
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 45

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 45
The drama of fate of Fengyun was staged soon after, but only one spirit charm worm existed in the soul of an inconspicuous little person in the world.

Around Fengyun, the ghost mother insect discovered the instinctive breath of the world.

The world instinctively pays close attention to the wind and cloud, because the wind and cloud are the core of the fate of the entire world.

It believes that if the enemy of the other world wants to plot against the whole world, he will do it with a storm.

But the world instinctively guessed wrong, Xu Wen was not interested in the fate of the Fengyun world, and the world itself.

He let the Soul Mother Worm come to this world, completely saving the idea of making a profit.

If you can take advantage of more, you can take advantage of more, but there is no intention of destroying the world.

After all, there are dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and even more traces of Nuwa in this world, and Xu Wen is still quite jealous of this.

Therefore, in this place of the Tianxia Society, the ghost mother worm left only one spirit insect for monitoring.

The Soul Mother Worm wants to control the martial artists of the world and turn them into shadows in their souls, but the goal is not really to enslave them, but to collect the martial arts of the entire rivers and lakes with their hands.

The Fengyun World is a world that is more advanced than other martial arts worlds.

There are many miracles, and the strong are proliferated!

In this world, if you are not congenital, you are not a small master in the rivers and lakes, and the grandmaster, the big grandmaster and the strong are the mainstream figures in the rivers and lakes.

But the real strong are at the level of heaven and man.

For example, the Fengyun duo in the complete period, Nameless, Sword Saint, Sword Demon, Sword Emperor, Pig Emperor, Evil Emperor, Absolute Godless, Imperial Shadow and others are all masters of heaven and man combat power.

Among them, there is no name, and there is some combat power of the great heavenly people.

And like Wu Invincible, Demon Lord Bai Suzhen, Immortal God, Emperor Shitian, Xiao Sanxiao, Great Demon God, etc., are all real Great Heavenly Human level powerhouses.

And the top existence is the divine dragon, phoenix, and unicorn.

The latter two are suspected to have problems, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

The divine dragon is a real peak life of the Great Heavenly Man, and it is a super life form with normal combat power that has taken half a step of the Great Heavenly Man.

Xu Wen let the ghost mother worm control the world, in order to collect the world's martial arts and harvest the wisdom crystallization developed by the world's martial arts for thousands of years.

He wants ordinary martial arts, and he also wants the martial arts of those super masters.

Why did Xu Wen let the ghost mother worm pay attention to collecting martial arts this time, because martial arts contain the entire martial arts of the rivers and lakes, and contain the knowledge and understanding of heaven and earth by the intelligent race of this world.

Through these ordinary martial artists, as well as the martial arts of the strong people in the rivers and lakes, Xu Wen can reverse the details of the rule system of the entire Fengyun World.

The types of rules and the details of their composition have extremely important reference significance for Xu Wen to construct the world and develop the world.

It can be said that martial arts is a reflection of the deep operation of the entire world.

Otherwise, these martial arts would not be able to exert so much power between heaven and earth.

Of course, the role of these martial arts does not stop there, it can also be a help to promote the development of martial arts forces in the entire Xuanhuang Reincarnation World.

After the Fengyun duo joined the Tianxia Society, they began to accept them as apprentices under the guidance of the fate of the mud bodhisattvas, hoping to make the two become a powerful help for themselves to dominate the world.

Soon, Fengyun began to become a bully who helped him expand his domination.

In this process, under the influence of the power of fate, everything went extremely smoothly for Xiongba, as if nothing could stop him.

But this also makes the rivers and lakes more chaotic.

In this situation, all those martial artists who were controlled by the spirit worm began to secretly collect those martial arts that they usually had no access to.

With the end of the process of Fengyun helping to dominate the rivers and lakes, the ghost mother insect has collected ninety out of five martial arts in the Central Plains through the spirit ghost worm.

And what she didn't collect, part of it really can't be obtained, and forcibly taking it is easy to expose the existence of spiritual charms.

After all, in this world, the hidden laughter and three smiles, the immortal god, the demon lord Bai Suzhen, the great demon god and other strong people are monitoring the world.

Another part is the martial arts that exists in the Tianxia Society.

Out of instinctive precautions against the world, the ghost mother worm has not moved here.

Next, the Fengyun drama began, and the Fengyun duo defected from the World Association and began their tortuous lives.

During this period, the Soul Mother Worm shifted its attention to the regions outside the Central Plains.

The high-level martial arts she first collected were the martial arts that existed in Xu Wen's memory, and existed in the turtle shell.

She didn't have the clouds to explore the other advanced martial arts in the Lingyun Cave, because the last time the spirit insect lurked in the place where the dragon vein was located, it was almost discovered by the world instinct.

The world instinctively has always paid attention to the Lingyun Grotto, and the world will meet these two places of destiny.

Outside the region, especially where Dongying is located, there are also many martial arts.

The spirit insects invaded the place in a big way, manipulating many people, but they carefully avoided the place where the Great Demon God brothers were.

They successfully collected high-level martial arts such as killing wolves, killing fists, and immortal golden bodies, as well as a number of low-level martial arts.

She also collected the Blue Moon Saint Lord's Phaseless Breaking Vitality martial arts, as well as other low-level martial arts.

While collecting these things, the Soul Mother Worm also focused part of its energy on finding the island where the Aquatic Race is located.

After three years of searching, she finally determined the area where the aquarium was located.

Then the spirit insect followed, which not only allowed her to determine the location of the only dragon in this world, but also allowed her to obtain the unique martial arts of the Water Tribe.

But on this island, she found some interesting and extremely secret information.

Through this information, the ghost mother worm has a bold speculation.

That is, the whole world was originally not a high-level cave world, but a small thousand world above the cave sky.

But the world does not know what has changed, and the whole world is constantly degrading.

The whole world is also left with only four divine beasts, the unicorn, the phoenix, the divine dragon, and the divine turtle, and the divine beasts that are very precious to the normal world, the world instinct of this world not only does not protect them, but makes them constantly fall in the drama of fate.

If it were normal, such a mythical beast would promote the progress and improvement of a world at the level of the rules of life, but this world has a meaning to abandon them.

This discovery made the ghost mother worm attach great importance to it.

Because Xu Wen let her appear in this world, in addition to the task of collecting martial arts, the second task is to capture the living divine dragon, the unicorn, obtain the blood of the phoenix and the sacred turtle, and use them as the source to shape the origin of the divine beast of the Xuanhuang reincarnation world.

But now it seems that the bloodline of this world's divine beast is more likely to be a big pit.

After she contacted Xu Wen through a secret spirit insect, Xu Wen immediately asked her to stop investigating the matter and only collect high-level martial arts.

Don't touch all the physical objects in this world.

Xu Wen was sure that there were indeed big problems in this world, which he ignored at first, he thought that they were just enchanted because of the special situation.

But now by getting ancient information from the aquatic tribes, their problem is not enchantment, but a bigger problem.

Although he didn't know what the problems were, Xu Wen immediately decided to abandon them.

In the heavens and realms, some are worlds where there are phoenixes, divine dragons, unicorns and other divine beasts, and there is no need to step on an unknown pit.

But if you just collect the pure wisdom knowledge of martial arts, the virtual thing, then the work of the ghost mother worm will end soon.

Exploring the heavens will not really go well, and Xu Wen has been mentally prepared for this.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 45

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