
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 43

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 43
Although Xu Wen created a place for the survival of Western-style civilization in the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World, it was a branch supplement to the development of the world.

He will not use the power of magic as the main force for the development of the world.

The power path of the Eastern civilization system is the main force of the transcendent civilization path of the entire world.

When magical power sprouted, developed, changed, and changed from the Western Continent, Xu Wen only devoted part of his energy.

He has been fine-tuning the rules of the world, so that the rule structure of the entire world is more in line with the rules of reincarnation, so that they fit into reincarnation itself.

In this way, the world rule system with reincarnation as the core will be like a computer program without defects, which can run well and stably.

At the same time, it can also contribute to the further growth of the whole world.

With the advent of magical power, the development of the rules of the entire world has been further improved, refined, and balanced.

The real evolution of the starry sky of the world is rapidly intensifying.

Less than five hundred years after the appearance of magic, the three hundred and sixty-five main stars in the entire starry sky have completely evolved.

The most primitive starry sky world structure fits into the composition of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

At this point, the entire world has completely sublimated from an intermediate Dongtian world to a high-level Dongtian world.

The world has not directly expanded its volume, but the toughness of the world, the toughness of the structure of time and space, and the strength of the essence of all things have increased.

This is an enhanced upgrade of the entire world from the micro level!

The level of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was once again rapidly improved on the original basis, and the limit of life was raised from the Great Heavenly Man to a higher level of Martial Dao Land Immortal.

In terms of mental power, it is equivalent to the seventh realm that has been elevated to the knowledge of Haotian World!

Such as the immortality of the Demon Sect, the transcendence of the Academy, the feathering of the Dao Gate, and the Nirvana of the Buddha Gate.

At this time, Xu Wen decided to open the door of the world again, scoop up some more good things, and further supplement and strengthen the whole world.

This time, he set his eyes on the world.

The Fengyun World does not seem to be large, but the foundation of this world is too deep, it is also a high-level Dongtian World, which is at the same level as Xu Wen's Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

Although the world instinct of this world has not been upgraded to the world will, it is also not to be underestimated.

If a world's instinct uses its own power, even if it is as intelligent as a rigid computing program, its calculation ability is far beyond the top artificial intelligence in Xu Wen's previous life.

Xu Wen opened the projection of the door of the world and tested it.

As soon as the projection of the World Gate opened on the side of the Fengyun World, a terrifying heavenly punishment thunder split over, directly splitting the projection of the World Gate.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Xu Wen continued to invest in the surplus world origin and strengthened his three artifacts that dealt with the heavens and realms several times.

The same is true of the World Gate, even if it is hit by the heavenly punishment of the Wind and Cloud World, it only dims its projection for a moment, and then quickly recovers.

Because Xu Wen is also at the other end of the world's input to the world's origin.

Seeing that under his blow, he did not shatter this other realm invasion, and the Fengyun World increased the intensity of the heavenly punishment.

In this process, Xu Wen used part of the surplus power of the Xuanhuang Reincarnation World to support the solution of the Fengyun World, and finally solved a loophole in the operation of this world before the projection of the World Gate collapsed.

And this loophole is the best backdoor for him to plot the world.

Xu Wen's plot against the world is still a spiritual insect.

But this time, he sent out not a simple spiritual insect, but an evolutionary body of the last spiritual insect, the ghost mother worm!

This ghost mother worm is not only a higher-quality spiritual body life, but also has upgraded many skills.

Such as the Soul Reaper Curse in magic, the Spirit Seeker, the Oblivion Charm, the Transfiguration and other powers.

It also includes the Wanchuan Autumn Water of the Taoist Heavenly Sect, the color of heaven and earth, and the dust with light, as well as the great transfer of Qiankun in martial arts, the Northern Shadow Divine Gong and other forces.

The ghost mother worm does not have this skill alone, but based on these basic principles, the most basic but most practical simplified version of the ability.

They allow the ghost mother worm to melt into all things in heaven and earth, like a sea and a water, which is difficult to find.

This is a similar effect to light and dust.

It can also control all the energy of heaven and earth aura, transform the power of heaven and earth, use it itself, and form a special power field, which is based on the power formed by the autumn water of thousands of rivers and the color of heaven and earth.

