
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 29

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 29
The vested interests that emerged in the rivers and lakes because of martial arts were a little afraid.

But then they relaxed their hearts, because they found that the power cultivated by the three forms of farmer and Peiyuan Gong was the weakest in the same realm.

Of course, this is not absolute.

These two martial arts ensure that the lowest peasants, wild people, and even beggars have the real ability to resist in the face of power.

After all, with strength, you can't kill people head-on, but you can also kill the strong with a yin hand.

With the ability to resist, the situation of ordinary people suddenly became much better, officials no longer forced people to death without scruples, and landlords no longer refused to let the people under their rule have no way to live.

Peasants can practice martial arts when they are busy and when they are not working.

But they also found in practice that they either only practiced the three forms of farmers or only practiced Peiyuan Gong.

Otherwise, they don't have enough food, which will make them unable to hold on.

Practicing martial arts will increase their lifespan and strength, but it will also correspondingly reduce the birth rate of offspring, which is considered to be pros and cons.

After all, the stronger the life, the lower the probability of the child appearing.

Most of the human races in the entire world have been raised to the acquired level, but what human beings don't know is that animals and plants in the wild are becoming more and more powerful, and they have also achieved the acquired level of life.

The improvement of the essence of life in the world in turn proves the correctness of Xu Wen's strategy.

The entire world's heritage has rapidly improved, the rules of Reiki have been further improved, and the richness of the world's Reiki has been comparable to the Double Dragon World!

No, it's a little bit over.

The level of spiritual energy in the entire world can already fully support the large-scale emergence of heavenly and human-level life.

After experiencing this change, Xuanhuang reincarnated the world and completed a small leap.

The level of the world has been upgraded from the junior Dongtian world to the peak of the junior dongtian world!

The level of the world has risen by a considerable level.

You must know that at the level of the Dongtian World, without more than a million years of accumulation, every point that the world improves is extremely difficult.

The growth of Xu Wen's world is less than two thousand years.

The three forms of farmer, so that the strength and physique of farmers are getting higher and higher, and they can do more and more things.

Carrying the weight across the water, reclaiming, and planting more land is no longer a problem.

Cattle farming is no longer the main factor limiting the expansion of land cultivation.

Farmers could travel over the mountains and sell their surplus supplies, including fruits, jerky, and medicinal herbs, to markets that had long been a time ago.

The strength of the power and the light work brought by the water bearing style give them the ability to carry more cargo and overcome the limitations of the terrain.

This has also led to the development of commerce and trade between countries.

At the same time, some mountain people with bad intentions, wild people, will also form mountain bandit organizations, which also makes the business of the Dart Bureau develop rapidly.

Within the Terran race, there is gradually a trend of diversified development of martial arts.

This is one of the changes after Xu Wen personally spread martial arts.

Few people succeeded in spreading the ideas of Guan, but for Taoists, Buddhism, Confucianism and other schools, Guanzhi opened new doors for them.

Taoist visualization of their imaginary reincarnation Dao ancestor, Buddhist visualization of reincarnation of the Great Buddha, and Confucian visualization of texts have given them a powerful power of mind.

The other sons and hundreds of families also found a path of strength and power suitable for them.

Doctors visualize various medicinal materials, Moists visualize well-known organ maps, novelists visualize their own novel world, peasant families visualize agricultural grains...

Ghost Guzi is the most powerful, he actually created a set of Ghost Valley vertical and horizontal chessboard, visualize this chessboard, and carry out the evolution of chess techniques of the vertical and horizontal way on it can increase the realm of mental power.

Ghost Guzi also completely gave up the martial arts, and let his Ghost Valley line take the complete path of mental power

, and this path of mental power created by Xu Wen is also divided into the initial realm, perception, not confusion, dongxuan, and knowing fate.

Knowing one's fate is equivalent to being a strong person.

And ordinary people, few people can have that stable state of mind to visualize, and the chores in life bother them.

Viewing ideas is more suitable for those who have money and leisure.

Pei Yuangong is more suitable for people who work in a hundred workers other than farmers.

After determining that the emergence of the three laws would not bring great combat power to the people at the bottom, the upper classes gradually adapted to this situation and achieved a new balance of social relations by making appropriate concessions and compromises on interests.

However, the world finally discovered that something was wrong.

Old Uncle Yang, a humble peasant old man with no name, several sons died in battle and had no children under their knees.

He is also withdrawn.

Later, after getting the three forms of farmer, he began to practice, taking the cultivation of it as his only sustenance.

Deep in the mountains hide tigers and leopards, and mountains bury unicorns.

Old Uncle Yang is a person who has never practiced martial arts, but is naturally gifted in martial arts.

He practiced the three forms of farmer, and he entered the innate in one year.

He became a grandmaster in two years, a grandmaster in three years, and in the ninth year after cultivation, he was promoted to a heavenly and human powerhouse.

At the moment of his promotion to the rank of Celestial, he was rejuvenated and became a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties.

Since then, he has lived for hundreds of years.

Now in his forties, he has just begun his lifespan.

So Old Uncle Yang founded the Yang Family Villa, remarried the beautiful lady with the strength of the Heaven and Human Realm, and opened up a new Yang family of martial arts.

And their family does not practice other profound martial arts, but only practices the three styles of farmers and cultivates yuan gong.

Uncle Yang is also the first existence in the whole world to achieve the strong of heaven and man with the three forms of farmer.

The world suddenly discovered that although the combat power created by the original farmer's three styles and Peiyuan Gong was really weak, it turned out to be a genuine Tianren Gong!

You know, the heavenly and human exercises that there are now in the world are all in the hands of the Holy Land.

The ordinary exercises in the world, up to the great master, can be regarded as peerless divine skills, the kind that they use their lives to grab.

At this time, the three forms of farmers and Pei Yuan Gong once again attracted the attention of countless people in the world.

Some people only want to become heavenly beings, so they only practice these two basic martial arts.

Some people are dissatisfied with its low combat power and have made magic changes to it, and many people have done so.

Based on the three styles of Peiyuan Gong and Nongfu, millions of martial arts of various types have been formed, either horizontal training, or internal force types, or both internal force and horizontal training.

Some of their magic reforms, some of them have great problems, and they are destined to hurt their bodies if they practice, but their combat power is strong.

Some have slightly weaker combat power, but they can cultivate to grandmasters, or even grandmasters.

There are less than ten Tianren Gong practitioners in the world who can change Peiyuan Gong and Nongfu Three Forms to real, taking into account both combat power and realm.

But this has brought a huge change, that is, human martial arts are no longer lacking, but abnormally many, so much that you don't know how to choose.

These martial arts also gradually spread to the hands of the Grassland Race, the Snow Race Race, the Central Great Forest Race, the Swamp Race, and the East Sea Race.

The power of human beings has developed because of the emergence of martial arts.

The power of the mind class also plays a decisive role in the diversification of human extraordinary powers.

The Forest Terrans, the Snow Terrans, and the Swamp Peoples found that they were better suited to the idea of viewing.

However, the highland people, the grassland people, the East Sea people, and the ordinary human races in the Seven Kingdoms region found that they were more suitable for the horizontal martial arts represented by the three forms of farmers.

The East Sea Terrans are the most special, because of the special situation at sea, they use internal force martial arts, mental power, and common development.

This will make them go every way slowly, but it is very suitable.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 29

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