
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 37

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 37
After completing the processing of the world mark, the Yu Clan was placed in the Central Great Forest by Xu Wen'an.

Father Qua was placed by him in the snowy area of the northern continent, they are afraid of heat by nature, and they are extremely suitable for survival in the ice and snow world of the northern continent.

And near where they live, there are many schools of fish in the ocean and giant beasts in the sea, which will not let these pot-bellied, but equally powerful praise fathers lack food.

The Heluo live on a peninsula jutting out into the ocean in the southeast of the mainland.

The mountains are dense, there are huge metal deposits in the mountains, and the mountains are treacherous, with many underground caves.

The last Meizu was remodeled to a certain extent by Xu Wen.

They were originally not capable of reproducing.

But now, they can split with one-tenth of their lifespan and one-tenth of their spiritual strength, and they can split into a spiritual sub-body.

Two completely different charms split out of the spiritual daughter body into one, which is a newborn charm.

The newborn charm is also just a virtual charm with only a pure mental state.

Void can wander in the void, and can sense spiritual power, a place where the power of wisdom is strong.

If the Illusory Charm had that idea, he could condense a real body with the vitality of heaven and earth.

But the charm that condenses the real body can only be transformed into a beautiful woman.

And they can only split the daughter body with the illusory body without a body and reproduce the next generation.

The Meizu of two entities will lose the ability to reproduce.

But the charm of the entity can be combined with human races and reproduce the next generation.

This next generation may be a life that inherits the bloodline of the father, or it may be the illusion of the bloodline of the mother.

Whether it is a real charm or a false charm, it feeds on the spiritual fragments that are wandering between heaven and earth.

After they eat those spiritual fragments, they can naturally purify them and let them be transformed into pure spiritual power for them to absorb.

Mei is the first magical race transformed by Xu Wen, and it is still a race of spirit bodies.

Mei is a life with a very pure heart, but at the same time, it is also a race whose mental power is born at the level of Dongxuan and has a rapid increase in wisdom.

They appeared in the world and brought a huge shock to the world.

Smoke and rain is the first newborn charm.

She came out in a misty spring.

After deliberating, her two spirit mothers named her Yanyu.

The Mei race quickly adapted to everything in the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, and after they found that they could reproduce, they quickly tried to create a large number of newborn Meizu.

They all see themselves as women, so they think their children should call them spirit mothers.

Spirit refers to the soul.

In this world, Meizu mainly exists in the land of the seven eastern countries.

Because the seven countries and seven kingdoms of the East are majestic, families and sects are everywhere, and the doctrine of hundreds of schools has always been rampant in the world.

Some of the relatively weak doctrines of the Hundred Schools have even migrated out, or transformed into a certain profession.

Novelists, for example, are now mostly storytellers.

The land of the Seven Kingdoms is the place where the spiritual culture and ideological struggle of the whole world is the most fierce, and it is also the place with the most spiritual fragments and wisdom fragments in the entire world, and it is the most suitable place for invisible illusions to get food and survive.

Here, Mei has developed tremendously.

But different ideas also make those formed charms form their own different ideas.

Meizu, because of its identification with different ideas and concepts, once diverged after growing.

Even, the originally peaceful and indifferent Meizu struggled because of this.

Meizu is a natural spiritual being, and their mental power is extremely strong, which ensures their survival, but also makes their struggle increasingly cruel.

In such a situation, it is more anxious to see the smoke and rain.

Because she understood that this might be a result of the Terrans' deliberate guidance.

Meizu is inherently nihilistic, but can be discovered by powerful Terrans, but some subsequent struggles show that Terrans may not be able to take advantage of Meizu.

Because they basically have no entity, and the Meizu that can shape the entity, the level of mental power is at least the level of knowing fate.

This level of charm, even if there is a body, there is a weakness.

But you, an internal martial artist, or a strong human mind, may not be able to beat others.

For different human beings, humans themselves are afraid, let alone another race.

After carefully studying Meizu and finding that they are naturally kind, simple, and easily guided by different spirits, Zhuzibai Jia tacitly implemented the guidance of different virtual charms for spiritual concepts, so that they fully identified with different spiritual concepts.

This hand was privately formulated by the Tianren-level powerhouses, and the executors below did not necessarily know the existence of such a plan.

But the plan was successful, and the powerful and special Meizu split.

They didn't need the Terrans to strike directly, and they started infighting themselves.

The Seven Royal Families are also secretly promoting Meizu's infighting actions, because they are more hungry for Meizu's beauty and strength.

They want to subdue some real charms in this Meizu infighting, become their physical playthings, and become knives in their hands.

Thanks to Meizu infighting, someone succeeded.

