
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 33

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 33
Next, Xu Wen talked about the world's kendo masters.

"Most of the martial artists in the rivers and lakes use swords as the mainstream weapon, so do you know which Kendo powerhouses are in the rivers and lakes?"

"Ye Gucheng!"

"Ximen blows snow!"

"Seek defeat alone!"


The martial artists below shouted out the names of the swordsmen.

But what they don't know is that these people are all present now, and one by one, they are all transfiguring.

The reason is that these people are the sealers of the divine tomb, and Xu Wen told the story of their world and made certain magic changes.

These Divine Tomb Sealers, except for Shocked Salamander, Xiaomeng and others, others did not know Xu Wen's existence at all.

And they themselves, there are many questions about their being netized into the world.

Therefore, there is an inexplicable mysterious person who tells the original story of their world and removes their current names, but the people in that story are clearly themselves.

This made them very curious and cautious.

At the level of heaven and man, the more powerful, the more you feel the unknown, and the more you are in awe of the mystery.

This is the same psychological reaction as knowledgeable scientists who have more doubts.

"In my opinion, there is no absolute high or low between the strength and weakness of the swordsman. The unique kendo of the swordsman is what the people of the rivers and lakes should pay attention to the most.

Xu Wen said, which resonated with many Tianren-level swordsmen.

"If anyone in the rivers and lakes has the best kendo talent, there is only one person, Yue Nu A Qing!"

"She is now a great heavenly powerhouse, and she is also the most talented person in kendo."

"The pinnacle of other swordsmen's sword skills is the Dao of Skill!"

"Yue Nu Aqing's highest peak in sword skills is as good as the Dao!"

"The sword technique she created is the most powerful sword technique in the world at present. Her swordsmanship she used herself, is on the third floor, then other swordsmen can really start is a genius, can reach the first floor is a top swordsman, can practice her swordsmanship to the second floor, very few.

"At present, except for A Qing herself, no one in the world can practice her sword technique to three floors of the same level as her!"

"The deepest understanding of kendo is that the strong man of the Great Heaven seeks defeat alone."

"His understanding of the sword has several levels."

"The first realm, the sword realm, refers to those who are familiar with swordsmanship, can skillfully use the power of their sword skills, cut off their bodies, and use the sharpness of the sword."

"The second realm, for the soft sword realm, means that the use of sword skills is not only in its advantage, but also in the change of sword skills, not clinging to rigid sword techniques, but flexibly and skillfully matching their own sword techniques, and using sword moves when it is most suitable."

"The third realm, the realm of the epee, means that the big trick does not work, and the epee has no edge. In the face of absolute strength, one blow can destroy the enemy without any sword moves. But this realm also contains the subtle use of deeper power, such as the power of lifting weights and lifting weights.

"If you realize that if you lift a heavy weight and lift as light as one-two, you can become a strong person with extraordinary combat power in the use of techniques."

"The fourth realm, the Wooden Sword Realm. Sword technique, sword use, sword heart, and sword intent are all chosen. Take a branch and you can exert the terrifying power of kendo; Take a blade of grass and you can also exert the same powerful kendo power.

"With a sword in the heart and no sword in the hand, everything can be regarded as a usable sword."

"Those who are not swordsmanship, skills, and sword hearts are difficult to enter this realm."

When the people in the audience heard this, they all had some understanding.

Many people even lamented in their hearts, after a long time, they were only in the first realm, and they couldn't master the sword technique in their hands.

Not to mention changing the sword technique itself to reach the level of a soft sword.

Many people understand that this is true of swords, so is swords, and so is probably the gun.

The use of weapons can be matched in all four realms, but the details are similar.

Some people lament their inferiority, and some people are excited, because the latter has found a way forward and sees a general direction for his kendo.

What people are most afraid of is that they will not find the target of action.

"Baiyun Sword Immortal Leaf Lonely City, a Heavenly Man Extreme Powerhouse, is also a sword master who is about to break through to the Great Heavenly Man."

"His sword is very special, sword technique, sword intent, he is not the most powerful, but he is born with transparent sword intent and is a master of sword intent."

"Just his unique one-sword flying immortal sword true meaning is enough to make the most ordinary sword technique burst out the most powerful power."

"Because of the sword intent, it can strengthen the sword technique, gather the power of heaven and earth, and suppress the opponent's mind."

"If the swordsman in the rivers and lakes has no talent in sword skills and swordsmanship, he can try to visualize a sword of his own fantasy and walk the sword intent."


