
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 47

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 47
This time, it only took Xu Wen ten years to deal with all the martial arts, and the issues they involved in the composition of the rules of the original world.

His work is done, but the evolution and growth of the world itself takes time.

So Xu Wen himself once again became idle.

Xuanhuang Dongtian World is moving from a high-level Dongtian World to a top-level peak state Dongtian World.

This process is carried out naturally and can be successfully completed as the world evolves.

This natural evolution process, after Xu Wen's analysis, found that it is the most perfect growth state.

The result of his intervention is not good, at least in the long run.

Under such circumstances, Xu Wen was panicking.

After all, the entire upgrade process takes at least a thousand years, of course, this is a thousand years of time flowing quickly, and Xuanhuang reincarnation is a thousand years in the world.

Put it in other worlds, it will take a few years to a dozen years.

Xu Wen's Buddha-figure once again set out, and in boredom, he once again gave birth to the idea of going to other realms to play.

This time, Xu Wen decided to go to Haotian World for a stroll!

The Haotian world is very dangerous, heaven and earth are about to usher in the long night of a thousand years of calamity, the earth is frozen, and everything is withering.

Haotian wants to devour the heaven and earth beings she shepherds.

Similarly, this world is completely under the control of Haotian, a god, and entering it is like entering a cage.

But why did Xu Wen want to go.

The reason is simple, that is, it just looks dangerous, but as long as the master is in the world, the world is not controlled by Haotian, which is a world where heaven and earth are divided and opposed to each other.

Moreover, he also prepared special means that allowed him to withdraw from Haotian World at any time.

Even if he didn't use this method, the World Gate alone could guarantee his exit at any time.

With a master in the world, Haotian is not a big trouble, and safety is not a big problem.

Outsiders must first settle inside!

I believe that Haotian understands this truth, for her, the master is more dangerous than the alien in the outside world.

The existence of the outside world is risky, but it is not too big, but if the master continues to grow, he may take Haotian's place.

After all, people are not weaker than Hao Tian's Immortal Realm powerhouse in the world!

Xu Wen's going to Haotian World is not so simple, just a simple game, the main body of a world, how can the existence of the computing power of heaven and earth be simple.

His real goal is hidden in this tour.

Xu Wen appeared in the Haotian World this time, and also made the door of the world come to the east and west, and he himself came quietly.

He descended outside Weicheng, and the time was exactly one year before the woodcutter Ning and the little maid went to Chang'an City in the Great Tang Dynasty.

Xu Wen came to the entrance from Weicheng to Minshan, where he sat on a high mountain for a year, and his whole person almost turned into a stone man.

He has been observing the rules of time and space in Haotian World and carefully analyzing their deep mysteries.

For him, Hao Tian's own most terrifying power is not light or darkness, but the power of time and space that she controls.

In the past year, he himself has completely understood and seen through the rules of time and space revealed between Haotian World and heaven and earth.

As a Buddha-figure, he was already an internal martial artist half a step above the Great Heavenly Man.

He could have gone further, but did not do so, keeping the Buddha-figure parallel to the limits of the world.

For this is necessary for Buddha-figures to be equal to the world level.

In terms of mental power, he was already a half-step eight-realm powerhouse, not much different from the current Guan Lord.

The distance of the master can no longer be described by the realm.

It was a step beyond the limits of the world, a level at the same level as heaven and earth.

The place where Haotian is stronger than Fuzi is that her foundation and foundation are the whole world itself, the kingdom of God, and Fuzi's foundation is only a mortal body.

The Master is already beyond the limits of the world, and is an alternative half-step world detached being.

It is a pity that this world dominates Haotian, not world instinct.

Moreover, Haotian World has blocked the world under the sky, and the wider starry sky is dead and silent and unchanged.

The starry sky is difficult to be affected and interfered with by human changes.

Otherwise, with the entry of the master, he will bring the whole world to sublimate on his own.

The entire Haotian world, strictly speaking, is only a half-small world-class world, and it is Haotian's existence that binds the development of the entire world, causing it to fall into an endless cycle of the fate of heaven and earth.

This kind of dead cycle, let Haotian perish every time, the gains brought by her only let her maintain the current situation, but cannot be improved.

Xu Wen found that if the whole world does not change, it will go to the exhaustion of the world.

He even had a bold analysis, whether the evolution process itself of the master's successful transformation of the moon and the unsealing of the world into the earth was also in Haotian's heavenly calculation.

Because if you carefully look at the fate trajectory behind, you will find that the master has turned into a moon, the Lord Guan is dead, and Haotian seems to have lost her strict seal to the world, but she has not suffered anything.

She is still the master of the world, still alive!

She came down from the kingdom of God and was able to eat the master and others, then she naturally did not lose.

If she doesn't succeed, she is pregnant with the protagonist Ning's child, she can also defeat the Guan Lord through Ning and make the academy her side.

No matter how she acted, she was not the one who suffered in the end.

And Ning Que, this traverser, seems to be an accident, maybe it is a chess piece laid by her, or even she may have discovered the protagonist of this accident, and realized from luck that she could not eliminate him, then master Ning someone and let him become his own.

And what is a better way to make herself a woman who Ning someone, after all, Haotian has his child.

Even being castrated behind Ning Que was also her masterpiece that was not smooth after the plan.

After all, someone who was already like this could no longer continue to influence her, just a child.

Xu Wen completely hid his breath, looked at the sky and earth, and gradually gained insight into something.

But these guesses are just guesses, and he needs to verify them.

So, looking at the convoy of Princess Tang from Weicheng, Xu Wen shattered the mud shell on his body, revealing a beggar suit.

He went down! Wait for people!

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 47

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