
I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 49

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 49
The convoy continued to move forward, and then encountered an ambush prepared for the fisher princess by Xia Hou, the general of the Great Tang Dynasty.

Ning gave the right advice, but he had offended the princess before, and the suggestion was useless.

And the fishing princess wanted to befriend Xu Wen and win him over, but Xu Wen avoided her meaning the whole time.

He enjoyed the service of Ning someone serving tea and pouring water, but he didn't mention the slightest thing about cultivation, and kept hanging Ning someone.

A well-organized ambush appeared without surprise.

The cultivators who were ambushing also appeared one by one, and the two sides fiercely tore apart in this small area.

But no matter how fierce the scene was, everyone ignored Xu Wen, as if the person sitting on the roof of the carriage watching the play did not exist.

Ning took the little maid to hide, carefully avoiding or countering the assassin's attacks.

He also noticed Xu Wen, who leisurely watched this killing as a play.

But everyone around ignored Xu Wen's existence and completely forgot about his existence, only he and his little maid noticed it.

"That bad guy is so good, so many people can't find him."

The little maid sighed in surprise.

Ning Someone also really confirmed that this guy was a master among cultivators, a real master.

I didn't see several cultivators who fought at the scene, and they couldn't "discover" his existence at all.

They didn't know that it was this Xu Wen who used the power principle of the forgetting spell through the way of mental power, which could weaken their sense of existence and let the people around them directly forget their existence.

And here, only the little maid with Haotian's will, and Ning, who also had Haotian's power, were able to be immune to the effects of this power and discover his existence.

Ning immediately took the little maid and ran to Xu Wen, but the killers who stopped him on the way noticed that his killers were increasing.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, obviously this high-ranking man did not want to disturb his interest in watching the play now, and people did not want to shelter him at all.

Ning someone cannot, can only retreat towards a safe place, by the way saved a certain brainless princess.

Lu Qingchen shot out with all his strength, blocking several cultivator assassins, and then the other party released the demon explosion.

At the critical moment, Ning shot an extremely crucial arrow, which directly solved Lu Qingchen's crisis and saved everyone except Xu Wen.

When Ning looked back at the "big master" Xu Wen, he had quietly returned to the car.

Then reinforcements arrived belatedly, and everyone continued on their way.

This time, the fisher princess forgot Xu Wen's existence, because the power effect of oblivion was still effective for her, and Xu Wen was trying her best to analyze the mystery of Haotian's power, how could she continue to disturb herself.

Even Hua Shanyue and the others instinctively ignored Xu Wen's existence.

It was as if he wasn't in the team at all.

"Teacher, this person is very powerful and mysterious, but what does it mean that he followed the princess's convoy to Chang'an City?"

Inside the academy, Li Man saw Xu Wen's actions from a distance, and he was very puzzled.

Could it be that this person was not afraid of the master, and also specially ran to Chang'an, running under the eyes of the master, what purpose did he have?

Also, why did he go out of his way to follow Ning and that little maid, as if he were like an ass.

"This guy is an outlier like that kid, but this guy even snatched two jugs of my wine!" As for what purpose he had, when he arrived in Chang'an, he watched slowly, and he knew if he saw the end.

Xu Wen didn't hide some breath, so the master recognized the guy who stole his wine.

Hearing that this person had snatched two jugs of wine from his master, Li Manman was shocked.

Someone was able to snatch something from the master, and if this thing was spread, it would be big news that shocked the whole world.

And people can see that whether it is a master or that person, there is no obvious hostility between them.

Li Manman also understood the master's attitude towards this person, that is, to watch and see.

The discussion between the two of them, Xu Wen did not know, but he guessed.

He naturally noticed that there were two lines of sight watching Ning Man's movements all the way, one was naturally Fuzi, and the other was probably Li Manman.

The mind of the Lord also wanted to come over, but was forced to retreat by the master.

Before the Master Huayue appeared to be a saint, he could only be a drifter in the sea in the depths of the South China Sea.

On the other hand, because he was saved by Ning, Lu Qingchen had an exchange with him.

However, although the result of this exchange made him realize some basic knowledge of cultivation, it still could not solve his problem.

Seventeen tips of the Snow Mountain Qi Sea, he only passed six tips!

This meant that he would never be able to perceive the vitality of heaven and earth, nor could he become a cultivator.

Hearing this desperate answer again, Ning was a little lost.

If he can't practice and master power, how can he fight against the enemy who destroyed the door and the people behind them?

Only the Xia Hou he knew was not only a high-ranking person, but also a strong cultivator and a martial arts master.

There is nothing he can do to take revenge.

And the only way to take revenge is for him to embark on the path of cultivation and master the power of mind power and the vitality of heaven and earth.

After being lost for a long time, Ning suddenly noticed Xu Wen who was sleeping peacefully next to the little maid in the carriage.

Perhaps, he can help himself!

He put the last straw of his practice on Xu Wen's body.

So on the next road, Ning was more attentive to Xu Wen, and asked him about cultivation from time to time.

"Don't worry, when I get to Chang'an City, when I feel very comfortable on this road, I will give you an answer."

For every side knock after his courtesy, Xu Wen has always answered this way, which made Ning Someone grit his teeth secretly, and he felt more and more that the other party was fooling him, but he had no evidence and did not dare to give up.

The two enjoyed one by one, and followed the convoy with a smile on their faces, and finally arrived in the Great Tang Chang'an of this world after a long journey.

When he arrived outside Chang'an City, Ning was separated from the princess's convoy, and the princess completely forgot about Xu Wen's existence.

And when Ning separated from Xu Wen, Xu Wen also gave him the answer he wanted.

"You are indeed unable to practice congenitally, but you have the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation, but your chance requires you to fight for it with the danger of life and death, and the opportunity is in the academy. Work hard boy, and strive to get into the academy, where there is everything you are after! This

was the answer he gave to Ning, but he then added meaningfully.

"Two, we will see each other again later, I believe that everything about you is still very interesting!"

After speaking, Xu Wen walked into Chang'an City completely ignored by the city gate soldiers.

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I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world

I am the way of heaven, from the ultra-micro dimension to the eternal world - Chapter 49

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