
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 28

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 28
Holy places, large sects, small and medium-sized sects, gangs, gradually sprang up throughout the world.

The power of the family also used the power of the government to form its own wealth and force, with Shuwu as the core, and then rose.

In the entire Seven Kingdoms World, except for those Holy Land-level celestial and human forces on the edge of the Seven Kingdoms, the country gradually transformed into the most powerful martial arts force.

Large and small families have become the backbone of a country.

The necessity of strength makes ordinary people also begin to pursue power.

It was also at this time that Xu Wen made a bold move, and he came up with a special set of martial arts.

The Three Styles of Nongfu, Peiyuan Gong, and Yingshen Method.

There are only three tricks for farmers, excavation type, insect extermination type, and water carrying type.

The digging type, which can be used in agricultural work such as digging the ground, hoeing the land, and digging the ditch, is the most basic horizontal training method, which can absorb a small amount of heaven and earth vitality and food nutrition to strengthen the flesh and increase strength.

Insect extermination refers to the work, which can be used with both hands to quickly catch insects and weeds, which is a technique.

The water-carrying type is a light work, which can carry water, goods, and firewood, and regard bumpy roads as flat land. The more you practice this skill, the greater the weight you can bear.

Peiyuan Gong is the simplest way to cultivate internal force, whether it is a person, an animal, or a plant, as long as there is spirituality, according to its simple laws to shake the body, you can form internal force and turn it into extraordinary.

The vibration method of Pei Yuan Gong has evolved to a certain extent into a rule of internal force of heaven and earth.

The method of reflecting the gods is the basic method for cultivating spiritual power.

It is very simple, that is, everything in heaven and earth can be visualized, and all of them can be outlined in the mind, including the spirit and spirit, and even their essential laws.

The more complex and advanced the things visualized, the more mental power is obtained.

Strictly speaking, this Dharma is not a Dharma, but an extraordinary path of cultivating mental power.

The snowy mountains and qi sea of Haotian World, strictly speaking, is the manifestation of a person's soul, and the strength of mental power is the strength of the soul itself.

Haotian eats all sentient beings in the world, eating their souls, and their souls can make Haotian's soul extremely powerful, have the strongest mental power, and can control all the rules and laws that control.

Xu Wenming analyzed the essence of this road, combined with his own understanding, and revised the conceptual idea.

But whether it is the three forms of farmer or Peiyuan Gong, the strength and strength of the cultivated horizontal body are the weakest of all martial arts exercises, but they are also the purest.

It won't give you great combat power, but it will give you combat power.

The three forms of farmer and Peiyuan Gong also have great advantages, that is, they are real Tianren exercises.

As long as you practice long enough and there are no too many dark injuries in your body in the middle, you can cultivate all the way to the level of heaven and man.

He reflected the three methods of farmer into the void, cultivated yuan gong, and viewed ideas into the void.

On the entire central continent of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, all the Terrans automatically mastered the practice of these three martial arts at this moment.

For this moment, Xu Wen consumed nearly a hundred World Origins!

At the same time, he also turned Pei Yuan Gong into the secret of inheritance, sealing it in the genetic information of all life in the world.

Including all plants, animals, and even microorganisms.

As long as they awaken their spirituality and have a little wisdom, they will be able to obtain the information of Pei Yuan Gong.

Whether it is the Terran race or other lives, Xu Wen treats them equally.

He wanted to see what kind of changes and evolution the whole world would have after his layout like this, and whether he could make the world break through to the intermediate level or even advanced level of the cave sky.

This is actually Xu Wen's exploration of the elements of world evolution.

"Dad, did I dream of immortals last night, and I actually learned three sets of martial arts practices?"

"Son, too, do the gods see us as faithful and honest and bless us?"

"I think we should worship the immortals now!"

"Good! Bye now! "


In a remote village, a peasant couple woke up in the middle of the night and discussed together about getting the three forms of farmer, cultivating yuangong, and observing ideas.

They were honest people, but they were also too timid to tell outsiders about it.

But their reaction is not unique to this world.

There are also bold and very bragging with others that they have been rewarded by the immortal master and have martial arts practice.

As a result, he was immediately ridiculed by others.

It turned out that he was not the only one, everyone around him was blessed by the gods.

The person who boasted immediately received a major blow, originally he was not the only one, not a heavenly first, a person blessed by immortal gods.

There are also people who keep a low profile and only try quietly in private.

Different people have different reactions to this matter, and the hearts of people in the world are completely different.

But the people in the world, whether they are the countrymen in the city or the wild people without a country and a king in the mountains, all have the qualifications and ability to cultivate and have become warriors.

The whole world has completely entered the era of warriors.

But this matter is not what some savage tribal leaders, or kings, landlords, and city lords want to see.

What they need more is a "lamb" who has no ability to resist, so that they can oppress, herdsman, and squeeze interests.

These people began to act, forbidding ordinary people to practice this heavenly cultivation method through various means.

However, what they didn't know was that Xu Wen had placed a special heaven and earth curse on these three laws.

Anyone who directly or indirectly restricts these three laws will have an accident.

Zhou Guojun is the most typical representative of them.

People in this vein of them seem to be born abnormal, selfish and profit-oriented, and cruel and vicious.

After learning the news, the monarch of the Zhou Kingdom immediately ordered those who were not nobles to be slaves who dared to practice these three cultivation methods.

But the day after the fate appeared, the king of the Zhou Kingdom was choked to death by a mouthful of water.

After the crown prince succeeded to the throne, he continued this policy.

The day after he took the throne, he actually fell on a nail that he fell right in.

As a result, this new king of the innate realm died directly on a nail.

Later Taisun succeeded to the throne, and the three dukes, who represented the highest power, continued to adhere to this policy, because they were the three largest landlords in the Zhou state.

The mudlegs have the ability to resist, and for them, it is the worst.

Therefore, they found that the circumstances of the death of the two heads of the country were wrong, so they insisted on this policy.

But less than a day later, one of the three princes died due to a sudden collapse, one died of a vicious illness, and one died of an arrow casually shot by a strong man from tens of kilometers away.

Zhou Guo was suddenly in chaos.

In addition to the two monarchs, the third duke, there are also some people who died in various accidents.

Now, even the most foolish people know that they have been punished by heaven because they are forbidden to practice the path of cultivation given by heaven.

The Great Rebellion of the State of Zhou, a local general, several nobles split the entire State of Zhou.

But after they took their respective territories, they never dared to issue orders forbidding the people under their rule to practice the three forms of farmer, Peiyuan gong, and Guanxi.

Xu Wen had long expected the appearance of this resistance, so he solved the resistance formed by the upper echelons of human beings with absolute strength.

All beings in heaven and earth are his, and those who dare to block his plan naturally have no need to exist.

These guys who died because of this will have ten tragic life punishments after reincarnation.

Those who violate the heavens will be severely punished!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 28

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