
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 27

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 27
After the aura was further improved, Xu Wen hid martial arts such as the "Nine Yang True Scripture", "Nine Yin True Scripture", and "Sunflower Treasure Book" in some caves and special basements.

This is the opportunity he gave to the bottom of the entire Seven Kingdoms.

At the same time, high-grade rare medicines such as Tianshan snow lotus, thousand-year-old ginseng, and tianxiang cardamom also began to spread throughout the central continent.

The appearance of Reiki has made some originally ordinary medicinal materials and plants also begin to undergo certain abnormalities, giving birth to top-level rare treasure medicines.

Rare medicinal animals such as ice silkworms, reckless clams, and Qubodhi snakes also began to appear.

Because of the appearance of aura, some powerful beasts with superpowers such as flames, cold ice, rock armor, and wood poison also began to appear in some places full of aura.

The extraordinary life in animals and plants in the entire Central Continent is more than a million times more than the extraordinary life of human beings.

And some of them turned into resources, which laid the foundation for the rapid development of human martial arts.

Scriptures such as the Tao Te Ching, Lianshan, Guizang, I Ching and other scriptures, as well as some ancient stone tablets with enlightenment effects, have also been placed by Xu Wen in some more special places.

If you are a transcendent comprehension, it will be possible to comprehend profound martial arts from their content.

Xu Wen's arrangement created the first lucky person in the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

The scholar Qian Nie was the first of these lucky ones.

The Qian family was originally a big family in a small town, with a relatively good family and a lot of fields.

Unfortunately, the official power of their family is not strong, and their own force is not strong.

After the rise of the sect, a gang called the Black Wolf Gang swelled in power, and the gang leader was very talented, and he luckily got a horizontal martial arts exercise, and also practiced all the way to the ninth level of the day after tomorrow.

The nine-fold warrior of the day after tomorrow is really nothing in the entire Seven Kingdoms, but the Seven Kingdoms are too big, and the area of any country in the Seven Kingdoms is already the size of Sun Wen's previous Huaxia.

In one of these seven countries, the nine-fold powerhouse of the day after tomorrow is really already a super master.

The hands of the Black Wolf Gang are black, and there is an unwilling literati under the gang leader as a military master, and this person's heart is also very vicious.

He came up with an idea to let the Black Wolf Gang pretend to be bandits and wash the entire Qian family in blood.

Then the Black Wolf Gang supported a distant relative of the Qian family to inherit the wealth and land of the Qian family, and then sold it to the Black Wolf Gang at a symbolic price.

After such an operation, the wealth of the Tian family, which had nearly 800 acres of good land and 1,000 acres of dry land and mountains and forests, would all become the real estate of the Mowolf Gang.

Qian Nie was lucky, and when the tragedy occurred, he happened to be out to visit his relatives and escaped.

But luck also ended there, he was then chased and killed by the Black Wolf gang leader, and Qian Nie was eventually injured and fell into the river, and drifted with the river to a valley downstream.

He survived by luck, but the whole person was disfigured and an arm was mutilated.

Channe survived in this valley, relying on wild fruits from the mountains to survive, and finally he accidentally found a stone tablet in a cave.

What is recorded on the stone tablet is a martial art.

Moreover, it is a quick success, which can allow Qian Nie to avenge the martial arts of the entire clan's destruction.

This martial art is the famous "Sunflower Treasure Book".

Seeing that he wanted to practice this skill and wave his sword from the palace, Qian Nei hesitated for a while, but when he thought of the tragic experience of his whole family being destroyed and he being hunted down, he quickly made up his mind.

He understood that the reason why the Black Wolf Gang was able to succeed was because their Qian family did not have the force to protect their wealth.

But if the Qian family has a martial artist with more than six layers the day after tomorrow, the Black Wolf Gang does not dare to move lightly.


It was the root cause of his entire family being destroyed and he himself being hunted down.

So Qian Nee made up his mind, completed the palace with the copper knife he carried, and began to practice this "Sunflower Treasure Book".

It can be said that this martial art, the best revenge-type martial art in the most martial arts world, is not one.

As long as you are willing to take that sword, you will quickly grow into a terrifying master.

Martial arts such as "Sunflower Treasure Book", "Nine Yang Divine Skill", "Nine Yin True Scripture" and so on, Xu Wen has a lot of hidden in the Seven Eastern Kingdoms, and there are also in other regions.

Qian Ne's special luck made him encounter the "Sunflower Treasure Book".

