
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 48

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 48
"Who is Your Excellency? Why dare to block the driving of Princess Tang Guo? "

A long army is advancing, in the center is the car of the princess of the Tang Kingdom, and in front is the car of the guide Ning and the maid Hao Tian.

Although they are guides, they have the lowest status and can only walk in the front.

And in front is very dangerous, the most vulnerable position.

But at this moment, after the scout in front of him went three miles ahead, he stopped a young man waiting on the side of the road, covered in shabby clothes, as if he was a beggar, but his face was extremely clean and his temperament was ethereal, as if he was a cultivator.

The princess's guards and the pawns of the Wei Kingdom are all well-informed people who have experienced a long time and are well-informed.

They could see at a glance that this young man was probably a cultivator who was not weak, and although he was questioning between his words, he was more polite and guarded a lot.

If the other party hadn't sat directly in the middle of the avenue, they wouldn't have much trouble at all, and would only go back directly to report.

"I want to go to Chang'an with you, but the Minshan road is dangerous and has a lot of trouble, and I want to use the power of the princess to reduce these troubles, and ask the Great Tang Princess for permission!"

There were five sentries in front, four of them looked at Xu Wen, who went down the mountain to block the road, and took the initiative to appear in front of Hao Tian's eyes, and one went back to report.

After a while, an old man came in a carriage and looked at Xu Wen, his eyes shining with surprise.

"Sir has an extraordinary temperament, he must be a cultivator, why must he accompany the princess of Tang Kingdom? Excuse me, what country is the practitioner of Sir? Xiling, Southern Jin, Dahe, Song Kingdom, or Demon Sect?

When he spoke of the last Demon Sect, a little hostility unconsciously rose in his tone.

But what he is sure of is that a person with such a temperament can never come from the Hanging Temple, the White Pagoda Temple and other Buddhist gates.

Buddhist disciples are more brutal, more barbaric than barbarians.

The old man was none other than Lu Qingchen, who was responsible for guarding the fishing princess of the Tang Kingdom.

"None of them, don't worry, I just want to go together, and there is a master, which cultivator dares to harm the princess of the Tang Kingdom in the territory of the Tang Kingdom." Of course, if your own people make a move, you will be an exception in the eyes of the Master.

Xu Wen directly revealed some interesting information.

Hearing the other party mention the master, Lu Qingchen was a little distracted, but he still couldn't make the decision, so he asked the princess back.

As soon as this fisher princess heard that it was a powerful cultivator who was blocking the way, she immediately thought about wooing and agreed to Xu Wen's companionship.

In the heart of this fisher princess, as long as there is someone who can help her waste wood brother, she is willing to woo her.

When the follow-up team arrived, Xu Wen ignored the fisher princess who wanted to talk to him, and directly flashed into the frame of Ning's master and servant.

At this time, Haotian in the little maid's body showed signs of awakening, but Xu Wen grabbed Ning someone.

"Young man, as soon as I see you, I feel cordial and willing to go to Chang'an with you, and my food and drink along the way can be handed over to you!"

The little maid saw that Xu Wen's hand was on Ning someone's body, and a terrifying and secret force fell on Ning someone, and the next second she was able to take his life.

This is not the power of mental power, but the power of internal force.

The Hao Tian will in the little maid's body miraculously fell silent.

At this moment, the corners of Xu Wen's mouth seemed to be crooked with a smile.

He had already got the answer, whether he wanted to eat the master or not, whether he could successfully eat it, this Ning someone was indeed the most important pawn on the chessboard after Hao Tianshen fell.

With her power to protect secretly, it was impossible for others to kill someone else, including that Suzaku in Chang'an City.

But Xu Wen was not among them, so she was nervous, and she did not show her head.

This shows that Xu Wen's previous analysis is correct, and the Fuzihuayue itself is also a choice for Haotian not to lose!

Xu Wen clearly transmitted to her in secret.

"I came to this world only to play, not to spoil the interest in the destiny line in your calculation, we each play our own!"

It was also his expression of meaning that Haotian did not really break out.

Between the two, a secret and fragile tacit understanding was reached, and of course Haotian would not fully believe Xu Wen's words.

The breath of this guy was familiar to her, and the other party snatched the peach tree from Momoyama and snatched her big black umbrella made in the night.

But the current situation, which ruins everything, will definitely be detrimental to her future plans.

So, she put up with it for the time being.

The secret tacit understanding between the two, Ning someone does not know, but he is very unhappy with this self-acquainted guy.

It's just that he heard the information from the previous sentry, and this person is likely to be a great cultivator.

So, for practice, for strength, for revenge.

Ning someone endured!

"Good! Although Mr. eats and drinks well, I would rather someone else not, but I will definitely make Mr. comfortable. Ning

Someone made a somewhat flattering statement.

"Okay, but I'm going to eat the noodles she made, the same as yours, no discount!"

Xu Wende was very faceless.

Haotian is the boss of this world, and the food she cooks is not qualified for everyone, and Xu Wen also wants to taste the cooking skills of the world's highest god.

The little maid makes noodles every day, and she is a must on the face!

If it weren't for the fear of Hao Tian's violent upfall, Xu Wen would even want to reach out and pat the little maid's head.

"So, sir, are you a cultivator?"

Ning asked impatiently.

Xu Wen said: "If you don't pay, there is no return, wait until you finish your things, come and ask." Ning

thought that this guy was so treacherous that he couldn't speak.

The other party just wants him to serve food and drink, and only after he is comfortable can he answer the questions he craves.

But it is also possible that the other party is drawing him a big pie, and it may be large.

Because this mysterious "sir" is most likely an extremely selfish and shameless guy like him, making him feel like he has met his peers.

But this person is also one of the few opportunities he can practice, even if it is to draw bread, even if the opportunity is small, he must seize it and try.

Therefore, Ning Someone was obviously deflated, but he still endured it.

In this way, Xu Wen successfully mixed up with Hao Tian, the most dangerous place in the eyes of the world's cultivation masters, but he was not dangerous at all.

As long as Xu Wen had the strength to kill someone Ning at close range, Haotian would not wake up, let alone disrupt her existing plans.

Because she also couldn't see through Xu Wen, a visitor from other worlds.

Along the way, although Haotian did not wake up, the little maid instinctively disliked Xu Wen, and the little black charcoal had a stinky face on him.

If it weren't for Ning's persuasion, she wouldn't even give Xu Wenren a face.

But for Xu Wen, this is nothing, Hao Tian's noodles are delicious, worthy of being eaten by the gods of this world.

The simplest noodles reached her hands, all turned into magic and had a different kind of charm.

Moreover, the cold aura hidden in the little maid, as well as the deeper light power hidden, made Xu Wen secretly observe, analyze, analyze, and gain a lot.

Through this power of light and darkness, he gained a great, extremely important harvest in this world!

The most important goal was carried out at the first opening, and Xu Wen secretly cheered.

His most important task in this world is not to play and relax, that is only part of it, the real goal is Haotian, he is very interested in how Haotian's power essence balances light, darkness, time, space, and becomes the essential secret of the almost world lord with the resource of believing in gods.

Now he is beside Hao Tiandi step by step, secretly analyzing these mysteries.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 48

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