
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 3

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 3
Xu Wen was very happy, he not only found Haotian's world, but also successfully got the peach tree on Xiling Peach Mountain that he wanted the most.

Not only that, but he also managed to snatch two jugs of wine from his master.

The wine that the master drank, it was the best wine in Haotian World!

Xu Wen quickly planted this peach tree in the middle of the small world fragments, and then threw three points of world origin to help it take root in the rock and soil of this world

, and survive for a long time, and then, Xu Wen, who had suffered from hunger and thirst for a long time, quickly picked up one of the jugs of wine and drank it.

In this jug of wine, the master drank two-thirds, and he drank one-third.

Wine is the essence of grain.

This pot of wine drunk by the master naturally contains a strong food essence.

This wine is food and water, which makes Xu Wen, who has been hungry and thirsty for countless times, feel the most beautiful gift brought by food.

Alcohol is not drunk, people are drunk.

The small half-pot of wine went down, and Xu Wen quickly got drunk.

And the peach tree he brought with him took root in the entire space, was reborn, and also exuded a faint light, bringing the light and breath of the sun to this dark world fragment.

Although the entire world fragment was only ten square in size, it had changed dramatically at this moment.

It is alive, it has life, it is like a person in the twilight years rejuvenated, with new vitality.

The space itself, too, has water.

Because a net is scooped up in the dirt, there is a lot of water itself.

The original space was only rocks.

The 3 points of world origin thrown by Xu Wen, 1 point gave life to this peach tree, 1 point gave life to the world fragment soil, and 1 point made the water of the world fragment grow.

Everything within the fragments of the world is slowly changing.

Water, rocks, earth, the breath of life, and the power of light gradually came to balance, making the whole world more stable.

And a wisp of dark night power deep in the light power hidden deep in the peach tree was also quietly absorbed by the fragments of the entire world.

The power of darkness and night merges, absorbs, and becomes part of the fragments of the entire world.

From this moment on, the world has the imprint breath of light, night, rock, earth, and water, and the whole world gradually absorbs, grinds their power, and makes the world fragments gradually diversify in nature.

And Xu Wen's sleep after getting drunk is a month of time.

He had never slept before, and had been constantly thinking in his mind to ensure that his development plan for the fragments of the whole world was stable and there was no problem.

Don't see that he is moving quickly in Haotian's world, but all of that is the result of Xu Wen's careful thinking, planning, and preparation.

One minute on stage, ten years off stage.

The strongest in Haotian's world is Haotian, but she can't see the world clearly, which gives the master, the Buddha, and Xu Wen a chance.

And the world instinct of Haotian World was not a threat, nor did he fight back, so Xu Wen successfully took away a peach tree and two jugs of wine.

All the changes in the fragments of the world after he was drunk were also expected by him.

Therefore, Xu Wen is sleeping peacefully, and all changes are under his control.

Everything that the peach tree brings, the run-in with the world is very slow, but this running-in is also a necessary process.

Xu Wen could also use the World Origin to speed up this process, but now for him, every bit of the World Origin was extremely precious.

He prefers to save the origin of the world and let them grind slowly.

A month later, Xu Wen woke up from drunkenness, and the peach blossoms on the peach tree had fallen and melted into the soil.

The gradually decaying peach blossom has become a hotbed of microorganisms, and it has also become the root of the peach tree.

These bring new changes, that is, the change of the cycle of life, the material after the decay of peach blossoms, can become the nutrition of peach trees.

A subtle reincarnation of life is thus cleverly produced.

Moreover, he not only brought back the peach tree, but also the soil on the roots of the peach tree, the weeds and saprophytic microorganisms that the soil carried.

They also form an important part of the microcycle of life.

And this breath of life reincarnation is exactly what Xu Wen needs.

Xu Wen's world fragment is very small and broken, but the former essence of Xu Wen's world fragment is very advanced, which makes his own personality the Heavenly Dao!

And he has made long-term plans for the growth of this world.

There is a core rule for a world.

And Xu Wen had already set the core rules he needed for this fragmented world in his previous thinking.

Xu Wen smiled happily when he saw the decay of peach blossoms and peach leaves, the peach fruit gradually ripened, and the vitality of the grass restored.

He stretched out his hand and used 5 World Origin points to grab a little special breath from the cycle of life.


The core rule that Xu Wen wants is the mystery of reincarnation.

He integrated it into the world's Origin Core and established reincarnation as the most essential rule of this world.

In the heavens and realms, some worlds have the core rule of creation, some world core rules are balance, some worlds are cause and effect, and some worlds are destiny....

And in his world, the core rule is reincarnation!

The withering glory of life is a reincarnation.

He took the peach tree, what he wanted was the interpretation of this reincarnation of life in his world, and what he wanted was the appearance of that little reincarnation breath.

The core rules of the world establish that the whole world fragment is no longer the world fragment.

Gradually, it took on the breath of a complete world.

This is its evolution from the essence of the world fragments to a super-miniature dimensional world.

Because the world fragments are only 10 square meters in size, the entire evolution process can be completed in only half a year.

In the following days, Xu Wen continued to absorb the mysteries of the light, rock, earth, night, life, water and other breaths of the world.

The world is connected to him, the world will be, he will be.

He cherished the jug of wine, and although he was hungry, he only tasted one drop a day.

Most of the time, he slept like hibernation, delaying the consumption of his body, waiting for the end of the transformation of the world fragments into the ultra-miniature dimensional world.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 3

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