
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 42

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 42
Nia, the daughter of a farmer, is also a bold, enthusiastic and cheerful person.

But her life was unfortunate, and the family were serfs, humble beings who were completely in the service of the lord of the manor.

The owner of the manor where their family is located is even more a terrible fellow.

He stipulated that the first night rights of all brides in the territory should be given to him to enjoy.

Only a bride who has received his "blessing" can marry other men in the territory.

When Nia is 14, she will face this fate as well.

But this was not what she wanted, she felt that the lord like a fat pig was very disgusting and disgusting.

She had planned to flee when she was 13.

Many young girls have done this, and although some of them have been captured and the end is even more tragic, some have managed to escape.

These young girls who managed to escape gave her hope.

They fled to the endless forest, the wilderness, although it was very dangerous and there were terrible monsters, but it was better than the life it is now.

Now women in the entire territory live without any dignity.

The men did not dare to rebel against the lord and could only marry the women who had been taken away from the First Night, so they resented the brides, treated them with even greater cruelty, and tortured them with a more cruel lifestyle.

The lord and the married husband became the two terrible demons of the women in this territory.

Fleeing before marriage became their most dignified but uncertain choice.

This year, Nia, who is just eleven years old, has been preparing for a sneaky escape.

But today, at a certain moment when summer was about to pass, a gorgeous carriage suddenly appeared in the sky.

I saw the terrifying-looking flying monsters in front of the carriage, and they were pulling the carriage to fly.

Others couldn't see anything, thinking it was the car of the gods.

People crawled on the ground, praying to the speeding carriage.

But this flying carriage ignored them and flew straight into the fields of the manor, stopping in front of Nia.

Nia is the third most talented child found by Rosen, the head of the new magic academy, through the Book of Magicians.

She looked at the stranger who appeared in front of her like a god, and there was no fear in her heart.

For her, there was nothing more terrifying than a lord and husband, so she calmly looked at Rosen who appeared in front of her.

"I am the Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the initiator of magic. You are one of the most magically qualified people in the entire world, and this time, I will pick you up to the power of magic in the academy. This is the power to control destiny, the power to grasp power and freedom. But you want to be separated from your family, you are willing! "

Rosen has already looked for the best qualified first and second places.

But they were all children of nobles, and they themselves were reluctant to leave their homeland to study magic.

This time he also learned, very directly introduced the situation, if he did not want to, he went to the next person.

As soon as Nia heard it, wasn't this a chance to escape fate.

"I do!"

She immediately agreed without hesitation.

But at this moment, the fat, pig-like lord quickly rushed over in a carriage.

He heard the report in his hand that a sky speeder was passing by, and he immediately chased after it.

This guy thinks that he is a lord, a natural bloodline noble person, if the other party is a god, then with his noble bloodline, maybe he can get the blessing of the god, and even get the opportunity for immortality.

And only he can be blessed in this land.

The greed of the nobles was extremely inflated at this moment.

Out of a desire for immortality, he chased after him.

At this time, Rosen is explaining some information to Nia's parents, explaining to them that Niaa has a talent for magic and can learn the power of magic.

But Nia's mother willing, her father does not.

Because Nya will marry in three years, he will also receive an income from food or other materials, which can be used to exchange a wife for Nia's brother.

And when Nia is gone, there is one less labor force in the family, not to mention, even the son's wife will also become a problem.

But what Nya could bring to this family by studying magic, he couldn't see it, and no matter how good Rosen said it, he didn't want to believe it.

And he was also afraid that the lord would punish them after Nia's departure.

Because Nia is good-looking, she has long been targeted by the lord.

It was in the process of this tug that the lord rushed over. Rosen was trying his best to persuade, and he could see that Nya was determined to go with him. But as a last resort, Rosen didn't want to show force against his student's parents.

"Are you the master of magic? The lord of this place is me! A descendant of the noble Dranke bloodline. She can't go with you, but I can, please teach me magic!" "

This guy is also a little bit clever.

He first asked a serf about the situation, and then went straight to his demands.

After knowing that this person is not a god, but a person who has mastered special magical powers like Warcraft, he is not afraid, thinking that his status can make the other party awe.

"Are you the lord of this place? What dare you dare to interfere with my recruitment of disciples?

Rosen was upset, he already knew one thing, that is, this guy actually did something in his own territory.

And for such an existence as nobles, Rosen, who was once a Muggle, instinctively did not have a good impression.

Although he has no memory of the wizarding world, some instinctive things still exist.

"No, I'm a lord, everything here is mine! Since you have fallen into my territory, then you, and your magic, should also be mine, a power that can only belong to the honorable me!

After this guy finished speaking, he let his cavalry surround Rosen, and they even threw out ropes to bind Rosen's carriage.

