
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 40

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 40
The preparations for the spirit worm were preliminarily completed, but Xu Wen did not take action immediately.

It is waiting for the continuation of fate.

Because the spirit worm found that when the fate of this world is most critical, it may be the moment when the attention of the god of death is most difficult to be distracted.

The secret struggle between Harry and Voldemort involves the change of fate of the entire wizarding world.

And the luck power generated by this change of fate is exactly what the god of death wants to harvest.

The Grim Reaper is the surrogate of the management of this world, but not the master of the world.

He has a strong thirst for luck.

So the entire story line, without interference, continued to go down, Rosen grew quietly, obviously already had a strong magical strength, but never showed it.

In the entire underground world of the Forbidden Forest, the large network of puppets that wrapped the entire Forbidden Forest is constantly thickening and enlarging, and even includes the entire Hogwarts City Protector and the Black Lake.

Through the study of magic, the spirit insect designed a hidden magic rune, making its existence almost nothing, and no one could pay attention.

As time passed, the number of times Xu Wen lowered the projection of the World Gate was almost nothing.

After all, Rosen and the spirit worm that controls him no longer need any major movements, and naturally do not need Xu Wen to attract the attention of the god of death.

The line of destiny finally came to the moment when Voldemort and Harry Potter were at war.

In the end, Harry Potter successfully defeated Voldemort, and it was also the moment for death to reap the luck.

But this luck is in Harry Potter.

If the Grim Reaper is not able to take it away as soon as possible, then this luck will not belong to him, but will only completely merge with Harry, thus creating a new super magical powerhouse.

But at this moment, Rosen, who had been quietly staying behind the crowd and contributed to the entire battle against Voldemort, but contributed very little, suddenly waved his wand.

The power of a bolt of magical lightning gushed out from his magic battle and hit Harry, who was in ecstasy, defenseless.

This force was not lethal, but it took Harry as the main heart, causing a huge mysterious aperture to appear around him.

This aperture quickly expanded around Harry, directly shrouding nearly a hundred magicians around Harry, and then the power of space surged out of the aperture, teleporting them together.

The target area of the teleportation is on the other side of the world, on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean.

No one expected that Rosen, who usually had a very weak sense of existence and looked ordinary, turned out to be such a terrifying powerhouse.

His magical power is no weaker than that of Dundo in his complete state!

With this hand, Rosen directly teleported away eighty percent of the wizards of the entire academy, as well as all the high-level combat power.

Then he struck again, using transfiguration to turn countless bricks on the ground into long snakes.

The densely packed long snakes directly took away the wands in the hands of the remaining wizards and quickly controlled them themselves.

Rosen's second magical arrival teleported them to the island.

In fact, this series of attacks is not only Rosen's power, but also the strong power of the spirit insect.

The Grim Reaper, who was preparing to reap the luck of qi, did not care about dealing with Rosen, and quickly moved to the other side of the earth to harvest his own luck.

The reason why he values this luck so much is that luck can make him live forever.

For thousands of years, the entire wizarding world has staged a struggle between wizards and evil powerhouses such as the Dark Lord from time to time, the root may be profitable, but the essence is the secret induction of death.

If he wants eternal life, he needs the story of his destiny to play out, and he needs to harvest the luck in it so that he can maintain eternal life.

This luck is something he can't give up.

When Death was gone, the projection of the World Gate opened, and then the entire Hogwarts, Black Lake, and the land where the Forbidden Forest was located quickly rose.

The Vientiane Qiankun Net also fell from the projection inside the World Gate.

The puppets of the organs that lifted the entire earth cooperated with the Vientiane Qiankun Net to put the world's largest and most special magical place into the net.

As the host of the spirit charm worm, Rosen has also been loaded into it.

If he had stayed in this world, death would not spare him as a world-class traitor, even though he did not do so voluntarily.

Xu Wen is not a person who throws it away when he runs out and does not miss his old love, so he even pretended to take it with Rosen.

On the other side of the world, the God of Death naturally noticed everything, and the world instinctively urged him to block Xu Wen's movements.

But Death instinctively delayed, and he quickly harvested Harry Potter's magical luck in secret.

This luck is related to his eternal life, and although he slacks off the task of the world, the world itself will not give up on him easily.

Because then the world will need to invest more in the origin of the world.

It was precisely because he had determined some of the rules for the operation of the world itself that he would ignore it and go all out to grab the luck of the demonic qi.

Man, after all, is a selfish creature!

For the Grim Reaper, eternal life is the most important thing!

He harvested qi luck quickly, but by the time he finished, Vientiane Qiankun Net had successfully disappeared behind the World Gate with the entire academy, Black Lake, and Forbidden Forest, completely packing the world's largest source of magic.

Throughout the earth, a huge sinkhole appeared.

The mysterious power captured a piece of land, this scene shocked the whole world, and for the first time, people found that this world is so strange, and the mysterious existence is so powerful!

This time, Xu Wen's layout was successful.

If he hadn't raised and arranged so many organ puppets to help the Vientiane Qiankun Net tear the entire earth, the Vientiane Qiankun Net might have taken longer to capture this magic source.

But it was the little time that the puppets delayed, but it made the Grim Reaper who rushed back pounced, allowing Xu Wen to successfully take away the entire magic academy.

The gate of the world disappeared, and black clouds surged in the sky, terrible thunder and lightning.

That's the wrath of the world!

Then this thunder and lightning all slashed at the god of death, the world's surrogate, and launched the most terrible punishment against him.

Although the world instinct is mechanical, it is not completely unintelligent and not so easy to fool.

This change made the instinct of this world more thirsty for wisdom, and it quickly grew in the direction of the will of the world.

And the original world instinct seems to have no possibility of aspiring to higher wisdom and evolving into a higher world will.

This time the change made it find in the instinctive Heavenly Dao calculation that using death to manage the world did not seem to be a good choice.

There are losses and gains, which is not good or bad for the entire wizarding world.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 40

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