
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 35

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 35
Xu Wen triggered the progress of the Terran civilization in the Xuanhuang World, but he did not continue to work on the Terran civilization.

The Terran text still needs time to run, develop, and absorb the fruits of his guidance.

Next, Xu Wen will carry out other layouts to prepare for the world to upgrade to the advanced Dongtian World level.

Why would he do so much to the Terrans.

Because the Terran race is the key to heaven, earth, man, and man in the law of the three talents.

Strictly speaking, the people among the three talents do not refer to the human race, but to life, all living beings.

And in all these lives, the Terran civilization with wisdom has a great effect on the formation and strength of the last human law in the Three Talents Law.

But the three talents of heaven and earth do not only refer to the human race, but also include all other life.

In fact, among the three talents of heaven and earth, the laws of heaven and earth have long appeared and become a new branch of the core law of reincarnation.

As long as the law belonging to the pole of man develops, and the balance between heaven and earth, the law of three talents can be completely formed.

Note that this is just molding, as if a newborn baby was born intact and safely.

After that, the law of three talents will also develop and grow together with the laws of yin and yang, life, fate, luck, and death.

And this process is also a process of powerful evolution of the world itself.

The development of the Terran has reached a height, and a truly good world must be more than just the Terrans.

Xu Wen moved for this.

He first used the 300 world origin accumulated over the years to upgrade the World Gate, Vientiane Qiankun Net, and Luo Tian's Voyeur Mysterious Mirror, so that they reached a higher level, could be broken, analyzed a more powerful world, and could have the function of shielding some world instinctive sensing.

Now these three artifacts can already deal with some powerful small thousand worlds.

Above the Dongtian World, is the Little Thousand World!

Xu Wen opened the door to the world, entered the key information "Aragami" and "Ruins", and began the search for the target world he had thought about.

The origin of the world is consumed little by little, and this time it is particularly long.

The world he was looking for was not powerful, but it was also a world of gods, a relatively advanced Dongtian world, or even a small thousand world.

Its lower limit is low, but the upper limit is high.

In the end, after consuming nearly 25 World Origins, the World Gate successfully found his target world, a special world called Kyushu with three continents: Eastern, Western, and Hokuriku.

There are special races in this world.

In addition to the Terrans, there are also the Yu Clan, the Scorpion Clan, the Kwafu Clan, and the Heluo Clan.

And Xu Wen's goal is these races.

The first target is the Yu clan of the Hokuriku Ning clan.

After the upgrade, the projection of the World Gate at the other end of the World Gate can already move inside the target world with the help of Luo Tian's Voyeur Broken Xuan Mirror, which is also ascended.

The gate of the world moved silently and came to the sky above a certain Yu tribe with a relatively high bloodline in Beilu Ningzhou, and the Vientiane Qiankun net turned into a huge sky net with a radius of nearly ten kilometers, falling from the sky, and hitting the entire tribe's Yu tribe.

Some of the feathered people sensed danger before the big net fell, and their spiritual power supported them to open their wings.

However, they still could not escape.

After this net, the entire Yuren tribe was caught in it, quickly became smaller, and then returned to the inside of the World Gate with the Vientiane Qiankun Net. Xu

Wen successfully captured a feather tribe of 562 people, and then sealed them in the tomb of the gods.

He was careful and kept observing everything on the other side.

Because this world has a ruined god and an Aragami god, legend has it that the battle between these two gods formed this world.

Judging from the size of this world, the strength of these two gods may not be weaker than that of the god in the Haotian world who is in the darkness and stepping on the light.

However, he was afraid that the ruined gods and Aragami of this world would not really be silent, for fear that the other party would give him a set.

Fortunately, nothing has changed, and the legendary gods and Aragami in this world may really be asleep.

Having discovered this, he acted quickly to avoid surprises.

In the second net, he took away a tribe of Kwafu.

Father Qua is two to three times tall as a normal person, slow to move, afraid of heat, and has great strength, and is a giant race in this world.

There were very few people in the Kwafu clan, and he caught a total of 63 Kwafu people in this net.

The third net went down, and through the barrier of the mountain, the Vientiane Qiankun net fished out a very small Heluo tribe, known for casting and mechanics.

In the fourth net, he successfully took away a tribe of mackerels with more than 1,200 people.

So far, Xu Wen has successfully captured the four intelligent alien races he needs.

The last Meizu is a special spiritual body-like existence.

They are the least numerous and exist in a form of near nothingness.

Therefore, Xu Wen can only grasp them one by one.

In the end, he captured 36 special Meizus who already had bodies.

The Meizu of this world is a special life born from the combination of wisdom and spirit, strictly a race created by the power of the gods.

Their wisdom is high, pure and special.

Among the foreign races such as the Yu clan, the Qua Father, the Heluo, and the Yuren in this world, what he values most is the Meizu with a special state.

They can bring bigger, more special changes to the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

Because they are pure spiritual life, spiritual life that can condense the life body on its own, and it is also an unnatural life form that cannot reproduce and is condensed by pure spirit and wisdom.

After safely capturing Meizu, Xu Wen did not stop moving.

He used Luo Tian's Mysterious Peeping Mirror to search the Tibetan place of the Chenyue Sect in this world, and packed up all the secret texts they had collected and took away.

The occult power of this world is very interesting and can be seen as a special branch of rune power.

Then Xu Wen took away some of the special and characteristic animals and plants born in Leizhou, Yunzhou, and the ocean.

He carried out the whole process very carefully.

Fortunately, until the time of evacuation, his actions in this world did not alarm the legendary Aragami and the Ruins God.

But what Xu Wen didn't know was that after he left, two mysterious phantoms appeared in the sky above the Kyushu world.

"It scares me to death, it turns out to be a Heavenly Dao!"

"Fortunately, he is finally gone, and he does not realize that this world is the world we created for our own recovery."

"Fortunately, he did not mean to invade our world and plunder the world. Otherwise this time we will have to move again.

"The plan continues, so that the fate of all living beings will be waves, and it will be more magnificent." In this way, there will be more world origins, and it will also be conducive to our recovery. "


If Xu Wen knew about the communication between the two mysterious phantoms, he would definitely be shocked.

His target world this time was really hiding two old sixes.

But if he saw the dense, gray lustrous cracks on the two phantom bodies, he would definitely find a way to capture these two mysterious and already battered guys back to the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World for research!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 35

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