
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 46

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 46
After discovering that there were unknown risks in the Fengyun World, Xu Wen planned to want nothing, and even the ghost mother worm was not recovered.

The main task of the Soul Mother Worm is still to collect the newly emerging martial arts wisdom in the Fengyun World.

Under the premise of ensuring safety and survival, its secondary target is the Sword Realm.

Xu Wen asked her to find a way to send the sub-body into the sword realm to analyze the special world of the sword world, as well as the martial arts with spiritual wisdom, the essence of the twelve swords of Xuanyin.

To this end, the Soul Mother Insect has formulated a plan to make this realm kendo flourish quickly.

She is ready to let the two young kendo masters controlled by the spirit charm insects grow up, and then let them absorb the essence of the world's kendo, and then collide with each other's kendo, so as to take the opportunity to lead out the sword world, and use their hands to let the spirit charm infiltrate the sword world.

It's just that this plan takes a long time.

Xu Wen allows the Soul Mother Worm to continue to develop in that world, with survival as his main goal.

No matter what problems exist in that world, something very deep will always appear over time.

And as long as the ghost mother worm hides itself, it can rely on spiritual power to feed and live forever.

But Xu Wen's affairs did not end there, he created the second Soul Mother Worm, and also combined the shortcomings and disadvantages of the first Soul Mother Worm to upgrade her.

Xu Wen called her Phantom Soul Two, and the previous one was called Ghost Soul One.

His target was still a high-level divine beast bloodline, as well as a high-level spirit beast, Lingzhi.

But the low-level Dongtian world is basically dominated by human trajectories, and there are few traces of divine beasts, and which world has the bloodline of oriental divine beasts?

Xu Wen thought about this question carefully, trying to find the target world from memory.

But when he thought about it, he first thought of two otherworlds that were suspected to be the Dongtian world, and those two worlds had rare bloodline beings such as dragons and phoenixes.

One is the double dragon world, and the other is the world of rivers and lakes where a sword immortal kneels and the world fights for luck.

However, the latter's world is suspected to be the existence of Qi Luck Immortals, and there may be a deeper mysterious existence hidden behind the scenes, and Xu Wen is more cautious about this.

This kind of world that people can't see clearly and can't see through is the most dangerous.

Haotian World seems terrifying, Haotian can suppress everything and devour everything, but all its trajectories are bright and are known to Xu Wen.

There is no terrifying old six, a netherworld-type powerhouse in the world.

The world where a sword immortal kneels is different, the heavenly immortals feed on the luck of the world, the yellow three jia in the world layout the world, the Confucian saint secretly sits in the world for eight hundred years, and there are more immortal eunuchs in the palace.

It can be said that in this world, there are old sixths everywhere, and the risk is too great.

Without crushing the absolute strength of this world, he would not easily snatch physical things from this world.

The land immortal powerhouse of this side of the world is actually equivalent to a heavenly man, a great heavenly human level powerhouse.

It seems very good and interesting, but it is not within the high-quality starting goal in Xu Wen's rational analysis.

And the world of Double Dragon seems safe, but this world hides more terrible.

Because the warriors of this world can shatter the void, the God of War Temple that exists in the God of War catalog is even related to the legendary boss Guangchengzi.

This is a world where there is a suspected upper realm, and the danger level is even higher than the former.

Xu Wen did not rashly believe his analysis, he created two ghost mother insects of slightly lower quality, Phantom Soul No. 3 and No. 4, let them enter these two worlds, collect martial arts information for him, and secretly pay attention to some secret situations.

Soon after, he got some information in the dust of history and made a preliminary judgment.

With his current strength, it is really difficult to fight the idea of these two worlds, and if he does not do it, it will give the other party a chance to counter-invade.

The Double Dragon World is even suspected of having appeared people from other realms, but they all mysteriously disappeared.

The third and fourth of the ghost soul are still to collect such a virtual thing as martial arts wisdom, and do not send physical dangerous substances to the Xuanhuang reincarnation world, let alone the divine dragon and phoenix bloodline inside.

Their main task in this world is still to survive, along with collecting martial arts for Xu Wen.

But the essence of their existence is to locate these two worlds and observe all the changes in the world itself.

They are Xu Wen's dark eyes that understand the secrets of these two worlds and learn how they work.

These two worlds can't mess around, but Xu Wen then thought of the traces of divine beasts in the two low-level Dongtian worlds.

One is the Demon Sword Life and Death Chess World.

There is a phoenix in this world, Xu Wen opened the door to this world, and after analyzing it, he directly snatched the phoenix of this world.

Strictly speaking, it's not a true phoenix.

But Xu Wen strengthened its phoenix bloodline with the origin of the world, making its bloodline return to its ancestors, and became a phoenix blood divine beast that was comparable to half a step above the Great Heavenly Man.

Unfortunately, it still hasn't evolved into a pure-blood phoenix.

This is due to the limitations of the world of Xuanhuang reincarnation.

Xu Wen let this phoenix live in a super active volcano further south of the southern continent, survive here, and breed with some passing birds, giving birth to some secondary bloodline phoenix spirit birds.

After the bloodline of the first divine beast between heaven and earth spread, the entire world quickly reached the peak of the Cave Heaven World.

The bloodline of the divine beast is different, and after the bloodline spreads, it quickly improves the foundation of the rules of the world and enhances the foundation of the life resources of the entire world.

The other world is the world of wind and cloud, this world is completely different from the world where there is a smile and three smiles, and there are four unicorn divine beasts in it.

Fortunately, this world is also a cave-level world.

These four Qilin Divine Beasts were originally sealed by the instinct of the world, but they were born when necessary to cooperate with the drama of fate.

But Xu Wen robbed these four divine beasts by force.

To this end, he struck a blow with that world instinct, and the power of the world origin erupted collided, almost shattering the chaotic space-time channel between the projection of the world gate and the body.

But Xu Wen made a strong move and still snatched four unicorns.

Like phoenixes, shallow water is difficult to raise real dragons, and these four unicorns are also secondary-bloodline unicorn divine beasts.

This time, he also used the World Origin to purify the four Qilin bloodlines and purify them to the half-step level above the Great Heavenly Man.

They were placed by Xu Wen in the middle mountains of the wild forests of the southern continent.

This will be their clan land, and their task is to breed more Qilin bloodlines here, and at the same time, they can also reproduce with other terrestrial life, creating other secondary bloodline Qilin lives, or other land spirit beasts containing Qilin bloodlines.

Phoenix blood and unicorn blood all began to spread, but the most important dragon blood, Xu Wen did not get.

It's just that the Divine Dragon Bloodline is not in a hurry.

Phoenix blood, unicorn blood, has made up for the world's deficiencies at the level of divine beasts, plus the many martial arts he has obtained, and the operation of the rules of the world they involve require him to analyze, process, learn, improve, and optimize.

Now that the Xuanhuang Dongtian World is developing too fast, it already has the meaning of eating in all aspects.

Xu Wen decided to pause for a while and digest everything.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 46

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