
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 30

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 30
The emergence of Guan Zhi also gave new choices to the characters from the seal of the tomb of God, such as Shocking Salamander, Yueyue, Xunzi, and Xiaomeng.

They either have internal strength and martial arts, and they can cultivate both ideas and ideas, or they choose a path to keep walking.

At this time, Xu Wen did not deliberately raise the level of the world this time, allowing it to break through to the intermediate Dongtian world.

He wanted to try.

Zhang Sanfeng, the sealer in the tomb of the gods, was born, and founded a new Wudang sect in a mountain with beautiful mountains and waters suitable for cultivation.

This mountain was also renamed Wudang Mountain by him.

After he established the Wudang Sect in this Wudang Mountain, the world learned that Wudang had a strong man and spontaneously named this place as the Wudang Holy Land.

But Zhang Sanfeng didn't like the name of the holy land, Wudang is Wudang, just a faction, not a holy place.

For Xu Wen, who brought him from the Yitian World, Zhang Sanfeng had mixed feelings.

On the one hand, that guy took him away with a broken net in front of all the disciples, making him lose face in front of the disciples.

On the other hand, it is also because he said goodbye to his disciples who had accompanied him for countless years forever and came to this strange world.

But on the other hand, the world gave him new opportunities and gave him hope for enlightenment.

As a Taoist, the pursuit of the Tao is an instinct.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng has this talent!

There are many capable people who have come to the Xuanhuang world, and there are also many people with special talents.

For example, Ghost Guzi, Beiluzi, Xunzi, Nongyu, Wang Yuyan, Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuixue, Yan XIII, Invitation Moon, Yue Nu A Qing...

Among these people, the most talented is Yue Nu A Qing.

She was promoted to the Heavenly Human Elementary Stage by Xu Wen, but it only took her one year to raise her kendo power to the Heavenly Human Limit when the upper limit of Aura cultivation in this world was a grandmaster.

But A Qing has a shortcoming, she is a person with a bit of a love brain, and she is also a more stubborn person.

After Ah Qing founded the Yuenu Sword Sect and cultivated his first generation of disciples, he didn't care about them.

She began to travel the world, visiting swordsmen like her.

In the end, she actually liked Ye Gucheng, a relatively handsome kendo celestial.

A Qing is also a person who values men more.

Therefore, no matter how talented she is, she is not someone that Xu Wen values, because she does not have a heart that is sincere in kendo.

Like the other Tomb Sealers, she lacks true creativity.

Wang Yuyan, Xiaomeng is also a person who is talented enough, but lacks creativity.

Among all people, only Zhang Sanfeng has strong creativity, and almost all the martial arts of Wudang in the Heavenly World are created by Zhang Sanfeng.

And the world has developed to this day, Zhang Sanfeng has also reached the peak level of heaven and man.

On this day, Zhang Sanfeng was cultivating.

He suddenly received the ascension of heaven and earth, and if he could push Taijiquan into a new way and make the yin and yang mysteries contained in it higher, he might break through to heaven and man and get a longer lifespan, which shows true immortality.

This is a hint given to him by Xu Wen, a supervision.


Zhang Sanfeng was also ambitious at this moment.

He had long felt that the Tai Chi he had founded was just the beginning, and it seemed that it could open up something more profound.

When the path of mental power based on the idea of observation appeared in the world, Zhang Sanfeng only studied it for a while and continued to cultivate his internal force martial arts.

He did not take the mental power route that was more suitable for them on the surface like the people of the hundreds of families, such as Oniyako.

This amazingly talented Zhang Daoren who has experienced the glitz of the world is still sticking to his life path.

Now, Zhang Sanfeng is moved.

These Divine Tomb Sealers would gather and communicate once every ten years, and they all knew that the other party came from different worlds.

Everyone is basically at the Tianren level, but now less than half of them have cultivated to the peak of Tianren.

Many people see no hope of breaking through to heaven and man.

They even doubted whether there was a higher, heavenly realm.

The reason is that how to walk above heaven and man, they don't even have a theoretical thing.