Moreover, this is something that Xu Wen has strengthened, and he can cultivate all the way to the peak level of the Great Grandmaster.

After completing the "price", he only used one day to get started, and after two months of hard practice, he grew into an acquired nine-fold master.

Qian Nie is also a wise and able to endure people.

It took him another three months to break through to the innate ninefold, and one year of cultivation to break through to the grandmaster level.

A year later, Qian Ne, who seemed to be a wild man, came out of the mountain with the strength of a grandmaster realm.

He obtained the long sword, silver for zero yuan, and then heard the intelligence of the Black Wolf Gang.

One rainy night, Qian Nie alone entered the house of the Black Wolf Gang Leader, destroying all fourteen members of the family, including several sons and daughters of the gang leader.

How ruthless the Black Wolf Gang was at the beginning, how ruthless Qian Nei is now.

Then he tortured the gang leader, knowing that his military master had come up with it.

So that night, he destroyed the Black Wolf Gang military division and several other high-ranking people.

In the next few days, this area was bloody, and Qian Nei continued to attack, as long as he was a member of the Black Wolf Gang, he was the target of assassination.

Of the thousands of people in the entire Black Wolf Gang, seven hundred were killed by him, and less than three hundred escaped into the mountains.

Among them, most people feel that the Black Wolf Gang is powerful, and join it to share the benefits of the expansion of the Black Wolf Gang.

As a result, the benefits were not obtained, but the lives were lost.

After completing his revenge, Qian Nei did not stay in this sad area for long, and he traveled through the rivers and lakes while practicing.

Although he gradually felt that he had feminine tendencies, the hatred in his heart always affected him.

So Qian Nei practiced martial arts while traveling through the rivers and lakes.

As long as he confirms a certain gang, the sect has engaged in extermination activities, let him confirm it, he will destroy this force.

Jianghu gradually recognized such a person, gave him the title of a red-clothed sword demon, and some people called him the hero of the extermination.

The latter is a title given to him by some quacks who are grateful to him and have hatred in their hearts.

The world knows that he is an evil person, and some people want to kill him, but they are killed by Qian Ne, who has extremely high martial arts skills and extremely fast speed.

In the process, he also received money, treasure medicine, and new martial arts.

He understood these martial arts all the way and grew into a grandmaster-level master in only three years.

After Qian Nie realized these martial arts, he gradually put his mind on martial arts.

He stopped in a cave in a mountain in the Xia Kingdom, where he pondered martial arts, and gradually innovated on the original Sunflower Treasure Book, raising the level of this martial art to the realm of heaven and man.

Subsequently, it took him ten years to become the first aboriginal in this world to cultivate heavenly people.

The other Heavenly and Human powerhouses were all brought by Xu Wen from other worlds.

Xu Wen's quick ability is powerful.

After reaching the level of heaven and man, Qian Nie traveled the world again, collected various traditional Chinese medicine techniques and martial arts principles, and thoroughly perfected the "Sunflower Treasure Book" a hundred years later, not only strengthening its foundation, but also enabling it to realize the transformation from male to female in its real life form.

A hundred years later, a peerless beauty surnamed Qian appeared in the world, and the world called her the red-clothed sword fairy.

But no one knows that she was originally a man whose family was destroyed and had a great feud.

It can be said that Qian Nie is a person with good luck, talent, and understanding in the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation, and Xu Wen did not really interfere with his fate.

But the self-operation of the torrent of fate allowed him to experience all this.

Qian Nie is not the luckiest, but he is the one who has the highest growth after getting the opportunity.

After others got martial arts such as Jiuyang and Jiuyin, they either accidentally died in Jianghu Mingdou, or died from dark poison, or died from the calculation of friends.

Most of the people were suddenly forced, so their mentality was inflated, and they did not have the caution and caution that quacks should have, and lost their lives.

The few who have lived for a long time have insufficient qi luck talent, and the highest cultivation has only reached the grandmaster level.

Although the emergence of sects has made the whole world more chaotic and the survival of the people at the bottom more difficult, this difficulty has also made them instinctively chase martial arts and pursue the power of self-preservation.

This, in turn, promoted the great development of martial arts.

In the whole world, the highest was originally only the innate level, but in the next few hundred years, it was the real innate walk, the grandmaster was not as good as the dog, and the grandmaster was the real strong.

Only the strong of heaven and man are high, sitting in the rivers and lakes, and are not afraid of everything.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 27

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