

Their martial arts are beauty skills, a kind of force to maintain beauty and charm.

The basis of this kind of force is also that people must be peerless, otherwise they can't even get started.

They also only recruit beautiful female disciples, the concept is to safeguard the rights of women in the world, and they are a true feminist sect.

If you want to marry a woman in Linglong Villa, you must keep your vow and keep only one person for the rest of your life.

If they violate it, their immediate relatives will be punished by Linglong Villa, disfigured, severed limbs, and become a crippled family.

The concept of the four beauties in ancient times was given by Xu Wen and instilled into their consciousness with the origin of the world.

They are also strong people!

Wang Yuyan was also born, and she was also elevated to the level of heaven and man by Xu Wen, and she inherited the martial arts of the Xiaoyao faction, and also inherited the concept of the Xiaoyao faction.

She is also active in the Frost Country, and on the big island in the lake in the middle of the largest Qingqiu Lake in the frost, she has set up a faction, and for the time being, only accepts versatile female disciples.

Moreover, she is happy and quiet, only accepting four disciples and quieting down, and usually does not go out much.

Flame Lingji, the jade is also out of the mountain.

Together, they established a music and dance gate on the West Plains Ridge of Ye Country, focusing on music and dance, and can be regarded as musicians and dancers who formed the original system of this world.

When they practice music and dance, they practice martial arts.

The higher the level of music and dance, the better the martial arts, and the martial arts of the two naturally have the power of seduction and the power of illusion.

With the Flame Spirit Ji, the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm of the Jade, when the piano music is played and the dance is fluttering, even the angels will fall into the illusion realm, be guided, or be severely damaged.

In the southerly region, Mrs. Mingzhu founded the Pearl Sect, whose name sounds good, but it is a sect based on poisonous arts and evil martial arts.

The poisonous fog array outside the Pearl Sect, and the countless worms inside, can be said to be one of the most dangerous sects in the rivers and lakes.

Xiaomeng was also released, but instead of looking for Xiaoyaozi, she came to a snowy mountain in the west near the central forest and established the Autumn Water Gate.

This sect is a pure female cultivation sect, and the disciples seek refinement without seeking much.

Those who do not have the posture of cultivation, those who do not have the heart of cultivation, and those who do not have the will to enlighten are not allowed to enter.

After Xiaomeng founded the sect, she traveled the world for nearly fifteen years before receiving four female disciples who met the standards.

At the same time, she also accepted some young girls as outer disciples, took care of the inner disciples, and collected resources and wealth for the sect.

And the shocked salamander and her daughter Yan founded a shocking salamander palace in the Xia Kingdom of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Salamander Palace also only accepts female disciples, and they must be female disciples with talent for sword cultivation, and the entire sect is mainly based on sword cultivation.

She founded the Salamander Palace, mainly to let people take care of her Ayan, so that she can become the palace master of the Salamander Palace in the future.

After all, Ah Yan is still a baby.

Ruthless also came out, she can still only sit in a wheelchair, but as a celestial being, she can fly.

She is mainly based on mental power, which can peek into the thoughts of others, and Xu Wen also created the Ten Thousand Souls Jade Divine Skill for her.

This force is mainly based on developing mental power and perceiving people's thoughts.

People with weak wills and poor minds can be captured by them to some psychological changes.

Ruthlessly founded the Heart Mind.

This door also only accepts women, and it is a woman with a talent for mind and a talent for solving cases.

The martial arts of this discipline is mental power, but the concept is to solve cases, and the cultivation is masters of solving cases and solving problems, they are good at observing details, figuring out people's hearts, and solving problems.

The core disciples of the Xinnian Sect pass on the sect, the inner disciples, and the outer disciples go out to hunt for women in various countries.

Later, the Xinnian Sect was the most feared sect, but it was also the most popular sect in various countries.

The ruthlessly cultivated disciples have become the favorite force of various law enforcement departments.

After this network was established in various countries, the ruthless sect was very difficult to mess with, and if she provoked one, she would provoke a group.

