
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 31

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 31
World promotion, or the first time because of a personal breakthrough, broke the bottleneck of the entire world to advance, Xu Wen immediately responded.

The purple qi between heaven and earth came three thousand miles east, and finally fell on Wudang Mountain.

Moreover, Xu Wen also controlled the Qi Luck Microspring, tripling Zhang Sanfeng's Qi Luck and Wudang Qi Luck doubling.

"Taiji real person Zhang Sanfeng cultivated to break the cage of heaven and man, cultivate into a great heavenly person, help heaven and earth sublimate, reward his qi luck by three times, and double the sect's qi luck!"

All living beings in the world have this world declaration in their hearts.

They spontaneously understood in their hearts that the more luck they have, the more luck they have, the more they gain when they encounter good things, they are more agreeable, and they are lucky in case of death.

Qi luck is so high that it is difficult to even die!

Individuals with strong luck must have their hearts to succeed, and the sect forces with strong luck will definitely be prosperous, passed down to the world, and extremely difficult to overthrow.

The entire world's intelligent beings knew the benefits of qi luck, and they all rewarded Zhang Sanfeng with heaven and earth qi luck, and their envious eyes turned red to green and purple.

Especially those who are strong in heaven and man, they are both envious and happy.

They found that the shackles that limited them above the limits of heaven and man on their heads had disappeared, and it was no longer a high wall that could not be broken at all.

Heavenly and human limit powerhouses, as long as the talent, luck, hard work, and will are enough, it is possible to break through from the limit of heaven and man to a higher level of great heaven and man.

They also know that if they originally helped the world break the limit of life, there would be heaven and earth luck rewards!

After Xu Wen announced the reward for Zhang Sanfeng, he immediately transmitted the second message to all living beings in the world.

That is, if a person has contributed to the world itself, there will be a reward of luck.

The amount of reward depends on a living being's contribution to the functioning of the world.

He also made the creatures of the world understand that their normal pursuit of survival instinct, living well, striving, and not destroying heaven and earth is a kind of support for the operation of heaven and earth, because they are part of heaven and earth.

Xu Wen released this information, as for how much all intelligent beings can comprehend from it, how much luck they get, it is all up to them.

At this time, a Confucian disciple studying under the Confucian Xunzi seat was very puzzled and asked Xunzi on the seat.

"Master, why does heaven and earth only reward qi luck with their contribution to heaven and earth, instead of rewarding qi luck with good and evil."

Xunzi asked rhetorically.

"That's a good question, then, let me ask you, do you eat pastry?"

The disciple replied, "I love to eat what I eat."

Xunzi asked again: "Where did the dough cake come from?"

The disciple replied, "From the wheat planted in the field."

"Then, when people in the world eat bread, is it good or evil?"

"For the great good!"

"So, is this a great good or a great evil for the wheat in the field?"

At this time, the student could not answer, he knew that human eating flour cake is a great evil for plant life such as wheat.

Because if humans want to eat bread, they have to kill countless opportunities for wheat to regenerate.

Similarly, the abundance of human meat is a great evil for animals such as pigs, cattle, and sheep.

But this great evil, he could not say anything.

"All life, the standard of good and evil, is seen in terms of itself, or its own race, but for another part of life, this is cruelty, an indescribable evil. Therefore, for heaven and earth themselves, all things are equal, there is no good or evil, they are all part of the operation of heaven and earth, and they are part of the evolution of heaven and earth.

Xunzi gave the answer.

Since he came to this world, achieved the limits of heaven and man, and learned the power of mental power, he has seen more and deeper things through the practice of mental power and his understanding of the world.

He also made minor adjustments to the Confucian doctrine.

Xunzi understood that if you want to pass on Confucianism in this world, you need to constantly adapt to the development of this world, and constantly innovate and improve Confucian thought.

Otherwise, the seemingly prosperous situation of Confucianism will quickly collapse.

