
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 44

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 44
To say that the strongest heart demon and the strongest desire in this world is the emperor.

The emperor is greedy and wants to protect everything he has, and even wants to get immortality, get more and greater power.

Perhaps with the emperor has strong self-control, but once a person becomes an emperor, his deep greed and desire are definitely the strongest in the world, and it is also the one who is completely unsatisfying and always wants to control everything.

Xu Wen projected the Gate of the World on the imperial city of the Fengyun World, and the ideal parasitic object of the ghost mother worm was this emperor.

This world is a more advanced martial arts world, the strongmen of the rivers and lakes appear frequently, and the imperial power is always constrained by the strong.

But you cannot deny that the status of the emperor is still not to be underestimated.

The countless treasures that Xu Wen dropped caused chaos in the entire imperial city, because these gold and silver treasures, swords, guns and spears were too much, even those forbidden soldiers in the imperial city had already begun to rob wildly.

For the people at the bottom of the ancient world, a kitchen knife was an important asset for a family.

Gold and silver, swords, guns and swords are more worthy of collecting.

So this great chaos broke out, and Xu Wen also added the power of spiritual hints to these weapons very darkly, inducing people's demons.

A major riot ensued.

It's cruel, but it's a must.

After all, Xu Wen is responsible for his own world, and if he wants to develop, he cannot be kind to people in other worlds.

Enemy Hero, My Enemy!

Enemy honey, my arsenic!

The explosion broke out, which attracted the instinctive attention of the Fengyun world, and it began to use its power to calm the demons in people's hearts and suppress people's desires.

But this gave the ghost mother insect a chance, and it successfully sneaked into the palace and successfully parasitized into the emperor's body.

At this time, this emperor did not pay attention to everything outside, because he also tied to a treasure.

It was specially sent to him by Xu Wen.

What Xu Wen gave him was a book, "The Great Method of Absorbing Gong".

This part of martial arts can seize people's skills, memories, and essence, and can make a person with a martial arts talent waste to the extreme become a super strong.

For the emperor of this world, the rivers and lakes are chaotic, the place is self-reliant, and he is only nominally obedient to the imperial power.

Why the emperor cannot rule the world is that the royal family's force is not enough!

Although the emperor's hidden power is not weak, it is the royal family's, not the emperor's own.

This martial art can make the emperor himself have extremely strong strength, can allow him to suppress the world in strength, and can truly realize the imperial power above and above him.

How can such an opportunity make him not agitated and not full of desire.

The flaw in the heart appeared, and through this gap of desire for the world and the true imperial power, the ghost mother worm smoothly used the heart as the path, allowing the ghost mother insect to sneak into his soul.

At this point, this titular supreme person in the world is already a puppet under the control of the ghost insect.

The chaos quickly subsided with the instinctive intervention of the world.

Fengyun's world instinct also found that something was wrong, but after carefully calculating everything and carefully observing, it did not find anything abnormal.

And Xu Wen had a new move there, and began to open the projection of the door of the world in other places, throwing some things in to do things, constantly distracting it.

At the same time, he really threw in some special things, giving the world an instinct that they were the judgment of Xu Wen's back hand.

Here, the emperor successfully hid the past.

The supreme of the world, although not in the eyes of all the rivers and lakes, but in the end is the top of the power, there are still a lot of eyes gathered on him.

And the first harvest obtained by the ghost mother worm was to find the location of the dragon vein of this world from the emperor's memory.

The dragon vein of this world is not a mountain dragon vein, but the tail vertebrae of the Yellow Emperor of this world, which has the effect of suppressing the luck of Kyushu in the world.

The ghost mother worm immediately used the spiritual power she absorbed and began the breeding of the offspring.

It took her ten days to conceive five offspring.

Four of these five spirit worms parasitized those closest to the emperor, controlling them and ensuring that the emperor's slightest abnormality would not be discovered.

The fifth spirit insect rushed to the place where the dragon vein was hidden, passed through the underground rock and soil seal, and came to where the dragon vein was.

Dragon veins have a powerful restraining effect on the spirit body, especially the negative spiritual power.

However, this spiritual insect has the color of heaven and earth, and the power of light and dust is there, and its breath and heaven and earth, in line with the human emperor, are no longer hostile and suppressed by the power of the dragon vein.

So this spirit insect ran to the body of the dragon vein and began to study its essential power to suppress qi luck.

But its progress is bound to be slow and take an extremely long time.

On the other side, the ghost soul mother worm was also quietly permeating the emperor's will and began to control him deeply.

But this kind of control, from the outside, he seems to be a normal person, without the slightest special change.

The only change is that the emperor himself abolished his original martial arts and began to secretly practice the Great Method of Absorbing Gong, so that the two leaders of the Praetorian Guards who were mastered by the spirit worm captured an inconspicuous martial artist, or martial arts scum, for him to absorb his skills and increase his strength.

The emperor's own power was growing rapidly.

In the following days, while tightening the infiltration control of the emperor himself, the ghost mother worm worked hard to breed more spirit insect.

A year later, the entire emperor of more than 10,000 people was all mastered by the spirit worm.

The entire palace has completely become a world under the control of the ghost mother worm, and every movement here can be detected by it.

After all, every spirit insect can be regarded as a small radar of mental power.

So many people, just countless secret small radars, monitoring the palace's every move, is not a problem at all.

Next, the ghost mother worm fell the control of the daughter body spirit mother worm to the secret agent organization controlled by the royal family.

This is a royal family that monitors the movement of the entire rivers and lakes, equivalent to six doors, brocade guard-like organization.

It's just that the power of this organization is more secretive.

None of the royal family members knew much about its existence, and even the internal members of this organization did not know which force in the world they were subordinates.

But their members belong to the rivers and lakes after all, and they are also scattered throughout the rivers and lakes, and exist among the various forces on the rivers and lakes.

Through them, the ghost mother insect can penetrate the entire Central Plains, Western Regions, Grasslands, Dongying and other regions, and expand to the entire world!

And when the ghost mother worm appeared, the whole world was still very chaotic, Nameless had just fallen silent, and the world would just rise, and the time was right!

When the destiny line really begins, a considerable part of the world's instinctive attention will fall on the operation of heaven and earth related to the wind and cloud, and fall on the control of the destiny line, and the attention to the ghost mother insect will be greatly reduced, which will be more convenient for its activities.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 44

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