And there are many people in the world who like these female headhunters, and no one knows what kind of existence stands behind them.

Ruthless is smart, and she has seen court struggles.

So she later found Tianren women such as Invite Moon Mercy Star, Shocked Salamander, Liang Jade, Flame Lingji, Sable Cicada, etc., and together established an alliance of Celestial Women to protect themselves in the chaos of rivers and lakes.

They do not seek expansion, only seek self-preservation, and work together to fight against the flower pickers who appear in the rivers and lakes, and other guys who are very harmful to women in the rivers and lakes, ordinary women.

It can be said that these beauties are all strong people, and they all have a large number of admirers, and there are many rivers and lakes licking dogs who are willing to contribute to them.

The Heavenly Daughter Alliance later became one of the most unprovokable forces in the world of rivers and lakes.

But all this is the result of Xu Wen's deliberate guidance.

Without the rivers and lakes of strong women, wouldn't it be too monotonous and boring.

The balance of yin and yang in the rivers and lakes of extraordinary power is also a good thing for the world itself.

Many martial arts women collected by Xu Wen founded sects, and those male martial arts figures also founded their sects.

Ye Gucheng founded Baiyun City on the highest peak of the Qingguo, and both male and female disciples were accepted, but they all had to sincerely learn the sword and concentrate on the swordsman.

Ximen Chuixue established Wanmei Mountain Villa, accepting only disciples who were sincere in swords.

Yan XIII founded a Thousand Kills Gate to cultivate killers, with killing as the core and sword as the foundation.

Dugu sought defeat from Ye Guo, founded Dugu Mountain Villa, and snatched a big eagle back in the Great Forest in the middle of the cloud, and collected 3,000 sword disciples.

Dongfang Undefeated is the one who slashed himself, he founded a new demon sect, the Sun and Moon God Sect, and only accepts evil people who follow their hearts.

Li Xunhuan was the least responsible one, he took four disciples and founded the Flying Dao Gate.

After teaching for ten years, he began to drink, disappeared outside the Seven Kingdoms, traveled the world clouds, and the Flying Dao Gate later split and became the Three Gates of the Divine Dao Gate, the Magic Dao Gate, and the Ten Thousand Dao Gate, which changed on top of Li Xunhuan's Feiwan martial arts.

After all, his throwing knife only belongs to him, and others can't really understand his reasoning.

Xiao Feng founded a new gang, with the eighteen palms of the dragon and the dog stick method as the martial arts of the gang, and the chivalrous spirit as the spiritual pillar of the gang.

Yan Nantian established the Xia Sword School, using the sword as the martial arts and the Xia as the god.

The sweeping monk was also released by him, but his place was the west of the Central Continent, where the plateau would be his territory.

But his Buddha will be the main Buddha of reincarnation, and pay attention to the principle of the cycle of good and evil.

Like what Rulai and so on, the Buddhist gate in this world is not allowed to appear, and Xu Wen even modified the memory of the sweeping monk.

Han Fei was also promoted to the rank of Tianren powerhouse, but he founded the Legalist School.

He didn't go down the mountain anymore, he only taught his disciples in the mountain, drinking and having fun, after all, there is no Korea in this world.

Shiratori and the Mo Crow brothers founded the Asuka Gate, and they like light skills, flying, and taming birds the most.

They are also the denominations that pursue the spirit of freedom the most.

Ghost Guzi, Li Mu was also released, and the Ghost Valley of this world, the Bing Family School also began to be established.

After everyone who can be released is released, the entire Seven Kingdoms World is already full of sects, rivers and lakes are gradually coming out, and hundreds of families are rapidly rising.

The Seven Kingdoms were very jealous of the sects, and these sects were learning the four sects of Confucianism, medicine, Taoism, and Mo, and tried their best to build their sects in a border area far from the core forces of the Seven Kingdoms.

As a result, the situation outside the sect and within the Seven Kingdoms gradually took shape within the entire Seven Kingdoms.

A new martial arts world has quietly appeared!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 25

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