It can also be integrated into the depths of the soul and quietly modify people's memories and cognition, but no one can discover its existence, only think that the person's heart has changed greatly.

This is the effect of the Soul Reaper Spell, Devotion Mind, and Oblivion Spell skills.

The original soul parasitic ability of the spirit charm worm has also been upgraded under Xu Wen's strengthening.

The basis of this upgrade is the power principle of the Heart Demon Clan in the current Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

The Heart Demon family has undergone hundreds of years of development and has evolved to distort many types of Heart Demons.

Under the rules of survival of the fittest, some demons were eliminated in the tide of history.

And the part of the demon that is naturally closer to the human heart managed to survive and start gradually becoming stronger.

Whether it is the path of mental power or the inner force martial path, after embarking on the path above the grandmaster, the mind is tough, and it is not easy to produce loopholes in the heart.

If there are loopholes, they may not even be able to achieve it congenitally.

Because innate is to have a state of mind, a pure spirit, and a natural mind.

But the strong above the grandmaster are also people, and if they are people, they will grow, and they will encounter setbacks and failures in the process of growth, and there will always be problems in their state of mind.

And these problems are usually not obvious, and they cannot be used by the heart demon family.

For the heart demons, ordinary people, even the spiritual power of the innate realm, eat it in the mouth with pig food is a taste, quality.

Even the spirits of these ordinary people will pollute the spiritual bodies of the heart demons like impurities, making their spiritual bodies no longer pure and strong, affecting their subsequent ascension and evolution.

Therefore, the best food for the heart demons is the spiritual power of the grandmaster and the strong above the grandmaster.

As a last resort, they will not devour the spiritual power under the innate, except for the newborn juvenile heart demon.

Even if they accidentally eat their spiritual power, the demons have to spend time purifying, cleaning up impurities, and compressing to improve its quality.

A grandmaster-level powerhouse is a good source of spiritual food, but it is not easy to start.

Only at the moment of their breakthrough, their mood is the most agitated, and they are the easiest to take advantage of by the demons.

At this time, the heart demons will take advantage of the void to create their heart magic realm, parasitize their souls and even directly control everything about them.

Therefore, the current strong people are extremely careful when breaking through, because they have also discovered the danger of heart demons.

This powerful soul parasitic ability against the strong above the grandmaster is one of the core forces of the Ghost Soul Worm.

And this ghost mother worm created by Xu Wen also has an extremely special ability, that is, it is a special spiritual mother nest in itself!

It can give birth to countless descendants, that is, one by one, the daughter body spirit worm.

The abilities of these spirit insect are not as comprehensive as the spirit mother worm, but they also have three powers: the Spirit Seeker, the Soul Capture Curse, and the Oblivion Curse.

At the same time, it also has the parasitic ability of the Heart Demon Clan, as well as some of the other powers.

The ghost mother worm is very powerful, but it can only parasitize one person, and the sub-worms of the countless spirit ghost insects she has differentiated can parasitize countless living beings.

This time, Xu Wen prepared useless things, such as broken swords, swords, spears, as well as crystals, gems, gold and other items.

Then he washed away the world imprint of the Xuanhuang world on their bodies, so as to prevent others from locating their own world through the world imprint.

After doing this, Xu Wen opened the World Gate again, projected the other end of the World Gate on the original imperial city in a stormy world, and then threw these treasures out together.

Heaven descended treasures, countless people went crazy and began to rob wildly.

Fengyun's heaven and earth instinct also quickly located these things, but did not descend the heavenly punishment.

The loophole in this world is that its world instinct will not easily punish the life of his own world, even if it is extremely dangerous.

Otherwise, those guys who might have caused a thousand calamities would have been chopped to death by thunder.

And the ghost mother worm created by Xu Wen quickly infiltrated this world with this wave of cover.

Xu Wen is also taking precautions, because this world may have some relationship with Rulai and Nuwa.

But he boldly decided to investigate.

After all, Haotian World may still be related to the Great Emperor of the Eastern Heavenly Court, and he has not been there yet.

Be cautious in everything, but also dare to act.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 43

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