
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 4

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 4
"Ding-dong..." The

crisp and pleasant sound of the piano continues to play in a small space, interpreting a beautiful music.

After two months of deep sleep, Xu Wen couldn't sleep.

But in a 10-square-meter environment, if he continues to be so bored, he will go crazy.

Therefore, Xu Wen used the black stone slab as the base plate and the aging bark fiber of the peach tree as the thread to make a stone qin.

Then he generously invested 1 World Origin and strengthened it.

In the following days, Xu Wen pondered the songs he had learned in his previous life and learned to convert them into piano songs.

Xu Wen did not use the extraordinary power generated by the origin of the world.

He needs to use this kind of work to consume his emotions, so that he has something to do, so that he will not be the first lonely to go crazy.

He successfully adapted an ancient style piece into a piano piece, which was the result of his trial and error.

Then every day, he would imagine the mental state of the immortal and play music in that state.

This piano was already a semi-divine weapon-like existence, and when the music was played, a silent phantom appeared around Xu Wen, interpreting the beautiful scenery of the immortal descending into the world and escaping Chang'an.

Xu Wen is making rapid progress in the art of piano!

Although he is still in the mortal category of the big concept, Xu Wen is an existence that has been strengthened by the origin of the world.

Whether it is physique, strength, agility, or spiritual will, soul, thinking, and memory ability, he is an existence comparable to the innate realm in the martial arts world.

Therefore, Xu Wen is very unfamiliar with the piano, but he learns quickly.

At the moment when the half-year period came, he was already considered a master of piano skills who was proficient in piano skills.

At some point half a year later, Xu Wen stopped exploring the piano music and waited for everything to change.

At a certain moment, the whole world was suddenly filled with a "complete" atmosphere.

Xu Wen was ecstatic, he knew that the entire fragmented world had completed a qualitative transformation.

It is no longer a pure world fragment, it has transformed into an ultra-miniature dimensional world!

Just like the original broken jade disk, now it has become a complete jade disk without a single crack.

This is a qualitative improvement and change!

Moreover, after transforming into the ultra-miniature dimensional world, it solved the most fatal problem.

That is, the power of chaos will no longer be able to consume the entire world, and it will not be able to make it irretrievably a way to the world's silence.

At this moment, the entire world had a primitive world wall!

Although this world wall is the most primary and weakest, it can resist the power of chaos, protect the world itself, and allow the entire world to draw chaotic power from chaos and transform it into energy and matter for the growth of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the whole world ended its destruction and had the right to resurrect and further develop and grow.

At this moment, the world, like a newborn baby, has its own future!

And before that, its future is only destruction!

The world fragments, evolving into the ultra-miniature dimensional world, although it is the lowest, but also stepped into the category of complete world concepts, is the real world!

Even if it's as small as a house!

From this point on, it is complete, orderly, and with reincarnation at the heart of the rules of the world.

Xu Wen could feel that the whole world not only stopped collapsing, but also began to absorb the power of chaos on its own, transforming it into matter and energy, and the whole world began to expand on its own.

This process is so subtle that there may not be even a speck of dust in an hour.

But it did start to expand, growing on its own!

Next, Xu Wen carried out the second step of work, he invested 3 points of world origin, fell on the world's sky, fell on the world's implied breath of day and night, and let their power form a wheel of light and darkness.

As a result, the small world has changed dramatically.

Within an hour, the whole world was daytime, and the light emitted by the peach tree illuminated the whole small world, as if the lights were turned on in the room.

An hour later, the light of the peach tree dissipated, and the whole world turned into night.

An hour of day, an hour of night, the whole world appears day and night, light and darkness.

This is also the cycle of day and night, the cycle of light and darkness.

Together, they are integrated into the reincarnation rules at the core of the world and have become another branch of the reincarnation rules.

The original rules of reincarnation, only the life reincarnation branch of life withered, now there is another day and night time reincarnation, the reincarnation of the power of light and darkness.

The establishment of three reincarnation branches makes the whole world more complete.

The whole world is further "complete", and the speed of world expansion is growing rapidly.

Moreover, there is no need for Xu Wen to continue to add world origins to stabilize the world, and this world can already "produce" new world origins on its own.

This is also significant, meaning that the world is no longer just spending, but also income!

All these changes were expected by Xu Wen, and they were the changes in the world that he had designed from the beginning.

He Xu Wen stared at the peach tree on the peach mountain in Xiling, not the things in other worlds, because what he wanted was the reincarnation of life and glory, the reincarnation of light and darkness, and the reincarnation of time that the peach tree brought to the world, and the cycle of time that alternated day and night.

If you do one and get three, why not.

The Momoyama in Xiling is affected by the Haotian weather in that world all year round, and it is the place where the Haotian power is the strongest in the entire Haotian world in the world.

The peach trees there are immersed in the most essential Hao weather in the endless flow of time.

But Haotian himself is not only the god of light in that world, but also the invisible god of darkness.

She represents light, day, darkness, night.

The peach tree on this peach mountain has also stained her aura of light and dark power for countless years.

And such a special peach tree is exactly what Xu Wen wants.

There is a master in the world, Haotian can't see the world clearly, and getting a peach tree will not attract a fierce reaction from Haotian's forces.

After all, a peach tree is insignificant to both Zhi Shouguan and Hao Tian.

The risk is small, the harvest is large, and his first step is naturally to take such a peach tree.

And it has the breath of Haotian, after Xu Wen's transformation with the origin of the world, this peach tree now acts as the sun of the entire small world.

Moreover, this sun is just right, because the world is small!

Xu Wen also used the power of the reincarnation branch to influence the peach tree after the reincarnation rule was established, refining the breath of Haotian power in it.

Haotian's power is mainly light and dark, but it also includes space, life and many other breaths.

It's just that their proportion is very small, and it takes a long time for Xu Wen to extract them.

This process, a bit like sari sifting gold, takes a long time and is very difficult.

After the entire world evolved into a super miniature dimensional world, Xu Wen did not make any big moves, but waited for the development of the world, playing the piano while refining Haotian's breath, and getting what he wanted from it.

Time passes for a year, during which the peaches ripen.

It was also stored and became a cherished food that Xu Wen used every few days.

In this year, Xu Wen successfully converted four songs into piano songs, raising his piano art to the level of quasi-master.

A year later, the world had expanded tenfold, and the floor area had grown from 10 square meters to 100 square meters.

The whole world has expanded exponentially over time.

A year later, Xu Wen extracted a new breath of time, space, and life from Hao Weather.

Xu Wen attached them to the rules of reincarnation, so that the whole world in terms of space, time, life, etc., with the rules of reincarnation as the core, more complete.

The rules of reincarnation are also rising and evolving towards a higher level of the heart of rules!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 4

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