Xun Zi often went out to wander after practicing mental power, and he already knew that the world was too big to imagine.

The world of the Seven Kingdoms is huge, countless times larger than the world of his previous Sengoku Seven Heroes.

However, the entire Seven Kingdoms only has one corner of the East under heaven.

Through communication with other Celestial and Human powerhouses, Xunzi had already understood that the realm of the Seven Kingdoms Terran Race only occupied less than one-fifth of the eastern part of the entire continent.

On the continent, there are still endless large central forests, northern steppes, snowfields, western plateaus, and southern swamps.

And there are Terrans in those places.

The people of the Seven Kingdoms looked down on them, although they were weaker than the Seven Eastern Seven Kingdoms in terms of civilization level, but the other party was not weaker than the Eastern Seven Kingdoms in terms of strength and strength.

Up to now, although the Terrans are more powerful and more numerous, they face more than the wolf clans in the northern grasslands.

No matter how you say it, the steppe wolf tribe also belongs to the Terran race.

Fortunately, the Terrans of the Central Great Forest love nature and peace, and have no interest in the Seven Eastern Kingdoms.

The swamp people in the south are interested in the goods of the seven countries, but they are more adapted to living in places with water, and they are not very interested in the seven countries of the east.

But this was before, and now the most dangerous for human beings is the natural plants and exotic beasts in the heavens and the earth.

Mutated plants already have more powerful medicinal powers, and also have higher toxicity and aggression.

However, the animals have evolved into alien beasts one by one, with strong strength, not weak strength, and the same internal strength as the Terrans.

Now, in a remote area, it has become necessary for humans to maintain a certain amount of force to deal with the infesting of alien beasts.

Although the alien beast brings higher and more meat quality, it can make the martial arts have a greater development and let the human strength increase rapidly.

But the number of alien beasts is too much.

Nowadays, the biggest task of the students of the Little Sage Village is to study, but the secondary task is to clean up the dangerous alien beasts that have invaded the territory of the Little Sage Village and prevent their damage to the Little Sage Zhuang.

In this process, even powerful alien beasts of the Tianren level appeared.

Fortunately, the Little Sage Village now has more than ten Heavenly and Human powerhouses, all of whom grew up among his first batch of disciples.

There are more than 100 Confucian disciples and teachers at the level of great masters.

But it is such a powerful force, and the invasion of alien beasts is very powerful and frequent.

Every year, Xunzi himself has to strike more than three times.

Although this is related to factors such as the fact that the Little Sage Zhuang is deep in a remote area, is in the location where the alien beasts live, and the aura is the strongest in this area, it is enough to show the seriousness of the threat of alien beasts in the entire world.

With such a big world, such a complex world, and such a dangerous world, the original Confucian set will have certain problems if it wants to survive.

Sustaining and keeping Confucianism strong is even more a problem.

Xunzi, the founder of Confucianism in this world, must make some changes to allow the entire Confucianism to maintain, be strong, and even continue to be brilliant.

His first task now is to break through to the level of the Great Heavenly Man.

Xunzi understood that in the current world, only the strong of the Great Heaven and Man were the last guarantee for the survival of one force, and he must break through.

And if you want to break through, you have to get luck.

How luck comes about depends on the contribution of one person or one force to the functioning of the world.

Xunzi is very wise, and he has already figured out the fundamentals.

That is, you continue to maintain a brilliant existence, let your thoughts be useful to the development of the world, let your thoughts influence the world, and let the world see more martial arts and ideological things of governing the country.

So Xunzi began a retreat, and after thirty years of enlightenment, he founded a new Confucian classic.


This "Confucian Classic" explains the meaning of Confucianism, that is, Confucianism is to solve the needs of human survival.

In this Confucian Classic, the views of contradictions and opposites and interdependence are first extracted.

It analyzes things from contradictions, and also extends from the Confucian idea of moderation, and puts forward a new idea of moderation.

That is, all things cannot go to extremes.

