
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 32

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 32
When the world's heavenly and human powerhouses created theoretical texts, Xu Wen did not go outside his realm to seek new resources.

He traveled the world and became a storyteller.

From the perspective of a storyteller, he should observe the various problems of his own world and the human world, in order to pay attention to and improve.

Apocalypse City is a small mountain town located on the banks of the Falling Star River.

The Falling Star River rises from the western plateau, but flows through the grassland area, and finally enters the central large forest from north to south into the swamp, it originally entered the South China Sea from the southern swamp, but on the day of the world natural disaster, it changed its flow and went east.

Finally, the falling star river walked the border area between the central forest and the seven countries, and from here went straight east and entered the East China Sea.

And where the Apocalypse City is located, there happen to be two tributaries, leading to the northeast of the Sunset Great Forest, the northern grassland and even the snowfield area.

So this place has become the river transportation center of the entire continent.

However, the place of Apocalypse City is all mountainous, unable to gather the population, unable to develop agriculture, can only develop medicinal herbs, dried fruits, wood and other industries, and can only become a commercial city that connects all directions.

Here, in fact, all the heavenly and human forces in the world are jointly controlled.

Xu Wen has been bored recently, and he has become a special storyteller in Apocalypse City.

"Jianghu, jianghu! What are quacks! And listen to me, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes! Rivers and lakes are a place where good and evil are intertwined, and a place where people's hearts struggle!

Xu Wen opened his mouth and gave a definition to Jianghu.

He bought a large restaurant here to serve his storytelling.

Here, Xu Wen told the stories of many other worlds, including the story of Qin Shi, including the story of Yitian, the story of Tianlong, and the story of the famous world...

In every story, there are magnificent changes in the world, and there are special figures of martial artists in them.

It's just that Xu Wen's story gave the names of those divine tomb sealers who were already in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation Great World, and replaced their roles with a different name.

Gradually, Xu Wen's story, especially the heroic spirit of benevolence and righteousness in the story, for the country and the people, attracted the attention and study of countless martial artists.

The martial artists of this world do not have any spiritual core.

Xu Wen's story spread widely, and many unemployed literate people learned from him and began to speak books.

But they have no story, they can only copy what Xu Wen said.

Xu Wen made a magic change to the stories of all the worlds, incorporating the chivalrous spirit, that is, resisting tyranny, helping the weak and strong, helping the small people, and fighting for the country and the people.

After these stories spread, they quickly became popular.

All scattered martial practitioners found the spiritual pillar of their actions from the story, the spiritual support, and the chivalrous spirit appeared on a large scale for the first time in a very clear way in the rivers and lakes of the Seven Kingdoms of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, becoming their spiritual sunshine.

Xu Wen's small shop is also becoming more and more famous, and the world simply calls him Xu Daxia.

"Xu Daxia! Or how about you stop telling stories today and tell us something else? "

The people who listened to the lecture below now want to hear some interesting things.

"Okay, then I'll talk about some things you're willing to hear, such as peerless beauty in the rivers and lakes!"

Xu Wen also complied with everyone's meaning and said something interesting.

Most of the people in the rivers and lakes are men, so naturally there is nothing that can attract everyone's attention more than beauty.

"Jianghu beauty, we refer to a beauty who has martial arts in her body and is in the martial arts rivers and lakes."

"But everyone has a different view of beauty, so I won't list the first and second beauties of the rivers and lakes, only out what I think, appearance, temperament, martial arts are the best choice of the beauties."

Of course, their rankings are not in order. If you have ever seen a real person, you can list the beauty rankings in your heart.

"The first one, the palace master of the Shocking Salamander, a cold-faced female swordsman in the rivers and lakes, with a cold temperament, peerless appearance, and a strong person."

"Its kendo power is already the first among female swordsmen in the world, the real sword leader of the rivers and lakes!"

"The second place, Xiaomeng, the master of the Autumn Water Gate, the master of the Taoist Autumn Water Gate, the Born Daotai, Ruodao Tianxin, the Heavenly Man is strong."

"It is the first female path in the world, born with extraordinary understanding, and a lofty state of mind, like the peak of an immortal mountain, and extraordinary people can be seen."

"The third place, the second door of the music dance gate is the main jade, the temperament is gentle, and the head of the music road."

"The power of the world's music is respected by it, and they have a natural heart of happiness. The world's famous songs, 67 out of 10 are all from the hands of jade.

"The fourth place, the main flame Lingji of the gate of the music and dance gate, has a charming and enchanting temperament, and the head of the dance gate."

"Ninety out of nine of the world's dancers' exercises are created by him. He has created many famous dances, such as the Phoenix Fire Lingtian Dance, the Autumn Lake Flat Frost Dance, the Bitter Girl Weeping Frost Dance and so on.

"The fifth, the master of the heart door is ruthless, his appearance is peerless, his temperament is cold, and he is naturally delicate, and he can probe the minds of others."

"The door of mind created by him has cultivated the best case-solvers in the rivers and lakes, and is the origin of all female headhunters in the rivers and lakes." The warriors of the world respect their people, fear their strength, and fear their hearts, and they are really models for women in the world!

"The sixth place, Xi Shi, the owner of Linglong Mountain Villa, has a sinking appearance, a country and a city, and his temperament is as soft as autumn water, but he has a Lan Hui wise heart."

"He campaigned for the weak women in the world, founded Linglong Villa, and protected women's rights. Another mention is the Heavenly Female Alliance, protecting the interests of the beautiful warriors in the world, and is actually the guardian of the women of the world!

