
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 26

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 26
Thirteen years after the sectarian power was completely born, a major event broke out.

A prince of the Kingdom of Zhou forcibly robbed a core female disciple of the Lewu Gate.

The female disciples of the Music and Dance Gate are mainly talented in music and dance, but the martial arts that Xu Wen improved for them can also make women more and more beautiful after cultivation.

It can be said that every female disciple from the Le Wu Sect is a great beauty when she is officially allowed to go down the mountain.

And she is a peerless beauty who is extremely outstanding in all aspects of appearance, figure, temperament, talent, and thought.

This female disciple is a true music lover.

Her purpose in going down the mountain is to collect the world's folk music, that is, music such as mountain songs, in order to enrich the music collection of the music and dance gate.

Music and dance gate is a very happy to improve and innovate all kinds of music and dance.

Because every success can make their own martial arts advance by leaps and bounds.

This female disciple has been stuck at the innate peak for a long time, and this time she took the task to go down the mountain in order to break through the bottleneck.

But she met a prince-level figure, and the other party was not a fool, but he just took a fancy to her.

In the eyes of the disciples of the Zhou royal family, as long as it is the woman they fancy, it must be theirs, and it can only be theirs.

The Zhou royal family has this tradition and has always held this concept.

The prince's power was defeated at the beginning, but this person was very despicable and even used poisoning and other means to capture a woman.

Afterwards, the female disciple was humiliated, felt that she had tarnished the pure music, and directly committed suicide in the palace.

If you walk a lot at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

When the matter happened, the royal family did not mean to hide the news this week, and finally the matter reached the Le Wumen, so angry that Jade and Flame Lingji were angry, and their indifferent mood was almost broken.

Two heavenly and human powerhouses joined forces to descend the mountain!

This is also the first time that the world's heavenly and human powerhouses have shown their strength as strong.

Flame Lingji killed all the palace guards along the way, found the prince himself, and then carried him to the palace hall and beheaded his son in front of the king of the Zhou Kingdom.

Flame Lingji was originally a lord who dared to break into the palace and was lawless.

She just wants to give a cruel warning to the royal families and nobles in the world, the disciples of the Le Wu Gate, those who dare to move, die!

The king of the Later Zhou Kingdom was very unconvinced, he thought that although this person was powerful, he would definitely not be able to escape the siege of his army.

He was also cautious, sending 10,000 elite troops to pursue Flame Lingji and get jade.

This 10,000-strong army, all the acquired martial artists, and even one percent of the innate strong, a certain number of grandmaster masters.

But then they ran into Jade.

The jade was on the side of the Tianyuan on the border of the Zhou Kingdom, and the internal force was composed on the guqin, a frightening song, trapped in the fantasy realm of 10,000 strong troops, the mind was not controlled by itself, and 10,000 people fell into the Heavenly Abyss on their own.

All 10,000 people are destroyed!

Flame Lingji re-entered the Zhou royal family, and the flames burned the entire palace and beheaded the King of Zhou!

She hung the head of King Zhou on the wall of the royal city and sealed it with internal force.

No one with stronger internal strength than her will not be able to unlock this seal within a year!

The aristocratic power of the Later Zhou Kingdom supported a disciple of the collateral Zhou royal family, which can be regarded as stabilizing the situation.

The formation of the Seven Kingdoms was due to the barrier between the heavenly abyss and the mountains.

If it weren't for their existence, the seven countries would have already figured out how to unify each other.

In this battle, the disciples of the Le Wumen completely became a taboo for the entire seven royal families and nobles.

The terrifying martial arts heavenly people truly showed the front of the world.

A song can town ten thousand troops, enter the heavily guarded royal palace like entering no man's land, and the army is unstoppable!

In the face of absolute strength, the strength of the army is weak.

As a result, countries began to soften to the martial artists of the rivers and lakes, and small and medium-sized sectarian forces in the rivers and lakes also rapidly appeared and expanded in this form.

Their highest is only the innate level, and the deterrent power is slightly weaker.

They have no good inheritance, and the real holy place is still founded by these characters released from the tomb of God.

But their number is huge, and together they form a huge world of rivers and lakes.

The royal families of various countries also took action, began to establish worship pavilions, cultivate royal martial arts masters, and establish martial arts in the army.

Li Mu's way of the military family was quickly valued by all countries, and the disciples of the military family were quickly valued.

The military array founded by Li Mu officially changed the original mode of all-people combat in this world.

Various kinds began to promote martial arts in the army, and elite military politics began to appear in various countries.

The emergence of the military formation has greatly improved the army's defense against martial arts masters in the plains, but they can only do defense.

Unless there are martial arts powerhouses in the army to cooperate in the containment, the army still can't deal with martial arts masters.

Because martial arts masters are flexible, have light skills, and can even fly.

They may not be able to defeat the army, but they can run past you and slowly consume you.

The consumption of a warrior is so little, but the consumption of materials by an army is very terrible.

Later, the salamander proved this with Xia Guo.

Her forces broke out in conflict with the Xia Kingdom, and a force in the Qiguo court encouraged the king to send an elite army of 30,000 people with military formations to prepare to attack the Salamander Palace.

The salamander shot out, and with a sword, he cut out the 10,000-meter abyss and smashed the 10,000-person army formation!

30,000 troops, there is no return.

The furious Xia Guojun personally led people to purge this force, which can be regarded as venting his anger, and it can also be regarded as a shocking salamander palace.

The terrifying intuitive combat power of the Kendo Heavenly Man was displayed in front of the world with that 10,000-meter-long, that is, twenty-mile sword abyss.

Later, countless swordsmen realized the sword here, and they all gained a lot.

The terrifying sword intent of the sword of the salamander remained here for nearly thirty years before dissipating, and the entire sword abyss was devoid of grass for thirty years.

The strong man of heaven and man has since truly become a taboo that is more terrifying than the monarch, and he cannot be provoked.

The forces of the major heavens and people are also officially revered as holy places by the world!

Countries are also beginning to create their own martial arts forces.

State forces that control rivers and lakes, such as Six Doors, began to emerge rapidly.

In these two battles, the martial arts of the entire world quickly gained attention and developed after the world saw the horror of the strong people of heaven and man.

Even ordinary people in the countryside will unconsciously learn one or two martial arts.

Without martial arts, you can't protect yourself.

The emergence of martial arts that increase the power of hard work also makes people's strength greater and the scope of activities wider, but promotes the development of invisible production forces.

The power of the Terrans in the Seven Kingdoms region increased rapidly.

Martial arts also began to spread to the Central Great Forest Race, the Northern Steppe Race, and the Southern Swamp Terrans.

They have all risen to transcendence everywhere.

Combining the knowledge of martial arts, they created a special martial arts power that belongs to them on the basis of the extraordinary characteristics of the original life system, ice and snow system, and water system.

The extraordinary power of the whole world is growing rapidly!

The rise of extraordinary power has further improved the rules of the world, allowed the world to grow further, let the spiritual veins quickly take shape, further enhanced the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and promoted the development of martial arts in the entire world.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 26

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