Moderate change, moderate behavior, moderate behavior, and transgression will be destroyed.

Everything has a special degree to grasp.

And this degree itself is quietly changing with time and changes in the world.

At the same time, this Confucian canon continues to maintain the moral concepts of etiquette, benevolence, filial piety, righteousness, etc., the newly added love for children, and the right of all living beings to live.

The "Confucian Codex" puts forward what kind of morality, which is easy for people to get luck in heaven and earth, and is for great good.

From a moderate point of view, it explains the Taoist theories of one yuan, yin and yang, three talents, four elephants, five elements, six yi, seven stars, eight trigrams, and nine palaces, and introduces Taoist knowledge as a basic reference for Confucian martial arts concepts.

He also explained the problem of moderation in practice with the idea of moderation in contradiction, and proposed that people are different from each other, and what suits them is the best.

In this "Confucian Codex", there are not only ideas on morality, governance, and human rights, but also theories involving martial arts.

As soon as the "Confucian Code" came out, the Confucian disciples were very happy, because they found the theoretical basis for the practice of internal martial arts and mental power from it, so that they could understand their own power and use it more advanced.

They can create more Confucian martial arts and Nian Li exercises and skills based on martial arts.

It is good for Confucianism.

But the Taoist side has completely fried the pan, thinking that Confucianism is stealing Taoist theory.

Confucianism needs to change, it needs to get more luck, it needs great heavenly people, and many other forces that have been rated as holy places by the world naturally understand this.

After the Tao-Confucian controversy broke out because of the "Confucian Codex", Bei Yuzi published a new "Taoist Codex", and then Xiaomeng, Zhang Sanfeng and other strong people added to it, making it also a world-famous book based on the theory of power.

The sweeping monks in the western plateau learned about it thirty years later.

By this time, one-third of the people of the entire western plateau had accepted the Buddhist ideas, theories, and power exercises.

The sweeping monk also changed, he was already proficient in Buddhist theory, and created the Buddhist Scriptures that could contribute to the world and be more adapted to the development of Buddhism.

Within the Seven Kingdoms, A Qing finally got out of the shackles of the love brain, and created a new "Sword Codex" with Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, Duhu and others.

This sword code is a theoretical basis for kendo monks.

Oniyako is also talented, and he combined the mental power of the new Oniya to create the "Chess Codex".

Although this "Chess Codex" is a chess theory that describes the flow of thought, it is also a new vertical and horizontal way based on the idea of vertical and horizontal.

Ghost Valley integrates vertical and horizontal techniques into the chess path, and gets out of the shackles of the original Ghost Valley affecting the world of the family country, and can affect all living beings in heaven and earth with chess.

Because sentient beings use chess for entertainment, they use it a lot.

The four beauties are the most special, they have united Xiaomeng, Liangyu, and all other heavenly women to create a unique "Tianyin Women's Codex".

This "Tianyin Women's Codex" is completely to prepare the practice theory for women, so that they can create a power path that is only suitable for women from this theory.

There is also a moral theory about women, which is a female moral standard created by women who seek women in the world and combine their lives, demands, and creations.

Nong Yu and Yan Lingji also founded the "Music Codex" and "Dance Codex" respectively, which were recited to the world.


The strong people of heaven and man are powerful, have a high level of life, and have high wisdom.

They are constantly responding to the changes of the times and making changes. What does not change will eventually be eliminated by the torrent of changing times.

The emergence of theoretical masterpieces such as "Taoist Classics", "Confucian Classics", and "Buddhist Classics" has indeed pointed out some theoretical paths for all sentient beings of the human race.

This is a contribution to the world, and the strong people see it accurately.

As a result, they received a large number of personal and sectarian luck rewards, and many people directly broke through to the Great Heavenly Human level on the spot after creating these classics.

Breaking through to the Great Heavenly People, this is the biggest driving force for these God Tomb sealers to create various classics today!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 31

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