
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 34

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 34
In the following dozens of days, Xu Wen talked about the martial arts of other experts in the rivers and lakes.

For example, Taoism seems to be like a dream, such as Zhang Sanfeng's Taijiquan with an extremely high starting point but an infinitely high ceiling, such as the Pearl Lady's witchcraft, such as the ink crow, the white bird's beast taming technique and so on.

Some mysterious characters that the quacks have never seen have been told by him.

He talked about these things for ten days.

Next, Xu Wencai talked about the world outside the Seven Kingdoms.

In fact, now listening to Xu Wen's story, there are also many foreigners.

But what is very special about this world is that no matter where the foreign language is, their native language is based on the secret influence of Xu Wen to produce Chinese as the origin, and the language of the whole world is consistent on the basis.

It's just that environmental changes and geographical differentiation have caused some differentiation in these languages.

But it is consistent in the core, and it is not so difficult to learn each other's local languages.

Next, Xu Wen talked about some other alien things.

"Do you know that the land we are on is called the Central Continent!"

Xu Wen's words aroused the interest of countless listeners.

The first time they heard this statement, they only knew that the world was big, and people from afar said that this land could not be completed for decades.

Even those who have traveled the world and the powerhouses do not have a clear understanding of the entire continent.

"The Central Continent is nearly 380,000 li long from east to west, and the longest is 570,000 li from south to north!"

"There are many peninsulas around the Central Road that are more than 200,000 miles deep into the ocean!"

"The entire Central Continent is actually divided into five regions."

"The large central forest, with a radius of nearly 70,000 li. The northern grassland and snowfield area, with a radius of 120,000 li. The southern swamp has a radius of nearly 60,000 li. The area of the seven eastern countries has a radius of nearly 30,000 li.

"For the entire Central Continent, the Seven Eastern Countries have the smallest territory, but the Central Seven Kingdoms have many plains and are suitable for the development of agriculture, so they have created a prosperous Seven Kingdoms. But there are not only seven countries in the eastern part of the continent, but also nearly two or three times as many wilderness.

"If the innate strength is strong or weak, the Terrans of the Seven Kingdoms are actually the weakest."

"Because the northern Terrans are born with the power of earth, ice and snow. The Central Great Forest Terrans have the power of the wood line, and even the life system. The Southern Swamp Terrans have the power of the water system, as well as the power of controlling beasts. The barbarians of the western plateau control the power of the earth. "

The Terrans of the Seven Eastern Realms are born without strong strength, and their physique is still relatively weak. But the biggest advantage of the people of the Seven Kingdoms is that their innate wisdom is much higher than that of other races in the entire Central Continent. Originally

hearing Xu Wen's words, the people of the Seven Kingdoms below had already raised a trace of fear for the Terrans in other regions.

Because those Terrans were born with extraordinary powers.

And the Terrans of the Seven Kingdoms are born ordinary!

But when they heard that the wisdom of the Terrans of the Seven Kingdoms was the highest, they became proud again.

Knowledgeable people understand that wisdom is powerful, most of the time beyond the role of brute force.

Moreover, the internal martial arts of the Seven Kingdoms, the development of the power of mental power is so prosperous, the Eastern Terrans are not necessarily weaker than the Terrans of other realms.

"But do you think the world is that big?"


"Beyond the Central Continent, there is an endless expanse of the world. North of the Central Continent is the boundless cold North Sea, but there is a northern ice and snow continent in the North Sea, which is no less than 50,000 li in radius.

"The Northern Continent also has powerful Terrans, their number is very small, but their strength, especially the ability of ice and snow classes, is very terrifying. They are also natural masters of mental power, and they are strong people with mental power.

"To the east of the Central Continent, there are endless islands on which live the Terrans of the ocean. They also walked together with their mental power, and they were also stronger than the Terrans of the Central Continent in terms of average strength.

"In the west of the world, the huge West Sea, there is a larger Western continent in it. There are Terrans there that are completely different from the Central Continent, and life is a completely different exotic world!

"South of the Central Continent, there is a southern continent."

"The southern continent is a completely barbaric world, and the terrible forest covers the entire southern continent. There are poisonous insects and beasts there, which is completely forbidden to the Terrans, and it is difficult for the Terrans to have a chance to survive there.

"Because the alien beasts there, among the plants, the number of heavenly and human-level powerhouses is not under 10,000!"


For the first time, the world knew that the world was so big.

Many people spend their entire lives in their hometowns, and the farthest is in a country.

But beyond one country there are seven countries, and beyond seven countries there is the entire east of the continent.

Outside the east of the mainland, I am afraid that ordinary people in the rivers and lakes will not be able to walk the entire Central Continent in their lifetimes.

In addition to the Central Continent, there are four mysterious continents in the whole world, as well as the mysterious East Sea, South China Sea, West Sea, and North Sea.

There are not only Oriental Terrans on the Central Continent, but also other races with power and completely different cultures.

Xu Wen spent another nine days describing the whole world in detail.

For the first time, the world knew that the whole world was like this.

Some clever merchants in Apocalypse City immediately printed the content of what Xu Wen said about the Seven Kingdoms into a booklet and sold it to the Seven Kingdoms World at a high price.


is the name of this book, and as soon as it appeared, it was robbed by the high-level officials of the Seven Kingdoms, the people of the family, and the sectarian forces in the rivers and lakes.

In some places, there is even a scene of a book of ten thousand gold!

Knowledgeable people know the importance of this book, and they must collect it within the forces and read it themselves.

The monarchs of the Seven Kingdoms, ministers, family heads, disciples, sect heads, elders, and powerful masters in the rivers and lakes are all paying attention to this book.

Not only them, but this book also quickly spread to the barbarians of the southern swamp, the central forest, the northern steppe, the snowfield, and the western barbarians of the world.

For the first time, the world knows how big the world is!

The world is so big, I'm going to check it out!

This idea quickly appeared in the hearts of many young people, who were full of pride, wanting to see this vast Vientiane world, wanting to see the mysterious swamps, plateaus, and snowfields, and wanting to see the other domain Terrans with mysterious powers.

Some teenagers bravely set off, while others hesitated and finally shattered reality.

But for the people in the court, they saw the benefit from it.

Is it possible to trade with these strange races, get treasures from them, or trade their special bloodline powers.

The people of the sect saw the hope of breaking through to a higher realm.

Now that I have fallen into the bottleneck of my practice, maybe if I look outside the world, I have hope for my breakthrough.

Terrans from other regions were also attracted by this information.

There are also bold people among them who have ambitions to travel the world.

The great exchange of Terrans in the entire Central Continent broke out because of Xu Wen's special guidance.

And his heaven-slashing sword technique, basic sword art, and basic sword art have become powerful swordsmen, and the theory of swordsmen has also attracted the efforts of countless young people.

Some of them didn't stick to it, but those who persevered did it achieved great things decades later.

The entire jianghu kendo is developing, and other branches of forces such as kendo and gun are also developing rapidly.

Xu Wen once again successfully guided the progress of civilization in the entire world.

When those Divine Tomb sealers wanted to look for him, they suddenly found that Xu Wen had disappeared one day, as if he did not exist.

They immediately realized that perhaps Xu Wen, the storyteller, was the mysterious being who brought them to this world.

Since then, Xu Daxia has become the most famous, but also the most mysterious person in the entire rivers and lakes.

Countless people regarded him as an existence like Martial Ancestor.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 34

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