
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 39

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 39
With the roar of the train, Rosen set off with the wind staff, books, owls, and wizarding robes he had purchased.

Rosen is a very ordinary boy.

The Spirit Worm manipulated him from the depths of his soul, so Rosen had no problem picking his wand or confronting Professor McGonagall.

He also doesn't cross paths with the protagonist, which doesn't have to be, and it increases the risk of the psychic worm being discovered by the Grim Reaper.

In order to prevent Death from focusing all his attention on Hogwarts, Xu Wen will open the projection of the door of the world from time to time in some secret places in this world, attracting his attention and making him powerless.

Rosen's wizarding talent is ordinary, and the Sorting Hat cannot find hidden spirit charms, and in the end Rosen is assigned to the most inconspicuous Hufflepuff House.

Everything was normal, only Harry, the big star of the wizarding world, attracted all the attention.

And the love and killing between Gryffindor and Slytherin has continued.

Rosen did not show a strong magical talent, and his progress under the control of the spirit worm, like most of Hufflepuff, looked very mediocre, still not high or low.

He did not have too deep intersection with the classmates around him, and his favorite thing was to go to the library to read various miscellaneous books.

This is the first task of the spirit worm.

In the soul core of the spirit worm, there is a subspace attached to the soul, and there is a humanoid puppet inside, which is rapidly copying the contents of all the books that Rosen sees.

Although it has become a heavenly path, Xu Wen still believes that wisdom and knowledge are the greatest wealth of a world.

The content in these books helped Xu Wen study the nature of magical power, so as to create magic that belonged to the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

The main task of Rosen's puppet is to read books.

The spirit worm himself, on the other hand, has a main task, and every time Rosen runs near the Forbidden Forest, he will release a mechanical puppet.

Then the puppet will enter the Forbidden Forest.

These organ puppets, under the control of the spirit insect, took nearly a month to be completely released.

They ran to a more remote corner of the Forbidden Forest and assembled a small organ city hidden deep underground.

This small organ city can operate on its own.

Its main role is to manufacture a serpentine metal mechanism for mass production.

The mechanism puppets of this snake make holes in the underground world on their own, assemble them, and then slowly weave a super organ net under the entire Forbidden Forest.

This large net will directly cover the huge Forbidden Forest.

Xu Wen's biggest goal this time is the Forbidden Forest!

There are countless magical plants and magical animals in it, all of which are otherworldly bloodline resources that Xu Wen values.

Rosen is now like a nerd, low-key, moderate.

Unlike him, the three Harry managed to form a team that attracted Voldemort's full attention, and he also showed an innate superior talent in flying.

It is like a shining light, hiding everything about Rosen intact.

With the appearance of Voldemort's soul, Dumbledore's attention fell almost entirely on him, and there was less energy investment elsewhere.

This made all the plans of the spirit worm go very smoothly.

And the spirit insect is not in a hurry, it is also a semi-independent life itself, so it is also secretly analyzing the essence of wizards' magical power.

This research made him a new discovery.

From a special microscopic level, wizards have a different bloodline from ordinary people, and they have an extra special magical organ that can exert magical power.

This organ is the pineal gland of the human gland.

But the pineal gland of a normal person is one state, while the pineal gland of a wizard is another, which has been alienated into a special channel of energy and soul power.

Moreover, the source of the power of this alienated magic organ is not normal mental power, but the power of seven emotions and six desires.

The essence of the power of the wizard is the ultimate manifestation of the seven emotions and six desires at the spiritual level.

Those pure-blood families that have always been able to inherit the bloodline of wizards are essentially their magical organs that are more easily alienated than ordinary people.

But it also makes their mental state abnormal, in layman's terms, very extreme in some emotional areas.

This also leads to the fact that the magical power of this world is to be generated with extreme power.

Calling God to guard is the power of happiness, and Avadaso is the ultimate desire to kill.

In contrast, the power of mental power is much weaker at the level of supernatural and destructive power, but it is more pure, comprehensive, and more growing.

And the root of this magical power, based on extreme emotions, makes its upper limit very high.

Because it is difficult for people to control their emotions, it is more likely that the will is influenced by emotions. The appearance of successive Dark Lords, as well as numerous Dark Wizards, is essentially the result of this influence.

Rosen did not interfere with the course of the line of fate, Gryffindor successfully won the ball game, and finally the trio also successfully passed many training levels set by the professors, cleared the big boss Voldemort, and defeated him.

Dumbledore's training plan for the protagonist achieved the first stage of victory.

At the end of this magic semester, Rosen is still low-key.

He went home and found a way to go out for a vacation.

In this process, the spirit insect secretly shot and caught many magical plants and magical animals.

They were all sealed in a special sealing mechanism in the space inside the spirit insect's body.

The second semester soon begins, and Rosen is still the same, but the spirit worm targets the Horcruxes and the basilisk.

Relying on its own knowledge of magic, the spirit worm transformed a small snake into a fake basilisk with the world itself prepared by Xu Wen in advance.

He then made a notebook that resembled a note horcrux.

At the same time, the spirit worm also used Rosen's activities to conduct a detailed study of the entire Hogwarts.

Through the study of this city security, he has a certain understanding of the powerful ancient magic.

Next, the spirit worm waits for the story of the Chamber of Secrets to begin and proceed while researching a special kind of magic.

This kind of magic allows Rosen to avoid the surveillance of the entire Hoglive Castle.

After making sufficient preparations, the day before Harry's three-person action, Rosen quietly sneaked into the secret room.

The spirit worm defeated Voldemort's Horcrux with powerful mental power, causing the soul fragments in it to be severely damaged, and then stunned the basilisk with mental power.

He sealed them and put them away.

Both the basilisk and the Horcrux itself have extremely special value.

In particular, Horcruxes can be used as a theoretical research object for the emergence of such things as instrument spirits, and can also be used as a reference for the further development of organ puppets.

Then the spirit worm makes the fake basilisk and Horcrux appear, and the three protagonists finish the scene.

All this, no one found abnormal.

After the start of the second semester of vacation, Rosen continued to travel, traveling around the world to secretly collect amazing plants and animals that were not found in the Forbidden Forest.

By the time Rosen reached the third grade, the large net of organ puppets arranged by the spirit worm had completely extended to cover the entire Forbidden Forest area.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 39

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