They believe that Rosen was able to fly because of this carriage.

As long as he can't fly, Rosen, a thin magic controller, is not yet being held by them wearing armor and holding sharp blades.

Rosen was furious, he flicked his wand, and it was a transformation magic against several cavalrymen, turning them all into stone statues.

He then cast irreversible petrified magic on the lord, making him a permanent stone statue like his cavalry.

This hand completely shocked everyone.

Nothing is more awe-inspiring than the most intuitive power.

At this time, without Rosen saying anything, Nia's father, who was originally very stubborn, immediately agreed to Rosen taking their daughter, or the kind that wanted to send his daughter away immediately.

After showing the strength, everything went very smoothly.

Nya got into the carriage and left with Rosen.

But this incident also made Rosen understand something, he let the carriage fly over the lord's city guard, a fire type magic went down, directly turned the entire castle into a sea of fire.

Rosen is an attentive person, and since he has killed the lord, if he does not solve his cronies, then these people will be the greatest danger to Nia's father.

So he directly solved the source of the matter and destroyed the castle directly.

After understanding that power can solve problems that language cannot solve, the first thing Rosen did in the next process was to show power.

This time, his work of recruiting students went much more smoothly.

But there are still children who have not seen magic, and they themselves are a little afraid of this power and dare not go with him.

So he didn't care about the other party and missed his own opportunity, naturally some people were willing to seize the opportunity.

Nia followed Rosen to the Academy of Magic.

Here he saw countless mysterious creatures, such as the terrifying dragon that flew in the sky and was able to breathe fire.

For example, sniffers who like to steal wealth.

For example, a phoenix that can control flames, heal all damage, and use flames to teleport in space.

For example, the magic resistance is extremely high, and the giant is extremely huge.

For example, the unicorn, which symbolizes purity.

For example, mysterious, horse people with certain destiny prophecy abilities

, and other magical, interesting, and at the same time extremely dangerous magical plants, magical animals, and half-human intelligent life exist around the entire magic academy.

Together, they opened up a new world for Nia, which she had never seen before.

This new world, like a delicious candy, deeply attracted her and left a deep imprint in her heart.

Nya is not a peaceful person, she often runs out into the forest to make friends with goblins, horsemen, and even giants.

She even made the unicorn willing to get close to her.

Although she encountered countless dangers in the process, her strong sense of adventure made her reluctant to give up doing so.

And the various magic of the academy professor formed a strong attraction to her.

Nia understood that whether it was her own desire or her interest in magic, she had to study hard.

It can be said that Nia is the hardest working student in the entire academy, and there is no one.

But she is also the most restless and unruly student, which makes Rosen, as the dean, love and hate her.

But in the end, it was Nya who inherited the position of dean after Rosen.

Nya stayed here for ten years, and in the seventh year, after the magical power was achieved, she returned home to see her mother.

She devoted all her energy to the study and cognition of magic.

The most famous female magician in the Western continent, who did not marry later, devoted all her energy to the study of magic.

Rosen is the successor of the magic of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, but Nia is the promoter of magic and a pioneer.

She lived to be 235 years old.

Combined with the idea of the power of the Douqi Seed, she created a special source of magic system.

Simply put, it is to create a magic core for the magic power that was originally fragmented and could not be directly cultivated, so that this magic core became the seed and source of the power of magic.

After the appearance of the magic core, the lifespan of magicians is no longer the same as that of ordinary people.

The lifespan of magicians increases rapidly with the growth of mana, although it is not as long as that of internal martial artists and strong mental power, but the lifespan has indeed increased.

This increase in lifespan has attracted countless resources and powers to join the study of magic.

And this kind of core magic that Niaa opened up is very powerful in terms of range destruction.

The internal force and mental power pay more attention to the mastery and application of micro-details.

Starting from Nia's group of trainees, the power of magic has gradually become the mainstream force in the Western Continent together with the power of fighting qi.

The essence of magic power is also an application of the vitality of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to the use of a variant.

Different styles of civilization and power paths have also begun to enrich the development of civilization in the entire Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

Later, the number of magicians reached a certain extent, and some magicians joined the war between lords and kingdoms for resources and for life, so that people discovered the powerful use of magic in war.

Nia could have lived longer, but when she traveled the continent and discovered that magic was used in warfare and for the cannibalism of humans themselves, her belief in studying magic gradually collapsed.

Eventually, she died of heart failure and her will.

Nya is the achiever of magical power, the light master, and has profoundly changed the fate of the entire Western continent.

But she couldn't get out of the cage in her heart, and it ended in tragedy.

But she did not see that magic then moved from war to production and life, promoting the promotion and progress of civilization on the entire Western continent.

The rise of the Western continent, if there is no accident, if the world stops growing, they are destined to collide with the Central Continent.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 42

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