
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 36

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 36
The Hato people are not born with flesh and blood wings, their wings are condensed by spiritual power.

They are attracted by the power of the moon every year, and on a specific day they can condense their wings with spirit and fly into the sky.

There are only a few spiritually strong Hajin who can fly around the clock all year round.

Nalanda Snow is a branch of the Yuren Snow clan.

She was originally a wingless feather person, the lowest status among the Xue clan feather, doing the dirtiest work and doing the most things.

She has always had a restless heart, she longs for the outside world, for freedom from the miserable life of her wingless feather.

But one day, a large net descended from heaven and captured her and all the Yu clans of her tribe.

When Nalanda Snow woke up, she found herself in a strange world.

What she didn't know was that this feather man was placed by Xu Wen in the central forest of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

The Xue Clan Yue people had all woken up and gathered on a huge rock in a forest full of trees.

Nalanda wanted to know what was going on, but as a lowly wingless feather, she couldn't ask questions of the higher feather people.

But at this moment, Nalanda suddenly found that she had some more knowledge in her mind.

A farmer three poses, which can strengthen the body, strength after training.

A Peiyuan Gong can be used to refine a mysterious power called internal force.

An introduction to the idea and visualization of all things can increase the spirit and even form extraordinary mental power.

Nalanda also got the message that she and her own group had left the original world and came to the new world.

In this new world, they will open up a new, unknown future for the Ha Clan.

In addition to this, she automatically learned the language of this world, and their original Ha language became blurred in her memory.

While Nalanda was sorting out the things in his memory, the winged feathers in the upper and middle layers of the Xue Clan and the patriarch had a heated discussion together.

According to their understanding, a certain god brought them into the world and allowed them to live here.

They spent three days analysing the situation.

Only then did they gather their clansmen and prepare to establish a place for the Yu clan in a forest that they observed.

The trees in that forest are as high as 100 meters!

They feather people like to live in such a high place the most, and the more upper-class feather people, the higher the position of life.

However, when the upper echelons of the Yu clan completely ended the discussion and gathered the clansmen, they found that there were nearly 50 fewer people in the entire Yu clan.

And all the less are wingless feathered people!

What they didn't know was that this group of Yuren was Nalanda who quietly moved and secretly contacted and fled together.

Nalanda is bold and attentive.

She contacted those wingless feathers who were very dissatisfied with the upper echelons and had a good heart.

Therefore, in the two busy days that she was busy, she was not exposed, because the wingless feather people who were unwilling to leave did not snitch on her superiors.

In the end, Nalanda and fifty people managed to escape under the cover of the dense forest.

But what they didn't expect was that the jungle of this world was very dangerous, only there were dangerous extraordinary plants, and even more dangerous extraordinary beasts.

Those alien beasts that can harness the power of wind, the power of water, the power of the earth, and the power of plant life are so terrifying.

If it weren't for Hato's natural light body, they might all have fallen on this path.

In the end, only 33 of the 50 Hajin managed to lead her way to a mountain in the middle of the jungle.

The rest of the people all became food for the alien beasts in the process.

What Nalanda didn't know was that if Xu Wen had made a small intervention, it would have been impossible for the 33 of them to escape from the forest infested with alien beasts.

Xu Wen does not interfere, and they are more likely to be completely destroyed.

Nalanda is a rebellious Hato who does not follow the Hato tradition, and the threat of exotic beasts and terrible plants makes her choose to settle in a natural cave on the top of a high mountain in this forest.

She experienced the dangers of this world, so she found this place in Yongding to take advantage of Hato's light and flexible body.

Outside this natural cave is an endless cliff.

If it weren't for the countless old vines on the rock wall, they would hardly be able to climb up.

But it was such a place, except for the birds and alien beasts in the sky, all other terrifying existences could hardly threaten them.

In this extremely vast cave, Nalanda established the structure and survival of their feather people.

For the first time, Nalanda stated that all Yuren are equal.

Every five years, they need to re-elect the next patriarch, the four elders.

Four elders, responsible for food, law, education, and sacrifices.

The entire ethnic group is a soldier, and only the patriarch can mobilize troops.

The opening of the wings of their feather clan requires strong spiritual power, and those with strong spiritual power can even open their wings for many years.

Therefore, the concept of the path of mindfulness is the most suitable for them.

The four elders are also elected every five years, the patriarch decides for small matters, and the patriarch decides on larger matters together with the four elders.

Major matters involving the whole family need to be decided by a general assembly.

With this structure, Nalanda established a new Yu family rule.

She was elected the first patriarch.

But what she didn't know was that when she was thinking about how to lead this new Yu clan, it was Xu Wen who intervened and gave her "special" inspiration to have this set of rights mechanisms.

She named her own Yu clan the Luoyu clan.

Meaning the tribe of wingless people.

Fortunately, in today's world, the spiritual energy is strong, the plants are luxuriant, and there are many fruits and other foods in the forest.

This guarantees the survival of the Falling Feather Clan.

Less than half a month after the Falling Feather Clan settled, Nalanda used a pair of wings as a visualization object, successfully started, cultivated mental power, and became a feather man who could soar in the sky at any time.

Once a wingless feather, what she longed for most in her heart was the wings of the feather man, so she still used the white wings of the feather as the object of visualization.

After she succeeded, she selflessly taught the method of candidacy to 33 clansmen.

The talent of the Yu people in mental power is a little stronger than that of the Terrans in the southern swamp.

In less than three months, all the Falling Feather Clan had become a race with extraordinary mental power, and all the Feather People had the ability to soar into the sky.

The Hato of the Falling Feather tribe found a tough light bamboo and created a bow and arrow that can be used in the sky, so that they can strike from high altitudes in flight.

Later, they discovered that the power of mental power can be blessed on the loss of arrows, so that the arrows have higher speed, range, and accuracy.

Since then, Hato has gradually acquired the strength to confront flying alien beasts.

Since then, Hato's safety has greatly improved.

Except for some of the more terrifying, extremely powerful sky ferocious birds, no other force can threaten their survival.

The Falling Feather Clan grew rapidly over time.

But the other Feather Terrans, the development is not so smooth.

They still maintained the pattern of winged feathers ruling the wingless feathermen, and after discovering that the wingless feather people could awaken their wings by learning the idea of mindfulness, the upper layer of the feather people strictly forbade the lower wingless feather people to visualize.

They don't want to see wingless feathered people like slaves rise and fly in their eyes.

That would be a major challenge to their rights and interests.

When all the wingless featherers can fly and have the power, they will be dangerous, it will be difficult for them to maintain their ruling power, and it will be difficult to squeeze benefits and wealth from the lower feather people, and maintain their status advantage.

The crackdown was brutal, and the number of Hato quickly dropped to two-thirds of its original number.

Many wingless feathered people fled.

This, combined with the terrifying threat of alien beasts, accelerated the speed of the Wingless Feather Man's escape.

Because the wingless feathered people live under the big tree, they are more vulnerable to attacks by alien beasts than the upper winged feather people above.

In less than half a year like this, the entire Yuren tribe was completely divided, declined, and eventually extinct.

Some of the wingless feather people who fled came together and formed some small feather tribes.

They did not forbid to observe thoughts, and gradually spread their wings and became sky walkers.

These fleeing, splitting out Hato tribes formed one Hato tribe after another over time.

This special alien race officially survived and developed in the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 36

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