Next, Xu Wen explained the kendo core of Ximen Chuixue, Yan XIII, Shocking Salamander and other swordsmen, but did not expose the weaknesses of the other party.

The audience below understands that this is simply a hardcore kendo science spectrum.

Xu Wen said that the swordsman took three days to talk about the 63 swordsmen with characteristics above the heavens and people in the rivers and lakes.

The martial artists below have their own gains, even the heavenly people who hide and listen to the lectures also have gains.

When everyone the swordsmen had finished speaking, a young man suddenly asked a bold question.

"Xu Daxia, what if I don't have a powerful technique, a powerful sword technique, and I want to become a kendo powerhouse?"

Xu Wen likes such an innocent young man.

"It's okay. I can show you two paths. "

When I heard that without good exercises and good swordsmanship, you can also become a powerful swordsman, and there are two ways to go, the audience below suddenly felt incredible.

As we all know, the strong must have profound exercises and martial arts.

They couldn't believe it, but what Xu Wen said before was really good and wonderful, and it also made everyone look forward to his method.

"The first way is to practice only one move, slashing the sky and drawing the sword technique!"

"This sword is very simple, it is to draw out the sword to cut the enemy, and then collect the sword!"

"While you practice the most basic Peiyuan Gong, you use your internal strength to practice this sword move, a thousand times a day, practice for ten years, and there will be very few people in the rivers and lakes who can receive this sword of yours."

"If you can practice hard for thirty or fifty years, one sword can cut a flat white paper horizontally into two points, two swords into four points, four swords into eight points... The more points you can cut a perfectly flat piece of paper, the more terrifying your sword will be.

"At that time, you must come from the sword qi, strong to a certain extent, you can smash large stones, even rivers, mountains, and cut out a sword abyss."

"This move, emphasize this sword, accurate, steady, ruthless, to condense all your mind and will, into this sword."

"The purer this sword is practiced, the more powerful your move will be, and you are a terrible swordsman who can kill enemies with one sword."

Slashing the sky and drawing the sword technique, this sword has heard the hearts of countless people.

The real experts of the rivers and lakes understand that this is completely feasible, and if they really practice this sword for ten years, a hundred years, that person must be extremely terrifying out of this sword.

"The second method, that is, you only practice the most basic sword techniques that can be found everywhere in the rivers and lakes, such as cutting, stabping, pointing, chopping and other basic sword moves."

"The core is still to use the sword to be stable, and the sword must be stable and strong."

"Practice the basic swordsmanship all the time, you can practice in the water, in the wind, in the woods, and use the basic swordsmanship in different environments."

"When the basic sword technique reaches the point where you feel that you can't improve, you can use the basic sword technique to sharpen on the battlefield, or fight against the current powerful alien beasts. With the danger of life and death, promote the progress of his basic swordsmanship.

"Of course, don't try to challenge enemies or beasts that are far stronger than yourself. Otherwise, it's not sword practice, it's sending to death.

"If you are not willing to take this risk, then you can use basic sword techniques to attack fish in the river, flies in the woods, and locusts in natural disasters."

"Basic swordsmanship, if you practice for ten years, you will be a master, and if you practice for a hundred years, you will also be a strong swordsman."

"In fact, there are many people in the rivers and lakes who use swords, but there are very few powerful swordsmen, gunmen and other masters. But the knife technique can also be practiced with the Heaven Slashing Knife Technique, or only the basic knife technique. Marksmanship, whipping, sticking, etc., you can only practice basic moves, and then through combat tempering, you can become a strong person in this way. Many

people don't know whether Xu Wen's second method is feasible.

But the young man who asked was moved, he wanted to practice the sword sword art of slashing the sky, and practice to the realm of killing the enemy with a sword and cutting the river with sword qi.

Xu Wen's statement also opened up the minds of many people who are interested in rivers and lakes, but have no money and no profound exercises.

Many people are willing to take the path of only practicing basic moves when they don't have a choice.

Only those above the grandmaster thoroughly understood that the basic moves were practiced to the extreme, and sometimes they were even more terrifying than the profound sword technique.

The essence of weapons is to kill the enemy!

And the heaven-slashing sword technique that pays attention to killing the enemy with a sword is too ruthless, too fierce, and it takes decades of jasmine.

This sword technique, practice, is smoother, but also more terrifying.

They also understand that the rivers and lakes in a few decades will be weak and not deceived.

Because you can never imagine that a person you want to bully who seems to have weaker internal strength than you will have a terrible heaven-slashing sword technique, or a heaven-slashing sword technique.

After all, its theory is completely feasible, as long as you work hard!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 33

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