Zhang Sanfeng was prompted by heaven and earth, so he decided to create a realm above heaven and man himself.

So he began to let his disciples collect the world's knowledge and ancient books, gather the world's wisdom, and create a higher level of Taijiquan.

When the countries of the world heard that Zhang Sanfeng, the peak powerhouse of the Holy Land, was collecting various martial arts books in the world, they all offered their collections, wanting to have a good relationship with this existence at the top of the world.

Zhang Sanfeng's retreat lasted for 30 years.

He raised Taijiquan to the limit of heaven and man, and also cultivated the inner strength of Tai Chi based on Tai Chi to the limit of heaven and man.

In fact, the internal power of heaven and man is already the sublimation of spiritual qi, and it is more tangential to call true qi.

However, he has worked hard for thirty years and gathered most of the knowledge and wisdom in the world, but he has only raised Taijiquan to the limit of heaven and man, and it has slightly exceeded that slightly.

But let it cross the heavens and men in one step, but it can not be achieved.

It was as if there was an invisible gap between heaven and earth, obstructing the practice and the breakthrough of their life level.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't understand what that shackle was, but he knew very well that it was not a deliberate restriction formed by heaven and earth.

Vaguely, he felt that it was something that seemed to restrict heaven and earth, an unknown barrier that could bring great progress to himself and heaven and earth as long as he broke it.

Since retreat is useless, then travel the world.

Zhang Sanfeng decided to travel the world to find the glimmer of inspiration for the breakthrough of Taijiquan.

Zhang Sanfeng traveled to the entire Central Continent, and he had seen the southern Yi human race of the southern Yi tribe who seemed to be a water spirit in the south of the continent, with strong mental power, and developed the southern Yi tribe of the Nian Power Royal Beast, the Nian Power Imperial Demon Civilization.

In the western part of the mainland, I have seen alpine barbarians with stubborn and violent tempers, extremely belligerent, and mainly trained in body.

In the north of the continent, I saw the steppe wolf tribe who harnessed horses, fierce wolves, and the snowy ice and snowman tribe.

The wolf clan is naturally weak and cunning, and has cultivated a batch of wolf warriors with strong combat power.

The Ice and Snow Clan, on the other hand, are naturally powerful and good at controlling the power of ice.

There are very few Ice and Snow Tribe people, but their individual combat power is not weaker than that of the warriors of the Terran Race of the Seven Eastern Kingdoms.

He has also seen all kinds of extraordinary beasts with internal strength in the central forest, as well as the forest people who live in it, work with nature, control longbows, have peaceful mental power, and have strong vitality.

In the Central Great Forest, Zhang Sanfeng's perception of Taijiquan went further, and he was only one line away from breaking through to the heavens and people.

After traveling for seventy years, he returned to the Seven Kingdoms World.

Here, he accidentally came across a cliff carving that Xu Wen had left here.

Carved in stone on the banks of a majestic river.

Here, Zhang Sanfeng saw the Tao Te Ching written by Xu Wen in Taoist meaning, Lianshan, Guizang, and I Ching.

So on the bank of this great water, he felt the words of the sages, and suddenly he completely realized.

With his wisdom and talent, Zhang Sanfeng successfully broke the shackles of the limits of Taijiquan Tianren and allowed himself to break through to a higher level.

This level is still in the larger realm of heaven and man.

Therefore, Heaven and Earth named this realm the Great Heavenly Human Realm, just as the Great Grandmaster was to the Grandmaster.

The realm of Great Heaven and Man is a re-sublimation of the realm of Heaven and Man.

Zhang Sanfeng's breakthrough has made the rules of the whole world achieve a new integration, a breakthrough, and under the influence of Zhang Sanfeng's breakthrough in the whole world, the super limit of the world caused by the individual has been realized.

The entire world of heaven and earth spiritual energy has grown rapidly, the stability and strength of the world have increased rapidly, and the limit of life can be further raised.

The world has broken the limit and sublimated!

Under the leadership of Zhang Sanfeng's breakthrough Great Heavenly Man, the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World was officially promoted to the Intermediate Dongtian World!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 30

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