Yanyu was born with a special ability, that is, she was born to be a powerful Meizu with a hidden aura.

While in the Illusory, she discovered the plan inside the Terrans.

This is a disaster for Meizu!

Yanyu began to learn the wisdom and knowledge of the Terrans, and grew carefully, wanting to find a solution to the problem.

After becoming a Meizu powerhouse at the peak level of Tianren, she finally came up with a move.

Smoke and rain, secretly like summoning a large number of dissatisfied Meizu infighting, but Meizu creatures with different ideological factions, far away from the Seven Kingdoms, approaching the Apocalypse City behind the Central Great Forest and establishing a huge academy.

They used their mental power to open mountains and build stones, build caves, and even set up defensive organs by learning from the Terrans, and learned the ability of imperial beasts in the hands of the southern Terrans, forming a guardian force of exotic beasts.

With the combination of various means, Smoke Rain has built a Smoke Rain Academy with strong defense and counterattack capabilities.

The teachers of the Smoke and Rain Academy can only be Meizu, but it summons all the creatures of the entire continent.

Whether it is the Terrans of the Seven Eastern Kingdoms, or the Wolf Race of the Grassland, the Humans of the Land of Ice and Snow, or the Alpine Barbarians, Forest Tribes, Yu Tribes, Heluo Tribes, or Dragon Races in the western part of the continent.

It doesn't matter if you are a commoner or not, nobles, as long as you are willing to come, they are willing to teach!

But the college will take annual exams, and will eliminate those who do not work hard and do not study well.

Smoke and Rain Academy has changed the situation that the knowledge of the entire continent is mainly concentrated in the seven eastern countries, and the collision of knowledge, wisdom and spirit produced by the convergence of various races here has naturally become the best source of spiritual food for the entire Meizu.

This college, which truly ignores race, region, and identity, gives Meizu a place to stand.

At first, the forces of the Seven Eastern Nations launched an attack on the Smoke Rain Academy.

However, due to the lack of participation of the most powerful Divine Tomb Sealers, the Smoke and Rain Academy, which was dominated by Meizu, tenaciously survived.

The other races, also unwilling to see the destruction of the Smoke and Rain Academy, issued a warning to the Seven Eastern Kingdoms.

Since then, Meizu has truly stabilized in the powerful hands of smoke and rain.

They live in the academy, and their natural peace-loving personality also allows them not to participate in world disputes, but allows them to survive steadily.

This part of the charm has been respected by the world and is called the spirit charm family.

And all races are naturally differentiated.

Some of the naturally persistent charms, deep Terrans have triggered the infighting of their Meizu.

One part of the mind is affected, specifically absorbing negative emotions in the spirit, and does not purify them.

Gradually, their actions are cruel and terrifying, forming mutants who feed on negative emotions.

They later became the most special kind of heart demon family in the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

Meizu has been divided, with education in the world, peace-loving, and the pursuit of beauty as the core of the Lingmei family.

It maintains a naturally dispersed state and is still casual and wild.

As well as the last mutation existence, completely out of the path of special power, feeding on the negative power of the heart, and even deliberately creating the negative spiritual power of other intelligent races.

The story of smoke and rain is only an important node in the development of Meizu.

And the three intelligent alien races of Heluo, Father Quao, and Yuren are also not going well with Yuren and Meizu.

But within them all emerged legendary heroes who guided them to survival.

After survival was guaranteed, the hero was deified and gradually became the core of the spiritual inheritance of all races.

The entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world is no longer a situation where a single human race represents the intelligent race.

The process of the emergence, survival, catastrophe, and stability of these alien races takes at least three hundred years and a maximum of six hundred years.

It took them six hundred years to diversify the wisdom civilization of the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World and make greater progress.

Under its counteraction, the entire world progressed rapidly, growing to the peak of the intermediate stage of the Dongtian World and beginning to enter the peak level of the intermediate Dongtian World.

The main continent of the whole world, the ocean, has not changed, but the rules are more and more perfect, and the core of reincarnation, time and space, fate, cause and effect is higher and more stable.

And what has been greatly improved is the starry sky of the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

In the entire starry sky, 268 physical stars have evolved, which is not far from the 365 world main stars.

The starry sky with 365 main stars is the truly complete basic starry sky.

On its basis, the appearance of countless sub-stars further elevated the basic starry sky to a higher starry sky, which is the way to improve the starry sky.

Now the entire starry sky of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World is more distant, vast, and deep, and the special meaning of the rules of heaven and earth contained in the stars is more obvious.

This starry sky, which has not been formed, already has a certain function of indicating the fate of human beings in the world.

The Xuanhuang World's truly basic world starry sky is gradually taking shape with the growth of the Dongtian World!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 37

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