"The seventh place, the lord of the Great Palace of the Shifting Flower Palace invites the moon, like a god like a demon, arrogant and overbearing, and his natural appearance is the best in the world."

"Its human state of mind is special, not like mortals, and it is possible to achieve ruthless immortals."

Xu Wen said this, which surprised the people below.

They knew the concept of immortals, but Xu Wen also thought for the first time that a person had the possibility of becoming an immortal.

This is indeed a fact.

Now that he is inviting the moon, he really has the shadow of Tai Shang's hope in his state of mind. If the world develops to the point where it can accommodate immortals, and she lives until that time, and the improvement of Ming Yugong goes further, she will become an immortal.

Now Yueyue has also formulated a special theory of exercises, called the Heartless Heart Sutra.

This is the beginning of the ruthless theory.

She also got qi luck, and qi luck has a certain life-prolonging function. Coupled with these and the fact that Yueyue is about to break through to become a Great Heavenly Being, she can live longer.

The strong of the great heavenly people, the life expectancy is a thousand!

This is what Xu Wen extended.

It is the special lifespan of the current stage of world development, and if the world develops to its perfection, the life of the Great Heavenly People will be up to eight hundred.

"The ninth, Xuan Ye, a disciple of the Great Master of the Medical Family, has the heart of a natural healer, has an absolute appearance, and is a strong person in the Heavenly Human Realm."

"Her people pretend to be old women all year round, walking the people, and treating the sick of the world, especially the poor. Up to now, the number of poor people who have been worried about their lives treated by Xuan Ye has exceeded 100,000. It has treated countless people with mild illnesses.

"The kindest person in the world is Xuanye."

"Not long ago, Heaven and Earth felt his benevolence and wisdom and gave him luck, and now Xuan Ye is already a great heavenly powerhouse who surpasses his division!"

Hearing what Xu Wen said, the people below exploded.

They only knew that there was a great good healer named Renpo in the world, and the poor and sick in the world were all saved by him, but they did not know that Xuanye was a great beauty, or a great heavenly and strong person, the existence at the top of the world.

Xuan Ye is a true daughter of virtue, and her martial arts and medical talents are extraordinary.

She is also the most admired woman by Xu Wen among the heavenly people.

Xu Wen had secretly set her the position of immortality.

Even if she unfortunately falls, she can become an immortal after reincarnation!

Among the people Xu Wen had seen, no one could compare to Xuan Ye in the purity of the moral sacred heart.

Even if her master is thoughtful, there is a lack of medical ethics based on herself, only Xuanye does not, in her heart, life is precious, even if a small animal is injured or sick, she will really go to the rescue.

It is more accurate to call her the state of mind of the goddess of life.

Now Nianduan has the idea of passing on the position of the head of the medical gate to Xuan Ye, but Xuan Ye did not agree, she prefers to treat the poor in the people.

"The tenth place, Wang Zhaojun, the second owner of Linglong Mountain Villa, is a peerless immortal and has a heart of great love."

"His people walk the nations all year round, balancing them and keeping them from war. Wang Zhaojun is not a king, only for the people. Because she understood that the number of people who died directly in war and the number of people who died indirectly in war together would be a terrible number.

"She didn't want so many people to become pitiful and innocent ashes under the war, so she ran for this all year round, and she was a rare person who loves the people, doers, and practitioners among the real heavenly and strong people." It is no exaggeration to call it the head of the heroine.

"The eleventh, the master of the Caixia Gate, Qiushuang, is a strong man in heaven and man, his appearance and temperament are like autumn water, his gods are like fairy eyes, and his quality is like jade."

"His people are the pioneers of the theater school, and the talent of martial arts and drama is extremely high, and he combines acting and martial arts cultivation into one, creating the martial arts branch of drama and martial arts. But it did not pass it on to the doormen, but gave it to the world's sincere actors, so that the drama and martial arts would shine together. "

Autumn Frost, like Xuan Ye, is also a native rising person in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

Xuan Ye is the daughter of the most holy morality, and Qiu Shuang is a pure career madman, and she creates and plays together with martial arts, and she is also a woman with great strength.


This time, Xu Wen said a total of nearly seventy-two peerless beautiful warriors.

These are all female powerhouses at the level of grandmasters.

If you don't enter the Great Master, it is difficult to enter his evaluation list.

Among the seventy-two peerless beauties of the rivers and lakes, there are twenty-seven sealers born from the tomb of God, and the rest are all native beauties of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

They are all from various sects or have strong self-preservation capabilities.

There are also some really beautiful beautiful women, but Xu Wen did not mention it.

After all, for these people, the reputation of beautiful women is poison and dangerous for them.

He is the lord of the world, and he must try to maintain fairness in his heart, and he must not put the other party in danger because of his own affairs.

Those great masters who have the power to protect are not afraid of the covetousness of others at all.

It took Xu Wen five days to finish talking about the seventy-two people, and the world called it the seventy-two goddesses list.

But everyone is more curious about Xu Wen.

The things he mentioned were extremely secretive, how did Xu Wen know.

Xu Wen became more and more mysterious in the eyes of the world.

But in the eyes of those divine tomb sealers, Xu Wen is a god-like existence. Because in his first story, it was their world that was mentioned.

After talking about the beauty of the rivers and lakes, next, Xu Wen began to judge the characters of the rivers and lakes in terms of kendo, heroes, talents, etc.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 32

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